Thread: 2012 Election
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Unread September 12th, 2011
ichi the killer ichi the killer is offline
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ichi the killer is a splendid one to beholdichi the killer is a splendid one to beholdichi the killer is a splendid one to beholdichi the killer is a splendid one to beholdichi the killer is a splendid one to beholdichi the killer is a splendid one to behold

What exactly did Obama do that so radically changed the direction of this country from a nice prosperous capitalist rich country to basically a cash poor 3rd world country in such a short time?

He has only been president for almost 3 years. What radical thing did he do? I got news for you brother. We were already headed here. The world has changed. America does not make things anymore. We consume and import most everything. We borrow the money to do that. We are heavily in debt to other countries who have been financing our lavish life style. Now it is almost time for the balloon payment to come due.

I am glad I did not have any children and when I look around at people with 3 or 4 young children wonder. "What are these people thinking? What are these children going to do for work when they grow up? Stupid people. Maybe if they are cute girls when they turn 18 they can get into the sex industry? What else is hiring now?"

The economy is major fucked up. Technology is basically putting people out of work. Case in point: Look at the United States Postal Service. Email is shutting them down. USPS is about to go bankrupt. You know how many people they employ? A lot. Soon they will join the ranks of the unemployed. What are they qualified to do for alternative jobs? Well, If they are cute Asian females, maybe they can work in the sex industry. Other than that I don't know? I can't think of anything off hand.

Or take Bank of America, they are going to lay off thousands of their employees I read. Why? Because of all the bad loans B of A funded in the collapsed housing bubble for one. The other reason is technology. ATMS, computer banking and the like have replaced peoples work. You don't need a cute teller when you have ATMs, computers, android and IPhone technology. What kind of work are these people qualified to do when BofA lets them go? Well, if they are cute Asian females....

By the way, lets slash unemployment benefits. Those leeches are bleeding us dry.

Who's fault is that? Obama's? No, that is just the way this world is turning now. Times have changed and things are not in our favor anymore. China and the rest of the rapidly industrializing world want their slice of the pie as well, now.

They want to sit around, drive big ass cars, burn alot of gasoline. eat junk food, get massively obese, drink beer and watch football on TV like America. Basically, compete with us for scarce resources. China's military is approaching the point where they can challange us. We used to be hands down the biggest most advanced military on the block. That takes money. We don't have money anymore. China is rich as fuck.

So who are we to deny them? It is like evolution. Adapt or go extinct. We are like the Roman Empire in their last days. We had our time. it is the sunset for America now I think. it does not matter how many times you cheer "America is the greatest nation on earth." We fucked up. Bigtime. Now the chickens are coming home to roost.

It will be interesting to see how this plays out. I am not too hopeful for the future of the United States. Too bad for me I am in the same boat with the rest of the USA. I don't think it looks too good for us. The Republican candidates and stars all seem like a bunch of right-wing radical religious nuts. Bachman, Perry, Palin. Pawlenty. Please. If those people are our only hope we are done. Period. It is over.I personally think it really does not matter who is president now. It may be in Obama's best interest to finish his term and get out. We are in for some very bad shit, no matter who is POTUS. If he is out at least they can't say it is his fault when the shit really comes down.

I personally think we had a window of time in the year 2000 when maybe we could have changed direction. We missed that opportunity. Now, it is too late. The course has been set. It is about 10 years too late to turn back now.

I don't know? maybe we should go invade another country to "liberate" them so the can have "Democracy" "The Bush Doctrine" Oh, yeah I forgot. we already tried that and it did not work. Also I forgot. We are broke and don't have the money for those kind of adventures anymore.

Last edited by ichi the killer; September 12th, 2011 at 08:57 PM.
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