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September 27th, 2016 07:13 PM
marsean Hey Lib and Lectar,

I hear The Hill is gonna have some recon slots open on an unmarked plane for delivering food and water in Aleppo pretty soon. It'll be marked so they know it came from the US. Nobody can know you're there when you are pulling it off so you are off the books as far as pay goes, but you can snag all the free poontang you can grip. You can barter with the supplies. Just so you can record some of the valiant stuff you can do that will look real good for The Hill. Now, you gotta pull this off before the election. You know she is under the gun for a big headline, no? She has Obama's clearance. You're gonna get to meet Hillary when you get back. If you still have all limbs you are gonna be on TV. The pilots will get you in there, it's all in the works. Lectar and Brujo. Hahaha.

Chucha su Madre. For the cause. More than a vote. An experience.

I know ya gonna ask, so I had mine already at the end of Vietnam with Johnson, Nixon, and Gerald Ford playing golf with Bob Hope in Palm Springs while I was hauling refugees outta Da Nang, Cam Ranh Bay, Saigon and Vung Tao. Thousands upon thousands of em. Most of em made it to So Cal. Lib you were running errands for Hope. Who had the better gig? Come on get yur ass moving. You gonna film all kinds a shit and you can start another whole gig when you get back. Hill needs the help. This fiction of her plan will blow the fuck up soon unless she can show something. Don't worry, you'll have total immunity.
September 27th, 2016 05:02 PM
Originally Posted by ponocha View Post
why is this on here. Hilary won but she was supposed to win, so overall no one got a knockout. I'm not a fan for Trump, but he did as well as Obama did against Romney in the first debate, so the election is going to be closer than people think

Dude, the questions favored the Hill, but you are right about the Romney-Obama thing, and still time left. Somebody will win and the debates are just so all can see a face off between the candidates. She's not assured, but wants to act like it. Still 2 to go, plus some frenetic lobbying and spending at the end. Who knows. So far, nobody. Too early to start counting electoral votes.
September 27th, 2016 01:04 AM
ponocha why is this on here. Hilary won but she was supposed to win, so overall no one got a knockout. I'm not a fan for Trump, but he did as well as Obama did against Romney in the first debate, so the election is going to be closer than people think
September 26th, 2016 11:52 PM
Lector Fox may actually earn the "News" title one day... there's hope!
September 26th, 2016 10:48 PM
Fox News: Hillary won the debate

Breaking News: Fox News Reports

Hillary won the first debate (it helps to be prepared)

Well, they were both themselves. And Hillary Clinton was the winner.

It wasn’t always clear that this would be the case as things began well for Donald Trump on Monday night at Hofstra.

The first third of the first presidential debate of 2016 was as close to a dream for the Trump campaign as they could have envisioned.

The Republican nominee tried to remain focused on the key themes of his campaign. And he didn’t lose his cool – at least at the beginning.

For her part, Hillary Clinton began strong, She emphasized the need to make the economy fairer and work for all Americans, to grow the economy and build the kind of country we want to live in – all themes that she discusses day after day and have shown to resonate with voters.

But then things changed.

The debate, taken in its entirety, demonstrates how much preparation really matters. Clinton was ready for all of Trump's quips with a litany of detail and showed why she is winning on qualifications, experience and temperament in every poll.

Indeed, there was not a moment when Clinton appeared rattled. This is undoubtedly because of her preparation.

Trump also struggled on key issues like his taxes wherein he appeared to suggest that he doesn’t pay federal taxes because the government misspends our dollars and Clinton was able to control the debate on the birther issue and foreign policy.

Clinton effectively used Trump’s words against him, especially in discussing nuclear weapons and the importance of America standing by our allies. She also garnered some of her highest marks in focus groups for her responses on healing racial tensions in America.

Clinton surely spoke in policy terms – she’s a wonk, after all. She used more stories of real people. It humanized her and made it clear that she has dedicated her life to public service so that she can help all Americans.

But ultimately, everything Clinton did on Monday night was enough to prove that there’s a reason she’s the Democratic nominee. There won’t be anyone saying she isn’t presidential. It’s clear that Trump was not cogent and generally discursive. He rambled and was rattled, two things that don’t read well in a debate.

Clinton has blunted his momentum. That said, she did lay the ground work for the rest of the campaign to effectively use Trump’s own words against him. And, she proved that if Americans are going to vote on the basis of temperament and experience, they’re going to be voting blue on November 8th.

Fox News


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