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"the word “person” includes a corporation as well as a natural person."-California Penal Code 7 When buying a fast food franchise, it requires the person to be a corporation. The corporation is a management entity. In addition to being a corporation, corporate requires a registered owner/operator. The owner/operator is the natural person. It is the actor or agent for the franchise. Any name with a capitalization refers to a person. The ALL CAPITAL NAME (ex. JOE B. JOB) is a franchise of the United States, State of California, or local government. The Upper and Lowercase name refers to the owner/operator of the franchise. Although some ALL CAPITAL NAME are not franchises of the State of California, the State of California is allowed under statutes to buy the franchise tax debt and enforce it. For example, if the franchise tax for prostitution is owed to the county you were born, the State of California will purchase the debt and enforce it. The cops arrest someone as the corporate officer (employee) of the corporation. In court, the agent goes to jail and the principal get warehoused. The name is on lease. The police which is pol-lease is enforcing the lease on the name. The name is leased by the Social Security Administration. When you were born, the doctor filled out a certificate of live birth. The word "child" in statutory definition means someone by adoption. Attorneys did an adoption behind the scene. Your parent (pair-renters) adopted the child which is the state's property. When you use the Upper and Lowercase name (ex. Joe Job), you became the owner/operator of the state's franchise. Commerce Commerce deals with the 4th dimension. The 4th dimension is the dimension of death. Living, alive, virtual, and life are the stages of living dead. The archons that operate the State of California cannot pass the realm of commerce. Prince's music video "When Doves Cry" is criminal under California Prostitution Law 647(b). He got paid to arouse doves through his music. Jesus threw the money changer out of the temple and said to the one selling doves not to make his father house a house of merchandise (commerce). Then Jesus told the Jews that this temple will be destroyed and rebuilt in 3 days. The Jews replied that it took 46 years to built this temple. How can this temple be rebuilt in 3 days? Jesus was talking about his body. All criminal statutes are based on the principle of the act which is bodily movement. The dove is what belongs to the body. The word "movement" means trafficking. The bodily movement is dove trafficking. California Code deprive it's authority from the common law of England. The common law of England derive it's authority from the bible. People v. Freeman state that the porn production was not a lewd act because it was missing these elements missing; customer and for the purpose of sexual arousal or gratification. A customer in commerce is a buyer for the purpose of business. They are equivalent to a prostitute. There must be a buyer to be commerce. American Indian knew that the different organs hold different spirits. The doves are different depending on the sex organs. The word "sexual arousal" has to do with the doves of the sex organs. The word "sexual" means relating to the sex organs. The doves that are found in sex organs. The word arousal means to awake or rouse up. In etymology, it means hawking or rousing the wings. In the When Doves Cry video, Prince used music to arouse the doves. The sex symbol on the stain glass make it clear that it is sexual. Then he talk about contact with the body. To be a crime, there must be a sale of doves. Prince got paid for the performance. Although he didn't transfer doves, the doves, the corporate body is state's property. He used to sale doves. In ET phonetics, the word "sale" is equivalent in sound to sail. To sail means to move through the waters. Prince sang about the ocean of violent and blue. Prince qualify for the charges of prostitution under California Penal Code 647(b). To be a crime, there must be a physical act which is called bodily movement. The doves are physical in the 4th dimension. The services of putting on an entertainment using the states body and doves qualify as prostitution. Cities across the US issue hawking licenses to veterans who peddle goods. The word "arousal" has it's root in hawking. Sexual arousal is also sexual hawking. Sexual arousal is aggressively sale doves of sex organs for profit. Goods under Uniform Commercial Code includes unborn animal and crops. The unborn animal and crops is the dove with the olive branch. The sale of goods is the sale of the doves from the goods which are the sex organs. Sexual gratification is the reward for services. The reward for services is profiting from the transmission of doves of sex organs. In the People v. Freeman porn production case, the California Supreme Court state that money or other consideration must be paid for sexual arousal or gratification. The orgasm has nothing to do with sexual arousal or gratification. The porn stars can get their sexual desire met from doing porn. In addition, the porn star do experience orgasm in their sexual performance. The sexual arousal or gratification is profiting from entertainment performance of flying doves of sex organs, communication by sending doves of sex organs between persons, or profiting from the transmission of doves. The important element must be a customer. A customer is someone who intent to buy and sell the doves for profit. The word "business" means commerce. The business is the buying and selling doves for profit. The sex acts between the porn stars doesn't result in reselling doves for profit. That why porn performance doesn't qualify as lewd act. The sex organs are the state's property. The word "contact" can means transmission or touching of the bodies in legal terms. The doves of the sex organs are transmitted or exited through the touching of the bodies. California has a franchise tax board. The individual is listed as a franchise of the State of California or the United States. The criminal case is about collecting franchise tax on the sale of doves of sex organs. Prosecutor uses a charging instrument to commence a criminal case. A charging instrument is an instrument that demand the payment of the franchise tax. California Penal Code 26 state that if the person commit the act as charged, they cannot be held liable for the crime. That is paying the franchise tax bill. Jean Keating wrote about tax bill in criminal case in the website "Prison Treatise." The criminal case is caused by incorrect filing of taxes. Attorneys and judges belong to a secret society. The penal bill which is a tax bill is found in the judge's or the Federal Reserve Bank docket. Only attorneys and judges are allow to view this bill. The arrestee is just collateral for the criminal case. The criminal case belongs to the attorneys. It doesn't belong to the arrestee. The two side determine the outcome of the case depending on how the tax bill gets pay. Prostitution Law "Except as provided in paragraph (5) of subdivision (b) and subdivision (l), every person who commits any of the following acts is guilty of disorderly conduct, a misdemeanor: (4) A manifestation of acceptance of an offer or solicitation to engage in an act of prostitution does not constitute a violation of this subdivision unless some act, in addition to the manifestation of acceptance, is done within this state in furtherance of the commission of the act of prostitution by the person manifesting an acceptance of an offer or solicitation to engage in that act. As used in this subdivision, “prostitution” includes any lewd act between persons for money or other consideration."- California Penal Code 647(b) "[F]or a 'lewd' or 'dissolute' act to constitute 'prostitution,' the genitals, buttocks, or female breast, of either the prostitute or the customer must come in contact with some part of the body of the other for the purpose of sexual arousal or gratification of the customer or of the prostitute." - People v Freeman 46 CAL.3D 419 "customer. noun acceptor, bargainer, bidder, business contact, buyer, buyer of labor, client, consumer, emptor, leaser, lessee, one of the clientele, one of the purchasing public, patron, prospect, purchaser, purchaser of goods from another, redeemer, share buyer, shopper, taker, user, vendee Associated concepts: buyer in the ordinary course of business, cash customer, customer in ordinary course of business, duty to customers, interference with customers, loss of customers, occasional customer, solicitation of customers."- Free Legal Dictionary by Farlex “Gratification A reward given voluntarily for some services or benefit rendered, without being requested so to do, either expressly or by implication. ”- Dean's Law Dictionary Version 81 "All persons are capable of committing crimes except those belonging to the following classes: Five—Persons who committed the act or made the omission charged through misfortune or by accident, when it appears that there was no evil design, intention, or culpable negligence.Six—Persons (unless the crime be punishable with death) who committed the act or made the omission charged under threats or menaces sufficient to show that they had reasonable cause to and did believe their lives would be endangered if they refused."- California Penal Code 26 Prostitution Loopholes Exposed- The One Stop For Prostitution Loopholes www.ploopholes.com |
Dude, thanks for what you are doing.
Interesting how you referred to the archons who run the state. So, the politicians are agents for the archons, or are they archons themselves? Always wondered about that. Much appreciated, man. |
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The politicians are shapeshifters ET. So they cannot write the statutes pass commerce. The courts already state that commerce is necessary for a prostitution case. the word -person- includes a corporation as well as a natural person"- California Penal Code 7 The person is a corporation and a natural person. Egyptian mummy were used to traffic spirits of the dead. The outer coffin got instruction for the spirit to move between persons. So the corporation which is the living dead is necessary to traffic doves. For prostitution to happen, it needs a church choir. It has to be three or more persons to be a corporation. The natural person is one. So there are a min of 4 persons before prostitution can happens. The natural person is the owner or agent of the corporation. The cops misidentify you as the church choir or Assembly of God. The judge and the attorneys want you to be an actor or agent. That is being Jesus of Nazareth. You are the one that is going to jail or paying the fine for the church choir's crime. The church choir gives multiple frequency in music to activate doves the communion wafers. The body of Christ is necessary for commerce. The churches are in commerce. You cannot eat the Last Supper of Jesus alone and get the high because multiple frequencies are needed to activate the communion. You need a church choir which is your corporate body for the communion to work. The American Indians knew that there are different spirits in different organs. The sex trafficking is trafficking the doves in sex organs or communication using doves between sex organs. The communication is necessary for ET to call home. Doves can travel faster than the speed of light. The doves transmitted from one sex organs to another in another planet thousands of light years away is necessary for ET to get a ride home. Why there is no customer in porn production? If apply the common word (general population definition) -customer- to porn production , there are customers of porn. The porn producer is a customer. The people buying the porn video are customer. The People v. Freeman case was about selling doves. Since no doves were being purchase and sold, there is no customer. A customer is a buyer for the purpose of reselling it for profit. The orgasm the porn stars experience is gratification. The dick gets hard and the pussy getting wet is sexual arousal. In common terms, the porn stars are getting sexual arousal or gratification in the porn video. So why did the California Supreme Court state the porn stars didn't get sexual arousal or gratification. The sexual arousal has to do with doves hawking. Sexual is the word to describe the doves of the sex organs. The hawker is the peddler. It may be a loophole to get a city hawking license to seek hookers. The city's hawking license that is issued to disable veteran may able to get you off the sexual arousal part of the California prostitution law. The prosecutor may not let you use the license when you get a prostitution sting. The gratification has to do with receiving compensation to be a semi-truck drivers for doves of sex organs. If you look at the word -gratification-. it is reward for services. The services can be ET calling home or being a semi-truck drivers for doves. The logic is clear. Orgasm, getting the pussy wet, and getting your dick hard is NOT sexual arousal or gratification. The courts already state that the porn actors are not doing it for sexual arousal or gratification. Last edited by jglee430; October 30th, 2017 at 04:43 AM. |
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california, law, pc 647(b), prostitution |
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