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September 27th, 2016 04:53 PM
Originally Posted by alanthick View Post
He fell for her goading him several times....he shoulda brought up Ben Ghazi, fast and furious, Russian reset, Iran Nuke, her bloody emails.

It's like someone told him to play nice. fuck it slice and dice next time this was a yawn fest.

Roger Dodger, majarajah! There is so much to slice and dice without going back to Bills history or how ML was treated by Hill, or Paula Jones, or Gennifer Flowers, et al. What about the Clinton Foundation and all about the 20% of US unranium that Hill was essentially responsible for giving to Putin for a song and some heavy donations to Clinton Foundation. Maybe Hill can explain to us how the uranium that Putin will see to it gets to Iran will be not used for Nukes for a final delivery in Isreal, or over here? Maybe she can explain in minute detail how she can insure that will never happen...If she will gain enough trust to be elected President?
September 27th, 2016 04:39 PM
Originally Posted by pumpagain69 View Post
I feel the same as Sam does about the result of the debate. The only thing I would
point out is the split scene tended to favor Hilary. Something Trump needs to work
on next time. As Trump had not been spending advertising $ as Hilary has and he
suggested he now will. I think Trump might have the momentum going into next

Maybe, but we always come back to say he has to get smart with his facial expressions, and his answers, shorter and to the point. It is not that his face is showing deception, but he has points to make and should not appear on the defensive if he is to look like a leader who is all in with his own plan.

Her deal all along was to smile broadly, not say squat, and a few times shrug her shoulders, as if to give a little body language that his response was trivial or did not tell all. She did that a few times, and gets away with it since no audible utterance was there to make it come across as fake. But it is. She knows the political game and knows how to look like she is convincing she is winning as opposed to looking like she is convicted. She easily can carry off either look, and may still have to keep that body language in her bag of tricks. She's keeping that black leather and crop packed down deep in the trunk at home but if she gets to cross over the WH threshold no doubt, Bill to his big dismay will grovel for her with her dressed in black.

All in all, Trump still has a lot of work ahead, but an important point, someone else made, I don't think this first debate changed even one vote. Whether the other two will remains to be seen.
September 27th, 2016 04:24 PM
Originally Posted by asiansam View Post
Lol. When I said Hillary didn't lose it, I didn't mean the debate itself, though I don't think she lost the debate either. I meant that she didn't let Trump get under her skin and start screaming like a bitch. That was the moment I was waiting for, and it didn't happen. Maybe next time. That said, I don't think Trump lost the debate either. They both scored points and both evaded answering certain questions. I don't think either one did so well or so poorly that any voters switched sides. In my mind it was a draw.
Yeah, Sam, I get that. Trump did not seem to be conscious of his facial expression, which by the way gives away his honest feelings. A lot of the time he seemed exasperated to have to detail his answers and obviously did not like 2 or 3 occasions that Lester Holt tried to correct him. To me she was practiced and ready to do what she does best, lie and use innuendo and references to unknown information, like Trumps tax returns. She knew his weak points for the presentation and seems she expected every question that the moderator came out with. I noticed that each debate is at a different location and a different moderator, and even different formats. Generally she baited Trump and got him to bite more times than the reverse. She evaded any real answers to a lot of his allegations relating to her record, as has been her past practice. She does not seem to get it of how much she does not meet the truthfulness factor to most people. She is a politician and knows how to work her way around questions so as not to be pinned down, pretty much. The part I was shocked about with Trump when he got on the defensive about not releasing his tax returns, which Holt pointed out, typically has been done, that was the perfect time besides his answer about releasing after the audit, or the weak well worn answer that he will when she releases the 33,000 emails, that at that time he could have launched into a challenge to Hill to explain the noted hundreds of millions on her tax return that was given to the Clinton Foundation for a complete tax write off, but that only 10% of donations, by the Clinton Foundations records had been used for charitable purposes. Basically the Clintons had given themselves humdreds of millions of dollars by using the foundation. For her to have to explain that, at the same juncture would have opened a huge wound and how would she get out without more lies?
September 27th, 2016 02:10 PM
alanthick He fell for her goading him several times....he shoulda brought up Ben Ghazi, fast and furious, Russian reset, Iran Nuke, her bloody emails.

It's like someone told him to play nice. fuck it slice and dice next time this was a yawn fest.
September 27th, 2016 09:16 AM
pumpagain69 I feel the same as Sam does about the result of the debate. The only thing I would
point out is the split scene tended to favor Hilary. Something Trump needs to work
on next time. As Trump had not been spending advertising $ as Hilary has and he
suggested he now will. I think Trump might have the momentum going into next
September 27th, 2016 07:44 AM
Originally Posted by marsean View Post
I am not attracted to Hill Bitch. I was listening to Hill lie after lie and was not able to back it up except for innuendo and rhetoric. She actually got caught a few times, but Lester blew that claim about stop and frisk, which Trump said correctly but that was not fully clarified until after the debate. Besides Al Sharpton and Libertine both mistakenly said earlier it had been made unconstitutional, which proved not to be true. It is being practiced in all 50 states at this time after further research. You say Hillary did not lose it, and if you sign on to her take on things, her demeanor ascribed to her side and she made a short admission of being wrong on the private server, but she craftily kept silent quite a few times and just gave a silent period many times when her position on anything was not clear, then moved to the next point, which seemed to provide the smoke and mirrors. Her big smile. But Trump kept hammering, so some of what he said did draw blood...
Lol. When I said Hillary didn't lose it, I didn't mean the debate itself, though I don't think she lost the debate either. I meant that she didn't let Trump get under her skin and start screaming like a bitch. That was the moment I was waiting for, and it didn't happen. Maybe next time. That said, I don't think Trump lost the debate either. They both scored points and both evaded answering certain questions. I don't think either one did so well or so poorly that any voters switched sides. In my mind it was a draw.
September 27th, 2016 02:20 AM
Originally Posted by asiansam View Post
Hillary looked good tonight. Better than she has for a while. Nice hairstyle. Kind of GMILF do-able. There was a time when she was borderline hot, IMO. The mean ones are always good fucks.

Did you see when Bill Clinton shook hands with Melania Trump in passing? I can just imagine the thoughts going through his head (and his little head).

Pretty good debate. Ended up being more civil than I anticipated, though Trumpster did have his moments. And Hillary didn't lose it. The Xanax probably helped.

Is anybody even going to watch when the two douche-bags running for VP have their debate next week? Should be a yawn fest.
I am not attracted to Hill Bitch. I was listening to Hill lie after lie and was not able to back it up except for innuendo and rhetoric. She actually got caught a few times, but Lester blew that claim about stop and frisk, which Trump said correctly but that was not fully clarified until after the debate. Besides Al Sharpton and Libertine both mistakenly said earlier it had been made unconstitutional, which proved not to be true. It is being practiced in all 50 states at this time after further research. You say Hillary did not lose it, and if you sign on to her take on things, her demeanor ascribed to her side and she made a short admission of being wrong on the private server, but she craftily kept silent quite a few times and just gave a silent period many times when her position on anything was not clear, then moved to the next point, which seemed to provide the smoke and mirrors. Her big smile. But Trump kept hammering, so some of what he said did draw blood...
September 26th, 2016 10:36 PM
asiansam Hillary looked good tonight. Better than she has for a while. Nice hairstyle. Kind of GMILF do-able. There was a time when she was borderline hot, IMO. The mean ones are always good fucks.

Did you see when Bill Clinton shook hands with Melania Trump in passing? I can just imagine the thoughts going through his head (and his little head).

Pretty good debate. Ended up being more civil than I anticipated, though Trumpster did have his moments. And Hillary didn't lose it. The Xanax probably helped.

Is anybody even going to watch when the two douche-bags running for VP have their debate next week? Should be a yawn fest.
September 26th, 2016 10:02 PM
Originally Posted by Deezguy View Post
OUCH! "Believe me!"

Oh yeah, I hear ya! Short and sweet.
September 26th, 2016 10:01 PM
Originally Posted by Deezguy View Post
OUCH! "Believe me!"

Deez, I'd like to believe ya. But i'm partying now. Hillary likes that song, "Can't Touch This". It's all smoke and mirrors. We're fucked so we gotta get back to fucking...play these next two debates, and roll in down the road. Assange will tar her if he gets access. Comey figures he's off the hook. Well what if Trump takes the cake? Hahaha. I cannot see the whole thing going down the tubes, but if Hill gets it these places will be more PC and nothing done, just a train wreck a rolling down the crooked rails.

Gotta feeling the more times we all get layed these days is gonna make the piece o pie all the sweeta... I don't see any real satisfaction in D body politic.
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