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Unread September 13th, 2011
ichi the killer ichi the killer is offline
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ichi the killer is a splendid one to beholdichi the killer is a splendid one to beholdichi the killer is a splendid one to beholdichi the killer is a splendid one to beholdichi the killer is a splendid one to beholdichi the killer is a splendid one to behold

So, I read today that the big issue Bachman has against Perry now is he signed a bill in Texas that mandated all School age girls get an HPV vaccine?

That is so stupid. How is an HPV vaccine any different than the bordetella/measles/whooping cough vaccine that all children have to get before they go to public school? Is it because HPV is spread by sex? And sex is BAD. Just say "no to sex" or get cervical cancer you little sluts. That will work. If it doesn't then it is because disease is the result of sin. HPV is Gods punishment for having sex. And sex is a sin. Right? Amen!

Bachman has 3 daughters. I hope all 3 of her daughters get HPV and then cervical cancer from the HPV. Incredible. I see a lot of cancer stuff at my work. If there is a vaccine for it, by all means I am for getting the vaccine out to the general public. Cervical cancer is nasty. It metastasizes and kills the patient. It is not a quick death either. Horrible.

I am not pro Perry, but I do agree with getting a vaccine out to prevent HPV. Bachman is like a puritanical old dried up bitch. Is she the best you guys can come up with? God help us.

Right wing, redneck, flat earth, dark ages, puritanical, non-scientific, magical thinkers. Not all that different than the Taliban. The main difference is one group is Christian "or claims to be" the other is Muslim "or claims to be."

Last edited by ichi the killer; September 13th, 2011 at 08:58 PM.
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Unread September 14th, 2011
9 inch 9 inch is offline
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Ichi, are you a homosexual? A lot of homosexuals stubbornly are supporting Obama even though his liberal policies have clearly failed. Or are you a wimp, pushed around by women? Obama seems to be henpecked by his wife, michelle who clearly wears that pants in that family.

"...repeat the lie ad infinitum...just keep repeating it and maybe someone will believe you" et tu, Ichi?
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Unread September 14th, 2011
ichi the killer ichi the killer is offline
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ichi the killer is a splendid one to beholdichi the killer is a splendid one to beholdichi the killer is a splendid one to beholdichi the killer is a splendid one to beholdichi the killer is a splendid one to beholdichi the killer is a splendid one to behold

Originally Posted by 9 inch View Post
Ichi, are you a homosexual? A lot of homosexuals stubbornly are supporting Obama even though his liberal policies have clearly failed. Or are you a wimp, pushed around by women? Obama seems to be henpecked by his wife, michelle who clearly wears that pants in that family.

"...repeat the lie ad infinitum...just keep repeating it and maybe someone will believe you" et tu, Ichi?
Is that your best retort 9 inch? You are a name calling simpleton. I never mentioned Obama in my letter. What has Obama got to do with anything I said in my letter. The only 2 persons I named in there are Perry and Bachman. You don't address any of the issues that I raise in my letter. I think you are the homosexual. do you want to meet to find out which of us is the fag with better fighting skills? i bet you can't even spell Shakespeare you simp. et tu, 9inch.
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Unread September 14th, 2011
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...you call out Obama's foes with half-witted, false claims...lets talk about the genocide the japanese people did to korea and china ichiro, you should know a lot about that or do you pleade ignorance?
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Unread September 14th, 2011
ichi the killer ichi the killer is offline
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ichi the killer is a splendid one to beholdichi the killer is a splendid one to beholdichi the killer is a splendid one to beholdichi the killer is a splendid one to beholdichi the killer is a splendid one to beholdichi the killer is a splendid one to behold

Bachmann: ‘I have no idea’ if HPV vaccine causes mental retardation

Do you read anything 9 inch? Or do you just look at the pictures. Have someone read this article for you and translate it for you if you can't read above a 4th grade level. If you read it yourself, take care. There are lot's of big words in there. If you don't understand any of the words take your time and look them up.

I think the waman in the crowd who's daughter had mental retardation got it from her parents, who are Republicans obviously. Otherwise why are are they at a Bachman/Perry debate? Ooops. One chromosone to many.

Michele Bachmann is backing away from remarks she made on Monday suggesting that a vaccine that Rick Perry tried to make mandatory in Texas could cause "mental retardation." She said Tuesday she "had no idea" if that were true.
During Monday night's Republican presidential debate, Bachmann, a Republican representative from Minnesota, criticized Perry, the governor of Texas, for signing an executive order mandating that all girls entering the sixth grade in his state receive a vaccination for human papillomavirus (HPV), a sexually transmitted disease that can result in cervical cancer.
After the debate, the Minnesota congresswoman said she met a mother in the audience who told her that the drug had severe side effects for her daughter. "There's a woman who came up crying to me tonight after the debate," Bachmann said in an interview with Fox News. "She said her daughter was given that vaccine. She told me her daughter suffered mental retardation as a result of that vaccine."
When pressed by Sean Hannity the next day on his radio show her remarks--which she had just repeated on The Today Show earlier Tuesday morning--Bachmann said she didn't know if the drug could cause such side effects.
"I have no idea," Bachmann said, before repeating the story about the woman. "I am not a doctor. I am not a scientist. I am not a physician. All I was doing was reporting what a woman told me last night at the debate."
"The criticisms, congresswoman, is that there's no evidence that the vaccine causes mental retardation," Hannity replied.
The evidence backs up Hannity's skepticism. No such link has been proven, medical experts say.
"There is zero credible scientific evidence that vaccines cause mental retardation or autism," Evan Siegfried, a spokesman for the Global and Regional Asperger Syndrome Partnership told Politico's Ben Smith. "She should cease trying to foment fear in order to advance her political agenda."
The Center for Disease Control mentions no such side effects to the drug, listing only "fainting, pain, and swelling at the injection site."
Even on the right, Bachmann isn't finding many defenders. Talk radio host Rush Limbaugh echoed Hannity's skepticism, saying that Bachmann had "jumped the shark."
Ed Morrissey, a writer for Hot Air, one of the largest conservative blogs online, isn't buying it either. "It looks more like Bachmann sensed that she had won a point and wanted to go in for the kill, didn't bother to check the facts, and didn't care that she was stoking an anti-vaccination paranoid conspiracy theory, either," Morrissey wrote. "Neither shines a particularly favorable light on Bachmann."
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Unread September 14th, 2011
9 inch 9 inch is offline
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...I left out the phillipines, Burma and Siam and don't forget Australia It was there a few years ago it was terrible what your people did to them and they'll never forget. your ragging on Cheney why not talk about the korean pleasure girls and what they had to go through. I guess you don't call yourself Ichi the Killer for nothing.
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Unread September 14th, 2011
ichi the killer ichi the killer is offline
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ichi the killer is a splendid one to beholdichi the killer is a splendid one to beholdichi the killer is a splendid one to beholdichi the killer is a splendid one to beholdichi the killer is a splendid one to beholdichi the killer is a splendid one to behold

Ok, Ok, i will take the bait just this one time 9inch. Here is a question for you.

What country bears the distinction of being the only country in the world to use nuclear weapons on another country? And they did not do it just once. They dropped two atomic bombs on civilian populace, not military targets. Civilians. In two different cities.

Targeting civilians. Is that not a war crime? Is that the behavior of the "heroes of all that is good with the world?" "The beacon of freedom?"

I will give you 4 choices.
1. Russia.
2. Imperial Japan.
3. United States of America.
4. Nazi Germany.

Go to your history book and look that one up. Let me know what you find out. The answer may surprise you.
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Unread September 15th, 2011
9 inch 9 inch is offline
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You'll take the bait because you're my bitch, bitch....

....in Cairns, Australia there were numerous bitter recollections of the Japanese people...one involved an australian missionary family in Borneo. the japanese captured the family and gave them two sticks, one large and one smaller. they then took the father and inserted a small glass tube up his penis and broke the tube...the man was in incredible pain and bit into the smaller piece of wood to alleviate the pain. but then he had to pee and the pain was absolutely unbearable he begged his family to kill him so the young son had to use the big stick and beat him around the head until he was dead. the japanese soldiers stood around laughing there asses off--it was fun for them. there's thousands of stories of atrocities like this regarding the japanese. so Ichi before you start opening your stupid f'n mouth about Cheney, Bachman, Perry or whomever remember what you are and who you are and that you got beat...so just do your little job and speak only when you're spoken to because we taught you a lesson you'll never forget but need to be reminded about now and then.
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Unread September 15th, 2011
ichi the killer ichi the killer is offline
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ichi the killer is a splendid one to beholdichi the killer is a splendid one to beholdichi the killer is a splendid one to beholdichi the killer is a splendid one to beholdichi the killer is a splendid one to beholdichi the killer is a splendid one to behold

Japanese are the superior race asshole. our women are 1000 times more pretty than any women on earth. You are a stupid caveman 9centemeters.

In war all sides commit atrocities. That is the nature of war. Dehumanize the enemy then it is OK to do anything you want to them. USA is doing that just now in both Iraq and Afghanistan. Normal regular people will become the most heartless killers in times of war after they have been numbed and programed to do these things. If the soldier thinks of the enemy as a human it becomes very hard to murder him. It simplifies things to dehumanize the enemy. Then it is not so hard to burn him and his family with napalm, or shoot him in cold blood. They were just "rag-heads" or "gooks" or "redskin injuns" Or "Christian mongrel crusaders" so the soldier does not get emotionally affected by the murder or murders he just committed.

My father killed many people in war. Many of them noncombatants. That was his job. If you are in the military, be it America's, China's, Korea's you have orders. Do your job and maybe when your tour is over you can go home. In war it is kill or be killed. If you hesitate to kill the enemy, chances are he will kill you first. Even the dreaded wehrmacht in WWII, not all of them were Nazi. they were just soldiers following orders. Those are the choices in war.That is just the nature of humans and war. War is not nice. The Japanese were no different than any other army in war. I got news for you. Bad shit happens in war. 9centimeter cock sucker.

Last edited by ichi the killer; September 16th, 2011 at 01:48 AM.
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Unread September 18th, 2011
ichi the killer ichi the killer is offline
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ichi the killer is a splendid one to beholdichi the killer is a splendid one to beholdichi the killer is a splendid one to beholdichi the killer is a splendid one to beholdichi the killer is a splendid one to beholdichi the killer is a splendid one to behold

Originally Posted by ichi the killer View Post
Japanese are the superior race asshole. our women are 1000 times more pretty than any women on earth. You are a stupid caveman 9centemeters.

In war all sides commit atrocities. That is the nature of war. Dehumanize the enemy then it is OK to do anything you want to them. USA is doing that just now in both Iraq and Afghanistan. Normal regular people will become the most heartless killers in times of war after they have been numbed and programed to do these things. If the soldier thinks of the enemy as a human it becomes very hard to murder him. It simplifies things to dehumanize the enemy. Then it is not so hard to burn him and his family with napalm, or shoot him in cold blood. They were just "rag-heads" or "gooks" or "redskin injuns" Or "Christian mongrel crusaders" so the soldier does not get emotionally affected by the murder or murders he just committed.

My father killed many people in war. Many of them noncombatants. That was his job. If you are in the military, be it America's, China's, Korea's you have orders. Do your job and maybe when your tour is over you can go home. In war it is kill or be killed. If you hesitate to kill the enemy, chances are he will kill you first. Even the dreaded wehrmacht in WWII, not all of them were Nazi. they were just soldiers following orders. Those are the choices in war.That is just the nature of humans and war. War is not nice. The Japanese were no different than any other army in war. I got news for you. Bad shit happens in war. 9centimeter cock sucker.
I read somewhere, i forget exactly where this: "History is written by the victors of war."
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