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rick_brown33 November 7th, 2016 09:30 AM

Just my soapbox again!
I am tired of seeing an ad with a hot chick and I get to the bottom of it and I see a no AA or no African American. I even called an ad once that did not say that and she asked was I AA. When I said "yes", she hung up.

It is frustrating because I am a professional, respectful, six figure salary (and the first number is not a 1) and I never low ball and tip well when I get good service. I even see AA women that have ads that say no AA men.

Just venting!!!!

ExecutiveVIP November 7th, 2016 09:50 AM


Originally Posted by rick_brown33 (Post 88266)
I am tired of seeing an ad with a hot chick and I get to the bottom of it and I see a no AA or no African American. I even called an ad once that did not say that and she asked was I AA. When I said "yes", she hung up.

It is frustrating because I am a professional, respectful, six figure salary (and the first number is not a 1) and I never low ball and tip well when I get good service. I even see AA women that have ads that say no AA men.

Just venting!!!!

That sucks. You should probably join a site like HX where girls can see you're vetted prior to contacting them.

Most of the girls I've seen with this type of message on bp are usually black themselves. A recent one said "no black men under 35 years of age".

A couple of the common reasons (in order of probability):
  1. They're afraid of their safety based on their personal or other provider experiences.
  2. They have a black pimp who's afraid of another black pimp taking them away from their stable.
  3. They think all black guys have a thick foot long penis, so they would rather service the guys with the easy skinny 4 inch penises.
  4. They're plain racist.
I remember back when I used to frequent Tijuana, the hottest girl at the Chicago Club, who was Playboy caliber hot, would only service Asian guys. She wouldn't service Mexicans or Gringos (white guys), only Chinos (what they call all Asians there). When I asked her why, she said they tip a lot, cum quickly, and have little penises. For a girl who services 20 guys a night, those are the qualities of a perfect monger.

Swallowbiach November 7th, 2016 10:25 AM

RB33, I stopped long ago in trying to figure out the opposite sex. Luckily for you, there are a ton of women who would love to have you!

DD44DD November 7th, 2016 10:39 AM

does AA stand for asian american or alcoholics anonymous??

marsean November 7th, 2016 02:17 PM


Originally Posted by DD44DD (Post 88269)
does AA stand for asian american or alcoholics anonymous??

Yeah when I have seen that I assumed they did not want alcoholics, but I think rick is right, that is one format by where they are saying no African Americans. And ditto the explaination that somebody gave. but it sucks, they may have been roughed up or a pimp tried to take control, or whatever. It sucks for rick and team but there are many out there that will take anyone, thank goodness. I met one K girl a long ways ago, who had been seeing a black dude every week and she was the one who told me the line: "Once you go black, you never go back!" So just get the right ones. I am always trying to find the perfect one, it is fun to do the process. Hang loose, bro.

Lmccj November 7th, 2016 03:27 PM

I have a Thai friend that loves AA men so they are out ther just keep looking

Little Richard May 31st, 2017 09:01 PM


Originally Posted by rick_brown33 (Post 88266)
I am tired of seeing an ad with a hot chick and I get to the bottom of it and I see a no AA or no African American. I even called an ad once that did not say that and she asked was I AA. When I said "yes", she hung up.

It is frustrating because I am a professional, respectful, six figure salary (and the first number is not a 1) and I never low ball and tip well when I get good service. I even see AA women that have ads that say no AA men.

Just venting!!!!

Hey, Thanks for backing up my play answering my own question about that Thai girl. I saw your number of posts, inspiring,but having now
read a fraction of your content I am honored as well. You know. Funny thing though, and forgive me if this has already been raised, but has anyone considers racial stereotypes regarding Johnson length and girth? Chinese dudes are smaller than whites generally and afrocock, haha, I should say the penis of descendants from Africa on a
whole are to cracker cock as is white sausage to sashimi dick. Hehe. Ho Ho! I am actually contributing. Am I doing okay?

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