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Unread July 6th, 2012
MPkid MPkid is offline
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Originally Posted by Hugh G. Rexion View Post
i am on thailovelinks and filipinocupid for last couple weeks. You get TONS of interest from all different women. 18-45 years old. It is fun to chat with a lot of these gals. The Thai women seem a little less open about sex and sex talk. The filipinas seem more open to it. I got webcam sex the other day. She didn't even asked me for money. I used my ipad for a camera...I need to get a webcam to explore the full potential The stories I've heard are quite entertaining. If you haven't tried, I recommend this form of cultural exchange.

One day I switched my message to say I was planning to visit the philippines and needed a pretty girl to show me all the sights and beaches and I needed a companion. I got plenty of volunteers ages mostly 18-25 and some quite cute.

You can comment on a hot girl photo and 9/10 times the girl actually responds and these are the hotties/sexiest girls. They are not too stuck up like American girls.
Hugh, The reason they are not stuck up is hot girls in most other countries don't get special treatment. Here if you are a hot girl you are a minority (most American girls are fat slobs) and they get all kinds of special treatment (let off from traffic tickets, meals paid for, entrance into exclusive clubs, doors opened, better grades in school, Etc., etc.,) and come to expect special treatment. Even the fat ugly ones expect special treatment. How many times have you heard..."you should do "this" or "that"... because I'm a girl" ??? WTF! Try to say OK I'll do whatever because you're a girl but I think you should cook dinner and clean the house "because I'm a man" and you instantly become a chauvinist. We haven't had defined rolls in America since the 50's. In most other countries women still enjoy being women and don't try to be anything else. Here they want to emasculate us then complain to their friends that their BF isn't man enough for them! When was the last time you overheard a group of women talking about how great their BF/Husband is? I'll be willing to bet within the last week you've heard women saying their BF/Husband is a jerk for whatever reason. When I was in Asia I met countless 10's (some of the most beautiful girls I have ever seen!!!) that all say the same thing...When you tell them you think they are beautiful they all say "I'm OK, but you can find many girls here more beautiful than me" and they mean it!!! NEVER once did I encounter the American "My shit don't stink" attitude...not even from the most beautiful women you can imagine.

I have a friend that retired to the Philippines (Cebu) a year ago. He's 62 and is almost a hunchback (his back has a sever bend) and he says he goes on filipinaheart and he told me and I quote "I cannot possibly fuck all the 18 to 25 year old beautiful girls that are willing to fuck me here if I lived to be 100" He is living well on $1400 a month retirement/Social Security and banging young hot girls 3-5 times a week. He says if he ever gets tired of it he will settle down with one.... but so far not yet!!! Try this experiment here...go up to a 22 year old hottie you see at the local starbucks tell her you're 62, hunchback and make $1400 a month and you think she's hot and she should come home with you...she'll laugh so hard she might piss herself! So if you're not into golden showers try the same experiment in the Philippines and you'll be balls deep in young pussy morning noon and night! Be forewarned, they won't fuck you for will be expected to pay $2 -$3 dollars for cab fare...I mean really you can't expect them to walk to your place LOL My advise to all is DON'T marry a Filipina unless you want to be financially bled dry...been there done that and don't recommend it. Those who use filipinaheart website know what I mean.

If more American men knew this...American women would either have to change their ways or die alone. Lucky for us, most American men are afraid to travel to these places or are so beaten down by society here they really believe the best they can do is settle for a fat American C@nt. Even many of the posts to Ob were for him to lower his expectations...I say FUCK THAT!! Raise your expectations and only date 9's and 10's from another country! If you are a good guy that will treat a girl nice then YOU ARE THE PRIZE and YOU deserve special treatment! In Asia women look up to and respect older men which is the opposite of American standards. Also women here believe they get better with age (the whole cougar phenomenon...UGH. I'm 47 and the last thing I want to do is fuck a 47 year old woman LOL) where in Asia women know their ability to attract a husband goes down with age...therefore single women in their mid to late 20's are getting desperate to meet a good guy! They are not hung up on looks but appreciate a man that is good to them. Asian men treat women poorly so a little kindness goes a long way. Here you have to be an asshole and treat women bad to get them to like you which means your whole relationship is based on a foundation of lies. I don't want to treat a lady bad for her to like me and if a lady likes me because I treat her bad then I believe there is something seriously wrong with her and I don't want to be with her. But like many other posts said if you treat an American girl nice she thinks you are weak and won't date you....How fucked up have women in this country become? That is why the PUA industry in USA is a multi-billion dollar industry. You couldn't sell any PUA stuff in another (non-westernized) country for a penny because it is NOT needed and there is no market for it.
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