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Topic Review (Newest First)
May 27th, 2019 03:22 AM
marsean Bottom line is Yes, with a decent atty, now that a precedent has been set, for conditions that would be similar or the same. For example, the other little guys involved will be able to have the same coverage as Kraft, in basically a class action or even afterward with a decent atty. In future this should be precedent setting and notable since all should be able to recover costs with the case thrown out. What jurisdiction would be so foolish to go after the little people in what amounts to a class action case when the big fish gets it tossed out with evidence not accepted by the court? What jurisdiction would want to have to pay damages and costs for jerking all these people around? People caught up in such sort of case still need legal representation however. A fool would act as his own attorney.
May 26th, 2019 05:57 PM
Bang Qiu No, victory for extremely rich people...as usual. You think you or me would get the same deal?
May 21st, 2019 02:28 PM
marsean Some news broke recently. Unless DA appeals, judge won't admit tapes and vids as evidence. Without that, which was declared obtained illegally on several grounds, there is no case. Further defense legal team working to put lid on any of that getting out anywhere anytime. No reason that won't be final straw for this Florida fiasco. Victory for personal rights for businesses and clients.
April 25th, 2019 06:25 AM
luvnickeroff The story keeps moving all over the place and so far legally the vids cannot be released. Story heard that somehow vids leaked to internet already. Kraft's attorney's going to have their way with that if true. One storyline has LE using the fact they have footage as a bargaining chip, which already resulted in one failed attempt to get Kraft's lawyers to kneel, do a settlement, based on threat of releasing. There are a lot of bad choices being made and the legal team representing Kraft have a lot of mistakes already done by the prosecution and LE on their side. If the prosecution could ramrod Kraft in the way they have tried, anyone could be affected the same way who is in that type of situation. So this will have a while to play out but it so turns out that Kraft, enjoying a parlor experience, may wind up being a protector of everyone's rights in this scenario, which is not a bad thing, no?
March 3rd, 2019 11:33 AM
mikesan1 Any decent lawyer should be able to beat this type of entrapment.
Between planting hidden cameras and pulling cars over and asking for the passengers ID, there are too many legal holes.
But it costs money and risk of losing.
Lawyers aren't cheap and the court has ZERO mercy.
March 1st, 2019 06:26 AM
marsean Holy Hat, driving around this afternoon heard it reported on a sports radio channel that Kraft pleaded guilty to 2 counts in his case. No talk about plea deal. No doubt his atty told him if you want out of story, we'll get best deal, you'll never do jail time and its over. Quick and dirty. No challenge to charges as he first said. He's now done with it. Any fine is drop in bucket to him. Not to others. If this report was true that he changed course and decided not to fight it means this was way for him to get out and sell out the rest of the dudes caught on camera. You know, again if story accurate, media storyline will be "Even Robert Kraft knew he was caught", so any others bend over. Like someone said he moved on right away.
February 28th, 2019 04:54 AM
luvnickeroff Interesting. If accurate the bomb threat pretense for clearing out employees from the premises, then apparently without a proper search warrant issued and presented to owner or operator, installing cameras without notifying business owner does not sound legal. Not sure of Florida laws, but it just sounds like they pulled a fast one. Sounds like illegal search and seizure. If the manner it was done proves illegal you can bet all the evidence collected and any cases resulting from could be quashed. Kraft would like that. Rules of discovery would be available to Krafts attorneys to gather full background story. Another manner to throw out case is refusal of LE to disclose their method of how cameras got there due to collection without a warrant if that were the case.
February 27th, 2019 09:55 PM
jagone This is what I read, the cops "invaded" the parlor and told them that there was a bomb threat call and they needed to clear out the premises in order to search it. While pretending to search the store for a non-existent bomb, they planted cameras in every room. This is something that could potentially be used by LE all over the country if this case holds up in court. We better pray that Kraft get his team of legal geniuses and kick this thing down the sewer. Many legal ramifications to be challenged here. Legal precedence is certainly being set here. The wrong outcome could potentially destroy our hobby.
February 27th, 2019 04:38 PM
bangnhoes I want to know how they got cameras in this place considering they were living there
February 26th, 2019 03:38 PM
mikesan1 Local LE must have planted cameras in these places. I think 5 or 10 places got stung.
Imagine SoCal LE starting to do the same thing.
That could put a damper on things.
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