AA Body Relax
This is just a heads up. A monger friend and I stopped by AA Body Relax on Valley in San Gabriel. Last time I was there, I saw Kelly. We didn’t have time for a massage but my buddy want to talk to Mamasan. She wasn’t there but I did notice there were about 5 or 6 providers there. No Kelly. They were all not busy on different massage chairs in the front. They were all younger decent looking MILFs, not the pudgy grannies that are working other shops in the area. I know their fee is still 45. Most other shops in the area are 50 or 60. I’m not sure what’s on their menus but I’m sure at least an HJ can be had. I’m just thinking, why pay more to enter and get an ugly granny, when you can get someone decent looking. No guarantee on service if you guys are getting tired of paying 60 to see grannies, here’s an alternative