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August 29th, 2016 03:18 AM
Originally Posted by Libertine View Post
if she wants LSD, Alan Thick is not the one

True, true. He only claims to be thick.
August 28th, 2016 08:03 PM
Originally Posted by alanthick View Post
BTW, it not's just Alan. It's Alan Thick. I'm not really a porn star, I just play one on the internet. Oh, and it's not long...it's just thick....

if she wants LSD, Alan Thick is not the one
August 28th, 2016 07:49 PM
alanthick BTW, it not's just Alan. It's Alan Thick. I'm not really a porn star, I just play one on the internet. Oh, and it's not long...it's just thick....
August 28th, 2016 07:47 PM
Originally Posted by marsean View Post
1. WoW Alan, Whoop te Doo.

3. Trump doubling down? Yada Yada Yada...

4. Hotties at his side? What else is new?

5. Your comment vapid, shallow etc....TMI

So Alan you Gotta Know you just cracked the door open with a pretty general comment?

Yes, No, Maybe? Awww, com'on....Hell Yes!

But it really won't be over until November 8th.
Hey Marsean do you feel better now? I thought as a Trump supporter, you might understand a bit of satire and political skulduggery for fun. I sure as shit do.

If you can't make a little bit of fun of Trump as a supporter of him, then you're like the same snowflakes that melt with HRC rebukes.

BTW: It is my experience that if an individual can use the word "vapid" in a sentence correctly, that individual is likely not a dullard, in the very sense of the word.

As a devout HRC supporter, I look forward to not seeing her screeching and cackling weekly. People say, HRC would be a third term of Obama. Not so. She would make Obama seem like a transparent potus of the people.

May your political season be merry and bright! Maybe even Breitbart!
August 28th, 2016 11:55 AM
Reply to What?

Originally Posted by alanthick View Post
If she promises to only give "press" conferences only every eight months or so, I may consider voting for her.

I can only imagine that Trump would double down on the press coverage that Obama has garnered as president.

But if he had one of the hotties at his side....God I'm pathetic...

It appears that I am a vapid, shallow individual that is only concerned with his genitals...
1. Maybe a little premature to consider how often she may "promise" to give "press" conferences.

2. Given that she "may promise" only every eight months or so (which will never happen), You "may" consider voting for her. WoW Alan, Whoop te Doo.

3. Trump doubling down? Yada Yada Yada...

4. Hotties at his side? What else is new?

5. Your comment vapid, shallow etc....TMI

So Alan you Gotta Know you just cracked the door open with a pretty general meandering with this one, yes? So you can see what any mention of Hillary, Trump or Slick Willy will do at this point in time. Even Chelsea gets a play. Maybe if it were not so general a comment?

Hey...NP...everybody got a shot to say their piece...So you kept the comments rolling. And you Know there are many, many more topics that just the mention of the names will bring out. I wouldn't take it so hard.

The more interesting times are up ahead with the debates and isn't it interesting that 3 are scheduled...The perception of winning or losing may come down to the third one and you Know the media loves the hype and attention that they can be part of. Would you concede that a lot of them would love to take credit for causing public opinions to sway towards their favorite candidate? What we have here is a baised Media in general? Yes, No, Maybe? Awww, com'on....Hell Yes!

But it really won't be over until November 8th.
August 27th, 2016 08:28 PM
Originally Posted by MPkid View Post
We all know the mainstream media controls what we are allowed to see by how they handle things. Here is an interesting question we should ask.... Why is it that the media has asked Ivanka Trump several times what she thinks about how her dad treats women in the workplace but NO ONE EVER has asked Chelsea the same question?

Good Point. First thing that would happen before the reporter could come with any follow up question would be Chelsea getting Real Red In The Face, because even though she was young back then, she is gonna know what is behind the line of questioning. Monica was the one who blew the lid off of it by keeping the dress, but for sure she was not the first in line to receive certain special emissions from Slick Willy. So bottom line I don't see any way she could carry out a full interview on the subject and is being given a hell of a pass by most of the Media, as how the hell could that interview go well? Short answer if she were to be honest she could say her dad treats women in the workplace well, as long as they get on their knees in front of him, no? Would not she then be questioned as to Hillary's part in the story? Then the disparaging end by Hillary would surface of the backlash and aftermath each time she knew another tale of woe was being unleashed caused by Bill's womanizing. I am sure since it was not Chelsea's doing that is principally why she gets the pass. Now the Clinton Foundation is another story.
August 8th, 2016 04:49 PM
MPkid We all know the mainstream media controls what we are allowed to see by how they handle things. Here is an interesting question we should ask.... Why is it that the media has asked Ivanka Trump several times what she thinks about how her dad treats women in the workplace but NO ONE EVER has asked Chelsea the same question?
August 8th, 2016 02:06 PM
DD,Your Answers

Originally Posted by DD44DD View Post
I usually don't get political, to much blood wasted in my brain. But since I can't look at reviews to see what else new might be out there( still waiting for my reviews to get posted)

But this whole jobs piece and make America great again. How many of the people that are protesting would do the majority of the types of jobs that are being done in foreign lands,

We want our I phones and whatnot but are we willing to be hunched over a bench day after day and assemble them.

Republicans and democrats aren't that different, if they would ALL stop pointing fingers, name calling and instead listen and perhaps work to create something new.

As for Hillary, I'm voting for her, wether it was her posing or not I think she has done some good over the years,

Of course I also think Obama did as good a job as was allowed by the prejudices that were working against him.

Here's a question for you,

How clean are the windows in your glass house today?
1. Prefer not to be thinking politics when I come here either. Some look in here and write a bit. Do not expect that all will have same opinion, and discourse is healthy.
2. Jobs piece and who will work...loosely phrased, but essentially I don't like the way it is going and I have a lot of years of seeing jobs and industries slowly dwindle in this country especially under the banner of trade deals that usually benefit foreign folks and cost us jobs. I believe that workers who lose their jobs in any certain industry who are unemployed or had to change fields would want to come back to original field especially if they knew it would be stable and pay well.
3. I phones and whatnot: yes, someone will.
4. Rep and Dems: yes and status quo is the general path of the Dems this time, but who can deny that Trump is not an establishment Rep, in fact not a real politician, but someone who has the attention of a lot of people who are not happy with the last 8-15 years direction? Trump is for change because his camp believes we cannot kick the can down the road this time.
5. Hillary and Obama, you are entitled to your opinion, apparently you are satisfied with the status quo. Tell you what Sanders wasn't, and so many of his supporters won't back Hillary and are surprised and shocked that Sanders finally caved to say that he will back her....I don't think that subject is totally over, IMHO.
6. How clean are the windows in my glass house today? Sorry, not sorry, don't have a glass house. That said house windows will be cleaner when I hire a maid. After all I am all for creating jobs and window cleaning is not all that is needed around here. You know the rest...don't need to bore you. As you know I value your input on site too just like I do others; 99 % have real points, and some don't agree but everybody can let fly...
August 8th, 2016 12:32 PM
Originally Posted by lectar View Post
come on, MPKid,
i like you, but you can't possibly quote from these crazy sites... check this:

If you don't like Hillary, do it for reasons of character or ideas. She's been attacked for over 20 years, investigated so many times, don't you think they would have found something? She's not the person that the Fox loonies have been trying to paint, it may stick with the non educated, which unfortunately seems to be mainstream in the GOP today, but you guys?!
Watch as Fox is shedding the old Ailes croonies and may eventually become a news channel.
Yes...Snopes isn't going to go on record to say YES...The Clintons are involved with these murders and get the shit sued out of them. SURE every one of these deaths has a reasonable explanation but explain this... Most if not all of them had some kind of connection with the Clintons in one capacity or another and or investigations they were involved in. I even said maybe some are coincidence but how many people out there reading this (yourself included) know 2 or more people that have committed suicide? OK, now how many people know of 20 or more? Doesn't that in itself seem strange? I never said any of this was fact, just that it's interesting that so many people around this fine upstanding family have died. Don't worry all you Hillary lovers, she will be the next president. It's already been decided in the back room of the back room where these things get decided. The same way a man whose own family said he was born in Kenya along with his brother (who he has no relationship with) was made president and when it was brought up that people wanted to see his birth certificate he didn't have it! I don't know about you but I have mine and have known where it is my whole life. Why would a man that is running for president NOT have his? OK maybe he lost it while smoking weed in college... So they get him another certified copy issued from Hawaii. Then the only person on the planet that could ever confirm or deny it's authenticity dies in a plane "crash" where EVERYONE else survives? Guess it wasn't her lucky day! The plane lands on the water and everyone calmly walks off and enter the water, an hour later they are saved. Some of the passengers said they helped her get into her life jacket and held her hand...then she conveniently drops dead. My guess is it was ruled a suicide.

There is better footage of the "Crash" than this but I can't find the full video.
August 8th, 2016 07:41 AM
alanthick Y'all left the OP in the dust....
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