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August 10th, 2016 01:39 PM
marsean Status report on funding and future required cost increases of Obamacare that are needed in order to keep it are required to be announced on November 1, 2016. Guess who wants to postpone the announcement. No...can't be.
May 11th, 2016 09:23 PM
Originally Posted by chanceforester View Post
Lock and load....
Yup. Well guess what most of the theft of a lot of our coin has been done in the last 8 years. The big changes have gotten a lot of pharma companies to come out of no where to load up the cost to rip us off and their story is they are trying to help you and keep all the new drugs, meds and biotech moving forward to advance health care. They do but all the changes in all the systems and coverages I think has given them shelter to try to ramp up cost still way ahead of almost all other countries cost. Look at this guy Shkrile or however he spells his name, the guy with Valeant. Raised drug price 1000% and said it was needed. Yeah. Boy did he step on a land mine. There will be more. Some of the con is wearing off. Lock and load....
April 26th, 2016 07:17 PM
Originally Posted by marsean View Post
My point which I think we all agree on is that Obamacare has not controlled the price of meds or cost of healthcare and the insurance companies that have the policies have made more money on it driving up cost. It wasn't supposed to work that way. I don't have any problem with everyone having care but it's the insurance companies like United Health, for example, which is just one of many who can get away with shutting down coverage in certain states. Of course we gotta have everyone covered but seems like everytime they make a change the insurance co's just find a way to drive up prices, same with big pharma, our prices for drugs have been highest for years and how do you get a handle on that. We shouldn't have to pay any more here for meds that the Canadian prices, so how do these Pharma companies, some of which are working overseas get away with soaking us so much? On this there is a lot of focus now, but how is this gonna change big time?
Lock and load....
April 26th, 2016 07:02 PM
Originally Posted by Libertine View Post
fuck yeah Lechez, single payer. and fuck Big Pharma thieves. check out med prices in Canada
My point which I think we all agree on is that Obamacare has not controlled the price of meds or cost of healthcare and the insurance companies that have the policies have made more money on it driving up cost. It wasn't supposed to work that way. I don't have any problem with everyone having care but it's the insurance companies like United Health, for example, which is just one of many who can get away with shutting down coverage in certain states. Of course we gotta have everyone covered but seems like everytime they make a change the insurance co's just find a way to drive up prices, same with big pharma, our prices for drugs have been highest for years and how do you get a handle on that. We shouldn't have to pay any more here for meds that the Canadian prices, so how do these Pharma companies, some of which are working overseas get away with soaking us so much? On this there is a lot of focus now, but how is this gonna change big time?
April 26th, 2016 06:50 PM
Originally Posted by Libertine View Post
ask old people, they always say, "I love my Medicare." and " I love my Social Security." translation: I love "good socialism." then ask them about government programs that benefit other people, they say oh no, "socialism very bad." hypocrites
Yeah I know. I don't want medicare to collapse either, or social security. And yeah we are all paying for it so we expect to get taken care of. I have no problem with any of that. Everybody has to sign up for medicare at age 65 some don't know. If you are lucky the plan you have becomes back up to medicare when you go on it so you have more coverage than just medicare. I think it will stay that way. I just was not for Obamacare doing away with medicare and having a single payor system that all docs and hospitals must deal with. Enough beauracracy already where they know all about your health care. the way it has worked out so far it seems is the states are responsible for their own systems. I don't really have an issue with that either I just would not want the federal gov. to totally handle all medical care and have the "single payor" with them....that's where you may be on a long waiting list for surgery or something you need, and you may not last until you can get it. I guess you could say I have always been able to go to my own doc when I needed something and can't see waiting in line for treatment like some of the vets have had to. That treatment of the vets sucks.
April 20th, 2016 11:39 PM
Originally Posted by chanceforester View Post
Socialism is a great idea....and since I've been paying for it, I expect more of it for me!

ask old people, they always say, "I love my Medicare." and " I love my Social Security." translation: I love "good socialism." then ask them about government programs that benefit other people, they say oh no, "socialism very bad." hypocrites
April 20th, 2016 11:19 PM
Originally Posted by lechez View Post
United only had 5% of the market anyway.
Obamacare is here to stay, it should just be a single payer system.

fuck yeah Lechez, single payer. and fuck Big Pharma thieves. check out med prices in Canada
April 20th, 2016 11:14 PM
Originally Posted by marsean View Post
United Health Care is dropping Obamacare in 15 states. Soon other insurance carriers will to. Don't think that all states exchanges can pay to keep Obamacare afloat if the major health care companies pull back from offering plans under it. If new participants have to go to substandard plans and don't have much income the plan will be forced to subsidize too many. And the major insurance carriers keep backing away. There will still be coverage available. But mostly not subsidized by Obamacare. Did someone say fall under it's own weight? House of cards? Insurance always had a back door.

this is working for most right now. it's not perfect. you got a better alternative system? I hear crickets......... didn't think so. insurance system was great before? I prefer something rather than stepping over dead people laying in the streets. offer some real solutions instead of always the sky is falling.
April 20th, 2016 10:51 PM
Lector United only had 5% of the market anyway.
Obamacare is here to stay, it should just be a single payer system.

Originally Posted by marsean View Post
United Health Care is dropping Obamacare in 15 states. Soon other insurance carriers will to. Don't think that all states exchanges can pay to keep Obamacare afloat if the major health care companies pull back from offering plans under it. If new participants have to go to substandard plans and don't have much income the plan will be forced to subsidize too many. And the major insurance carriers keep backing away. There will still be coverage available. But mostly not subsidized by Obamacare. Did someone say fall under it's own weight? House of cards? Insurance always had a back door.
April 20th, 2016 08:16 PM
chanceforester Socialism is a great idea....and since I've been paying for it, I expect more of it for me!
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