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Topic Review (Newest First)
April 16th, 2018 09:37 PM
Good Points

Originally Posted by Drukpa Kunley View Post
California Senate Bill 1204 is a new bill that would expand California’s prosecution of "pandering" to include any person who “arranges, causes, encourages, induces, persuades, or procures another person to be a prostitute.”

This change in the law would make sex work more dangerous, exposing escorts to near limitless legal harassment and prosecution.

The new law is written so broadly and poorly that it would criminalize conversations about sex work — each punishable by a mandatory three-to-six years in prison.

"Pandering" is a "Felony"

Provide a condom to an escort ? - go to prison

Make sure a sex worker gets home safe ? - go to prison
What about the Uber driver who gives a girl a ride home from a bar. He "accepts money" from a hooker. Felony pimping. Prison. Also Human Trafficking because he moved a hooker from one trick to another. Never mind that all he gets paid is his fare. And never mind he doesn't even know for sure she is a hooker.

Or you are a property owner and you rent to a couple. The dude is unemployed so his girl starts massaging at home. She gets caught offering a hj to an uc. You rent to them. Felony promoting prostitution by providing a room or inn for the purpose of prostitution. House gets confiscated and go to prison. It never ends
April 11th, 2018 02:55 AM
Originally Posted by TommyZ View Post
Probably not a good time to be a booker/pimp. Or a real estate agent.
Yeah Tommy...whatever happened to that Dup Dup Dup of Earl? You know...Dupree.
April 7th, 2018 03:38 PM
Originally Posted by Drukpa Kunley View Post
California Senate Bill 1204 is a new bill that would expand California’s prosecution of "pandering" to include any person who “arranges, causes, encourages, induces, persuades, or procures another person to be a prostitute.”

This change in the law would make sex work more dangerous, exposing escorts to near limitless legal harassment and prosecution.

The new law is written so broadly and poorly that it would criminalize conversations about sex work — each punishable by a mandatory three-to-six years in prison.

"Pandering" is a "Felony"

Provide a condom to an escort ? - go to prison

Make sure a sex worker gets home safe ? - go to prison
Probably not a good time to be a booker/pimp. Or a real estate agent.
April 6th, 2018 09:48 AM
Drukpa Kunley California Senate Bill 1204 is a new bill that would expand California’s prosecution of "pandering" to include any person who “arranges, causes, encourages, induces, persuades, or procures another person to be a prostitute.”

This change in the law would make sex work more dangerous, exposing escorts to near limitless legal harassment and prosecution.

The new law is written so broadly and poorly that it would criminalize conversations about sex work — each punishable by a mandatory three-to-six years in prison.

"Pandering" is a "Felony"

Provide a condom to an escort ? - go to prison

Make sure a sex worker gets home safe ? - go to prison
April 5th, 2018 10:07 PM
Drukpa Kunley Right on !

I was at the inauguration and there were 10 million people there. Biggest inauguration attendance in the history of the country. 100 million people watched the inauguration on TV. Biggest TV audience in the history of the country. and cheatin' Osama Bin Obama, born in Kenya, wire tapped

MSM motherfucking liars !
Liberal motherfucking liars !
Fake News motherfucking liars !


Praise Jeezus !
April 5th, 2018 09:34 PM
Drukpa Kunley Golly Gee Wiz ! right now I'm wearing my tin foil covered MAGA hat and I'm watching One America News with my good buddy Big Foot




......and watch out for the Black Helicopters coming for you

April 5th, 2018 06:51 PM
Inspector_Lee I see we're all over the initial shock, if there was any, regarding the original postings, and now it's back to Business As Usual with the same tired partisan bickering and finger-pointing we've all become accustomed to. As for the original issue, let's just comfort ourselves by repeating the mantra, "it couldn't happen to MPR, it couldn't happen to me."

I've had enough. Adios, muchachos. See you on the 6 O'Clock News.
April 5th, 2018 06:29 PM
cutback The truth hurts doesn't it DK.

Try watching One America News for real news, instead of all the political stations you mentioned. It is a sad state of affairs when the MSM push their agenda, don't you agree?
April 5th, 2018 05:58 PM
Drukpa Kunley the D.C. Madam, Deborah, operated Pamela Martin and Associates escort agency

Louisiana U.S. Senator Republican David Vitter admitted on the night of July 9, 2007, that he had been a customer of her escort service

Stormy Daniels, as a Republican, campaigned against Vitter for his senate seat during his 2010 re-election in Louisiana
April 5th, 2018 04:41 PM

Bill Hicks, er, I mean Alex Jones conducted the final interview of Deborah Jean Palfrey, the DC Madame a few years back as I recall.

Very interesting how he kind of predicted her death, he kept asking her, "you're not gonna commit suicide? are you?" etc
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