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Unread February 5th, 2015
diavolos diavolos is offline
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diavolos is on a distinguished road

Originally Posted by 1drmain View Post
I can only speak for myself. #1 I'm not offended at all. As Dennis Green once said "The Bears are who we thought they were". 1drmain has always said "Diavolos is who I thought he was" ....and what is that you ask? An angry angry bitter bitter person who is pissed at the world. Life is short Big D give yourself a chance to enjoy it. #2 you have been argumentative with 95% of the mongers on multiple boards....again read are an angry person. #3 your statements are I being the GOD I am can see this contradiction....I'm sure some of my disciples also see the deny sour grapes on your part? Hmmm? Really? Read again what you it sour grapes? or anger? or perhaps both? However, you wouldn't even know what I'm talking about. You must have no one left to argue with in your life. Therefore, you are back on MPreviews to find someone to argue with. You came on the board after your sabbatical to see "IF ANYTHING IS NEW or EXCITING...and it sounds like you were sorely disappointed. So, why not just leave it like that and continue on your sabbatical? Why? Because again repeat after me like we are in counseling. I am an angry angry bitter bitter man and I need to argue with someone. Well, that person will not be me. As you know, I find what you write comical. You are the comedian of MPREVIEWS. So keep writing Big D.....

Hey SUA GUA...EARNHARDT....DMICHAELS...RIVERRAT.....We need to have an emergency meeting. We must come up with new material, posts, etc for MPREVIEWS. We need to do this ASAP so we can accomodate Diavolos. I do not want him going on another sabbatical..I want him here, daily. I miss him dearly.

PS....Thrashmendes you are invited too.....Even though Big D didn't mention your name. You are on his list of people he is jealous of......and you know I love you too Thrashmendes. We won't have you out too late. I know you 90 year olds need your sleep.

Big D please stay with us. DO NOT I repeat DO NOT go on another sabbatical. We need you here. We need and want your love....and we want to love you too and get you out of your lifelong state of being angry.
Here you go again... I state what I felt,and you sit there trying to analyze me,i dint call anybody out ,dint offend anybody,(not on purpose lol),as a matter of fact I admire SG determination to his 2 causes ,protecting whores and trying to reform mongers.
We had a couple GTG and you think you know me,you are dead wrong friend.
You throw words like jealous , lets analyze that,the fuck am I jealous about,YOU HAVE NOTHING THAT I WANT,you think you are a hot shot with the ladies, I know what kind of grandmoms you bedding with, as a matter of fact out of curiosity I paid a visit to one named DeeDee about 3 years ago before we met ,I wanted to see for myself what you were raving about,walked in with a hard on and as soon as I saw DeeDee, my dick became an icecycle, I turned around and I left.
So as far as woman go we don't run in the same circles,when we met I drop a few names and SG was so impressed,he turn to me and said ,and I quote, man you must be a pimp.
so lets put to rest the jealous BS,dont apply to me.
As far as you saying I am a comedian,the only clown in the room is you,
again it dosnt apply to me.
As far as being angry, nah ,a little high strung is all,but when the BS gets too heavy I kind get angry, like when somebody sits there and proclaims himself God ,king, whatever the fuck, even if its said in jest,the fuck is wrong with you, who are you trying to impress, the likes of RiverRat, the guy you tried to bury 4 months ago.
So you see friend ,you think I have an axe to grind with you,you are wrong,maybe its the other way around, you laughing at me, nah ,the joke is on you.
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