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Unread July 31st, 2014
jglee430 jglee430 is offline
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Talking Prostitution Loopholes Exposed

This website exposed the prostitution loopholes in state laws across United States. Many times escorts and hobbyist doesn't meet the requirements in statutes. Why don't attorney say anything? I will explain why they won't reveal these loopholes in state laws. Did you know WY prostitution laws only outlaw object penetration? It exempt tongue and penis penetration. Yet, escorts and hobbyist got arrested and charged with prostitution. None of them read the laws and pleaded guilty for something that was lawful. In Rhode Island, there are 5 items must be offered to be considered sexual conduct for the purpose of the prostitution laws. I explain the law journal article that talks about the social companionship exemption to the prostitution laws. I also explain how Cowboys 4 Angels work around the prostitution laws.

People don't read the prostitution laws. That why they lost their freedom to sex work.

Prostitution Loopholes Exposed
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prostitution, prostitution loopholes, prostitution sting

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