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Unread May 23rd, 2012
ichi the killer ichi the killer is offline
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ichi the killer is a splendid one to beholdichi the killer is a splendid one to beholdichi the killer is a splendid one to beholdichi the killer is a splendid one to beholdichi the killer is a splendid one to beholdichi the killer is a splendid one to behold

Yeah, I take ephedrine too. When I was dieting hard I was taking lasix/that’s a water shot makes you lose water, Thyroid t3 pills, makes your metabolism go fast and ephedrine 50 mg shots I mix that with whatever hormone I am injecting that day. The ephedrine gives you intensity to work out. It feels good for sex to. You get chills down your spine from the ephedrine. Now that I am on a size diet "more carbs and calories" I still am taking the ephedrine just because I like the way it feels. You can get the pills online. I get the injection from "secret source."

I feel a little fat now, but you simply can't put on size and get cut at the same time. You can't put on weight and takeoff weight at the same time. Well you can, but it is called "stay the same." some of the pro bodybuilders get as fat as whales in the off season between shows. I don't want to do get too fat, but I can't be ripped to shreds all year long if I want to improve my weak parts. I am going to do this till July then start the hard restrictive diet again for a September contest. I learned some new things; I am going to put this stuff to the test.

Choi likes her men skinny and muscular. She is mad at me now. She says I have to give her my insulin. So I switched it in into a bottle of saline. I took the saline out of a vial and put the insulin into the saline vial. I put the saline into the insulin vial. Sneaky dog! That is an old classic "drug stealing" trick used by drug addicted nurses to steal drugs of abuse. I am going to quit the insulin in one month anyway. Can't do that shit and restrict carbs at same time. Too dangerous. I should have used insulin before. That shit works. I am as strong as fuck right now and just one month ago I was as weak as water.

I benched 405 for 2 reps today. I have not done that in a long while. Like 3 years ago. It is the combo=heavy lift/ testosterone like hormones in high doses/ insulin with good nutrition. Training/hormones/nutrition. One alone will not do it. Insulin goes under nutrition. It is like nutrition with a nitro booster, you know like a hot rod car.