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Unread January 9th, 2012
truthmon truthmon is offline
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Good article.It clearly states what I been saying Obamas policys failed
big time.I see OB is campaining steadily in the swing states to double
down on this same colossal failed policy-adding more debt to a very critical
problem.None of us ever want to think about it but it will have to be
paid back -that coming with alot of pain.First and rapidly approaching
the interest of this debt is eating up more of the budget.
He pointed out shortfalls of the repubs candidates.Some truth-alot
of flaws with these candidats.But they all have the potential to make this a better situation
than what BO is capable of doing.I cant find the logic in saying everybody
in a party has lost their way-so all is hopeless.
Hopefully the less flawed of this group wins the nomination-then wins
the election with a clear mandate by the people on a tight leash.
I dont think as a people we can prudently do anything else unless
the BO steps down and we get a better option.We both know Trooth that
wont happen.
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trooth trooth is offline
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TM, you missed the point of the article. Rep Presidents have been, and will continue to be worse for our economy than Dem presidents. That is because their philosophy fails time and time again. The only way to have a continuously stable and improving economy is to promote policies that strengthen the 'middle class' or whatever name you want to give to the majority of the public, and to restore upward mobility as a realistic possibility for people at the bottom and in the middle. Just look at history. Any government in history which oppressed their population eventually crashed and burned. It makes no difference whether it was communist, fascist, or any other defective ideology. America without a strong and secure middle class is doomed to fail. The Reps have had one successful President since Eisenhower. The last time they controlled the WH, the country entered a period of accelerated decline. They have to earn the trust of the public if they want Executive power again. A good start would be for the Reps in Congress to start acting like legitimate leaders and govern responsibly like they were elected to do. Until that happens, they have no credibility in my book. Single digit approval ratings for Congress. They are obstructionists willing to gamble with our country for their own personal objectives. The Rep party is in complete disarray. They may keep the House, and may even squeek out a victory in the Senate, but they won't get the grand prize they so desperately seek. Most Americans see through the Rep BS. They ARE truly the party of the Elite.
Unread January 9th, 2012
ichi the killer ichi the killer is offline
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Trooth brings an interesting point to the table here. The fact that the Republican/Fox News Network/ political spin machine pander to the lowest common denominator to rally the right wing Republican voters to get the vote out on little 'fringe" wedge type issues. Historically, the Republicans have been doing this for a long time, like 20/30 years. Aka gay marriage. Who cares. Abortion? Whatever. Managed care death squads? Really? Gays in the military? Whatever.

Remember R Reagans "Welfare Queens driving welfare cadillacs." He coined this phrase in his 1976 failed presidential run. Later on when Reagan was president he declared war on the "Welfare Queens" by gutting the funding of social services while giving huge tax breaks to the rich "more deserving" citizens.

Remember "Willy Horton" the black bogey man trotted out by G H Bush against Ducakis in election year 1988.

And recent history: who can forget "Swift boats for truth" from GW Bush against Kerry 2004? What ever distracts and gets out the vote. None of those things mattered in the long haul though. Only mattered because it got the voting idiots out to vote against their own self interests and vote for Republicans. I hate anything on Fox now. That chanel makes me want to puke everytime I walk throught the lounge at work and that shit is on.

And what about the idiots who rise to prominence/infamy as Republican candidates and even presidents? Sarah Palin? G W Bush? R Reagan? Herman Cain? Rick Perry? What a fucking group of fools. At the New Hampshire Repub debate Perry suggested the USA should go back to Iraq to finish the business there. WTF? Is he serious? Are those really the best candidates the right wing could come up with.

Last edited by ichi the killer; January 9th, 2012 at 08:04 PM.
Unread January 9th, 2012
truthmon truthmon is offline
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You guys are definatatly missing something.BO called for a 1 year extention of payroll taxes.The house pass a bill with a 1 yr extention.
Reid didnt like it and he wouldnt even negotiate a compromise.Instead
he got the Senate to pass a 2 month extention and left town.Then BO
attacks the repubs over this.Econmists say this cannot be handled
well by business as no one is set up on 2 month cycles.Some say this
is bad politics.I say this is the same shit this administration has been
doing for 3 years now.To me it appears they think the American people
are the fools.I dont believe they are and an alternative will be found.
Unread January 9th, 2012
trooth trooth is offline
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Dude, your responses are getting lamer and sillier. The Reps in Congress, and not OB, are the problem with the federal gov't. Why can't you bring some of your Buddies in here to join the battle. You really need a break.

There is only one candidate in the Rep nomination race who is potentially good Presidential material ~ and the Rep party is too stoopid to choose him.

I was going to point this out much sooner, but I decided to wait until the race was essentially wrapped up, so I wouldn't tip you guys off in time.
Unread January 10th, 2012
Lector Lector is offline
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agree, but he still has religion issues. He's the only one that hasn't been chosen as Flavor of the Month.
suggesting we re-set nothruthman, i think his circuits are crossed.
Unread January 10th, 2012
truthmon truthmon is offline
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Dude you arent an independent, you avoid anything that doesnt fit into
the narrow minded path your on.
But I aint nobodys asswipe, I am an independent and cant vote in a
primary.I have no idea who you think you would tip off and why you
feel you know the only good candidate.I was wondering what kind
of fool could continue to support BO after his comical tenure.I voted
for him last time and shortly after had buyers remorse.Now I know how
big of an idiot you are to think that guy deserves reelection.I wish
they counted votes by IQ level.That way the idiots that would vote
for BO again would hardly count.Not a good thought amongst the lot of you-total waste of my time and for anyone else.Open up your mind and
you will be happier dudes.I enjoy talking politics with informed individuals.
Not finding that with you guys.
Unread January 10th, 2012
trooth trooth is offline
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Mr. TM, I will lower myself to your level for a moment, so I can ask you a question: When was the last time you voted for a President and did Not have buyers remorse shortly thereafter?
Unread January 10th, 2012
ichi the killer ichi the killer is offline
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ichi the killer is a splendid one to beholdichi the killer is a splendid one to beholdichi the killer is a splendid one to beholdichi the killer is a splendid one to beholdichi the killer is a splendid one to beholdichi the killer is a splendid one to behold

Regarding: Poor white Replicans. Why do they vote republican? that is a good question and hard to explain. i will try.

Prior to the 1960's the southern united states [poor rural] was largely and consistantly democrat. then came the civil rights movment. The south resented that {poor white men losing their importance] The Democrats championed for equal opportunity, equal hiring, voting rights. the poor white voters said "hell with equal opportunity, we don't need that." The republican went to the south and spoke of "state rights" [code for segregation.] The south [redneck] has voted Republican consistantly since the late 70's.

So why would a poor white person [who could very easily find themselves unemployed] vote for a party that does not have their best interest in mind? Recall that the republican party wants to end all social programs such as: Universal health care, unemployment benefits, food stamps. the reason why a poor white person would vote republican? 1. Because he [or she] is STUPID. 2. Pride. " I am white. I don't need government assistance, I can pull myself up by my bootstraps." The Republicans largely gave up on the black and hispanic vote. Thus all the Anti-illegal immigration stuff from the GOP.

I know some of these people at work actually. Poor white nurses. They are 1 check above the gutter and still they vote republican. They have been duped.

Part of it is anti intellectualism. [like I said, this is complex to explain] Many Democrats are not poor. Just look at Hollywood and Santa Monica. Many democrats in those area codes. The republican spin machine has duped the poor whites by spinning themselves as 'Hey we are just like you" that is why they have candidates like Sarah Palin, GW Bush, R Reagan. Folksy people that no one would acuse of being an intellectual. On the contrary, those people are very below average intellects in my honest opinion. The Republican party largely gave up on the black vote and the hispanic vote. That is one reason why the Republican party is doomed. The hispanics fuck like rabbits and they will out number whites in the USA soon. The United States is more culturally diverse than it was in the 60's. The Republicans largely run on "lets make america like it was 30 years ago." Sorry,The past is dead, "it's a God given fact that you can't go back no you can't go back." Shrivel up Devo.

Granted: The republican party is mainly concerned with making the richist 1% people richer. the Democrat party is concerned with things like "universal health care." and social safety nets. Who has a future? white people who vote "values" instead of their own self interests are soon going to be a minority. "Guns and bibles." Yeah baby. Burn baby burn!

PS. Truthman, you should pm some of your allies to come here to help you out here. We got you surounded like Sitting Bull did to Custer. Custer cried when they scalped him.

Last edited by ichi the killer; January 10th, 2012 at 09:38 PM.
Unread January 10th, 2012
truthmon truthmon is offline
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Ichi I wont deal any longer with you asswipes.Your guy is a disaster so
they got a legion of you idiots spewing something that is pure nonsence.
Its laughable that you mentioned someone elses intelligence.Tring to build up BO by talking mostly BS about an entire political party is not only
stupid but immature.And Obamacare is a disgrace according to the
several drs. I spoke to about it.You say you work with many doctors.
You wouldnt have the guts or honesty to tell what their reaction is
to that flawed bill.So spare us the bs please.And get other people
involved with the crap you offer as a debate on this presidential
election aint going to happen.No one should have to debate with asswipes.
I think it could be interesting to debate the ass that you guys wipe
and gives you direction.Arange that and you got a deal-but you
cant do it because your the fire wall to block discussions about
failed policys and not-a-clue remedies.
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