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Lookin4the1 September 20th, 2011 08:44 PM

Beware Rubmaps
Someone from ******* copied some of my MPReviews and posted them on their site. The vibe that I get from ******* is that it feels like a site LE would have created to make it easier for them to find out where to go. And by steeling previously written reviews it gives them a quick feeling of legitimacy. Beware of that site.

Alley Cat September 20th, 2011 08:58 PM

Lookin4the1, if you go to "Craigslist & PoshListings Discussion" MP Admin request you to send them the copied reviews. Hopefully they can stop the bs.

farangbak September 24th, 2011 09:33 PM

A lot of the reviews from ******* of establishments I have visited are total BS. It is usually the same poster making claims that are bogus, legit places he/she/it claims as FS which is not the case.

MPReviews September 25th, 2011 08:30 AM

OkiOpai, We have not taken reviews in reverse! Let me make that clear for everyone.

We have been around for more than 10 years, before that we were called EscortFinder Reviews... users were posting reviews primarily on MP's, that is when MPR opened the doors.
******* and Erotic MP are stealing reviews and creating fake usernames on their website claiming all of our reviews. They have fake users trying to trick you guys thinking they are real.


Originally Posted by OkiOpai (Post 53921)
In all honesty, someone from MPReviews has likely done the same thing in reverse. It's not that the management from one group is deliberately hijacking content, more like unscrupulous individuals are trying to get freebies (VIP membership, prizes) w/o making real contributions - and in all fairness, other members HAVE pointed out the h hijacked review. The fact of the matter is that this stuff has been going on since the mid 1990's when the Internet took off. Best thing you can do is flag a particular hijacked review when you see it.

kneadingknots October 19th, 2011 09:55 PM

copied reviews
I know that a review of mine posted on mpreviews about 8 months ago was copied whole cloth and posted on *******.com I followed the other reviews from the poster and did not come to any conclusion about whether it was a single person or the site that was crooked.

OkiOpai December 22nd, 2011 06:46 PM

May I respond?

Originally Posted by MPReviews (Post 53975)
OkiOpai, We have not taken reviews in reverse! Let me make that clear for everyone.

I never claimed anyone in MPR's management was deliberately doing such. I DID point out that unscrupulous INDIVIDUALS who were members here (and elsewhere) had probably cut-and-pasted and in some cases fabricated ads for the purpose of gaining VIP membership and other freebies. Certainly you can not disagree with this point, as other posters have clearly pointed out such attempts on this site as well.

I know I have already taken a lot of flak on this issue already, so let me clarify a few points here so you know exactly where I stand. Fact of the matter is that EVERY massage/escort/hobbyist site has some level of problems with fake reviews being submitted, for whatever reason. This site, *******, Redbook, all of them have this as an ongoing problem. The BIG issue is how proactive such sites are at identifying/flagging/removing such ads. I fully acknowledge that you're doing your best at MPR to control that problem, and of course that requires the active participation and cooperation of the participating members here.

As much as the mention of ******* here sets off fits of apoplectic rage here (and I'm no supporter of them, and in fact no longer post reviews there for a number of reasons), I believe that the biggest problem there was not anyone in their MANAGEMENT deliberately posting false reviews, but the numerous monthly contests (which in retrospect I believe to be fraudulent) offering Ipads and $50 gift certificates for posting reviews, etc. which was just too much of an incentive for the bottom-feeders to post whatever BS thought would pass muster and give them a chance to win such prizes.

I hope you understand where I'm coming from here, and I'll look forward to your reply on this subject.

sampletaster July 6th, 2012 08:41 AM

I've seen rub maps.. And others.. I have no problem with vip status, I personally only post my own reviews. But I understand how others cheat to get vip status. The board scene in LA/OC is beginning to suck Big time. some are just TERd's The biggest problem is censorship. This means the board administrators, do not approve review they do not like, remove posts, and ban member for postings that may not be what they want on their board. The result is people will go elsewhere. The most successful boards just keep the peace. And all reviews are posted. That is really the biggest asset of a board anyway. i wish the MPR admins success as they work their way through the bugs and policies. Just remember who provides your content!

Endzone July 6th, 2012 05:15 PM

Whenever I hear that site come up, I scratch my head. It's the equivalent of gathering intel from a sewer. All you need to know is, its filthy down there and none of it ever gets cleaned, filtered or monitored. It's astonishing that the site still exist. I tend to vote with my wallet in mind and they don't have my support. I hope they go away. The sooner the better for all.

rubitout July 9th, 2012 03:21 PM

I too recently had a post from MP copied and put on that site. The ironic thing was they used my same MP name but added the number "2" behind it.

delalunanyc August 23rd, 2013 02:49 PM

Fake Reviews on RubMaps
Yup! We've had 2 Fake reviews on ******* for certain and possible 3. We know for Fact because hello, we know our own place and the details are incredibly off. Why they would give details that are wrong, you think they would a tleast take the time to do their research. I don't know if it's them personally, "perceived" competitors or other random trolls writing fake reviews.

We made many changes to our establishment a while back and we've asked them to update it numerous times, they say yeah we're gonna do it and they just never do. When the reviews were obvious fakes we asked them to take it down. Details were wrong, and anyone who has been here knows that it's wrong. Whether something is good or not is completely intrinsic. Everyone has a different point of you. But when you see a review that gives specific physical attributes of the establishment, the girl or what went on if you are lying we work here, we know and everything is done here a very specific way. It's not about perception, it's about physical facts. One was a Five Star Review, but it was a fake. Why would a place ask them to take down a five star review unless it was fake... While awesome more search traffic for us, we want to earn our reviews. There is nothing like an earned sense of accomplishment. It's just Bad Chi the way they are doing business.
But now they are charging for people to see the reviews so this is all just a ploy to get money out of people. So, it's pretty obvious what they are doing and why but it sucks for people who don't know any better. This business really is very misunderstood and has a beautiful side to it, it's really is demeaning and perpetuates negative stigma as a whole that there has to be so much mistrust, lying and suspicion. Some day I believe we will surpass and transcend and show people how wonderful, loving and healing this business can be.. It's the business of pampering and pleasure, what can be better!!

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