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Unread November 3rd, 2021
marsean marsean is offline
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Arrow Westminster Foot Reflexology: AKA Fish and Chips

Ya'll know this place. Never eat at foot reflexology. If you are hungry wait until you're done there and eat at the F & C. Or eat at F & C before you go into Foot Reflexology, so any grease from the fish and chips will give your face another layer of protection. I never eat at the massage spa there under any circumstances. As Deez can attest, most providers there are storied pros, of which Lucy is the most renown. I have used a hot towel on tits there before suckling but that is it. Will offer that due to hype on many sites got tested after a couple of go rounds with Lucy, and came up clean every time. From the hype, unbelievable.. Remember never ate!
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Unread October 9th, 2023
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Gross. That's why I mostly use indies now. After Covid especially.
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Unread October 9th, 2023
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Default Yes, Never Dine Never Nibble

Indies are no guarantee. Most of the Asian indies I know in the SGV and OC have their special clients who they allow BB. They may be working in a clean apartment but you don’t always know if they have a clean snapper!
Hot towels, marsean! The best I always got was lukewarm from the faucet! On my recently posted visit, the room was warm and the towel used to clean the oil off my back was cooler than the room air temp.
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Unread October 10th, 2023
marsean marsean is offline
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Originally Posted by deezguy View Post
Indies are no guarantee. Most of the Asian indies I know in the SGV and OC have their special clients who they allow BB. They may be working in a clean apartment but you don’t always know if they have a clean snapper!
Hot towels, marsean! The best I always got was lukewarm from the faucet! On my recently posted visit, the room was warm and the towel used to clean the oil off my back was cooler than the room air temp.
Like told to the young troops in foreign campaigns: "You pays your money, you takes your chances!". Lo and behold no doubt there are more asian women plying their trades in this fair land that those left behind. It's a follow the money game.

Deez, indies, AAMPS, parlor girls, et al, none corner the market with any guarantees. The phrase "high volume" rings a bell though, with obvious implications. Being selective might help limit the worry, but the more skin and fluid contact the higher the chances. Not that any dolt doesn't know it. You can be in the most exclusive joint ever and it can still happen.

OK, enough...
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Unread December 30th, 2023
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This posting is hilarious.

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Unread February 9th, 2024
bangnhoes bangnhoes is offline
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Is it the part that says mature Chinese girls or the part that says young girls
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Unread July 31st, 2024
peppermintman peppermintman is offline
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peppermintman is infamous around these parts

Place is like a dungeon inside so fucking dark. That room next to the restroom is dirty af. Once and done. Some guys love that place.
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