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Unread April 16th, 2015
jglee430 jglee430 is offline
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Talking Commercial Sex must be a good and not a behavior!!

I don't see any goods being traded in the escort service. Commerce involves a merchant buying from one source and selling to another source. A private sale of good between two people who are not dealing is not commerce.

On top of that, I cannot see any sale going on in escort service. Where is the title transfer? You cannot transfer title on a behavior.

Commercial sex involves the purchase and sale or the exchange of goods and commodities. I don't comprehend how there is goods traded in escort service. Could someone help me to get it though my head??

“TERM: commercial. TEXT: Pertaining to the purchase and sale or exchange of goods and commodities and connoting as well forms of, and occupations in, business enterprises not involved in trading in merchandise; in a broad sense, embracing every phase of commercial and business activity and intercourse.”-BALLENTINE'S LAW DICTIONARY

Business activity is commerce. Commerce is the buying and selling of goods or exchange of commodities. Commercial embraces other aspect but it has to be involved with the trading of goods.

My definition of "commercial sex" is sex in pertaining to the purchase of and sale or exchange of goods and commodities.

Commercial sex involves the purchase and sale or the exchange of goods and commodities. I don't comprehend how there is goods traded in escort service. Could someone help me to get it though my head??

Prostitution Loopholes Exposed
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Last edited by jglee430; April 16th, 2015 at 05:32 PM.
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Unread April 16th, 2015
jglee430 jglee430 is offline
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I believe that the prostitution laws are written in the terms of buying and selling porn shows or videos of serfs (sexual services). Although the porn sculptures, porn stain glass, etc. are sex acts, doesn't posses a health risk so I cannot believe the legislature ment the prostitution laws to target these sex acts. Commercial sex is the sale of sexual services.

Porn production with serfs possess a health risk, causes injuries to the conscious, and it is sexual slavery. So I can believe the legislatures to sex acts in the prostitution statutes ment to target porn videos and porn show tickets involving serfs. By criminalizes the sale of porn videos made by serfs and the sale of porn show tickets, it is to combat sexual slavery and the spread of diseases.

A sex act is a porn show or an work of art that mimic sexual behavior like a porn video or porn sculpture. An act can be either a legal instrument or object that mimic behavior or a theater performance that mimic real life. Acting is doing the duties of another. An attorney told me that the act is slavery. An act is not defined as slavery in the legal dictionaries. I looked up the word "services" in several legal dictionaries. It was acts or render to the lord under Feudalism. After reading Green v Ohio, other court cases, and the Model Penal Code, I came to the belief the true intent of the legislatures when inacting the prostitution laws is outlaw the sale of sex acts (porn movies or porn show tickets which are legal instruments) of serfs having sex with each other. The health hazard of prostitution that is talk about in the court decisions Green v Ohio is the porn show or porn movie production where the serfs gang bang for a porn movie or a porn show for the Lord. The Lords sell seats to profit off the slavery of the serfs. The gang bang in porn increases the chances of spreading of disease. I believe that is what the Model Penal Code is talking about.

My conspiracy beliefs is that Vatican is the government above all governments and the religion above all religions through the Satanic Secret Societies. It is the Holy Roman Empire. The person and the sex acts derived from porn theater performance. The Knights Templar and the Knights of the Round Table are the military order for the new Roman Empire which is Great Britain. The founding fathers were Freemasons and design the United States to be part of the Roman Empire.

Last edited by jglee430; April 16th, 2015 at 05:31 PM.
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Unread April 16th, 2015
bigknots bigknots is offline
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A commodity is goods or services that have a value. Sex is a service and there is a supply and demand for those services. Hence an exchange of money for a good or service is considered commerce.

commercial, adjective
of, relating to, or characteristic of commerce.
engaged in commerce.
prepared, done, or acting with sole or chief emphasis on saleability, profit, or success:
a commercial product.
able to yield or make a profit.

suitable or fit for a wide, popular market.

suitable for or catering to business rather than private use.


engaged in transporting passengers or goods for profit.
civilian and public, as distinguished from military or private.
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Unread April 17th, 2015
bsouthgate bsouthgate is offline
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I agree with bigknots. Escorts and massage women sell sexual services, not goods or commodities. Like a hair cut or a "traditional" massage.
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commercial sex, prostitution law

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