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Donald J. Trump September 9th, 2018 10:43 PM

Get That Son Of A Bitch Off The Field !
Wow, NFL first game ratings are way down over an already really bad last year comparison. Viewership declined 13%, the lowest in over a decade. If the players stood proudly for our Flag and Anthem, and it is all shown on the broadcast, maybe the ratings could come back ? Otherwise worse !


Make America Great Again !

jen6942 September 23rd, 2018 12:49 PM

The NFL is doing fine--multi-billion dollar business. Television ratings are down for everything because the younger generation just doesn't watch TV like previous generations. The NFL will survive just fine. Not sure why a Prez who claims to be pro-business wants to hurt a very important American business unless it is solely for his own political purposes. While I would never choose to kneel during the anthem as a form of protest, it seems like the players who are doing it have given it some careful consideration. Really just a free speech issue--the Supreme Court has even upheld flag burning as a legit free speech issue. Instead of simply condemning the protesters (to appeal to his base), why doesn't the Prez open a national dialogue about race, police brutality, and these other issues that many African-Americans are concerned about? Have we forgotten the value of intelligent discourse?

look4goodrub September 23rd, 2018 03:09 PM

Maybe do your electioneering in the proper forum? The one marked Politics and World Affairs. Are you getting paid by the Trump Organization? Make MPR great again..........

MagicZoetrope September 23rd, 2018 03:43 PM


Originally Posted by look4goodrub (Post 95470)
Maybe do your electioneering in the proper forum? The one marked Politics and World Affairs. Are you getting paid by the Trump Organization? Make MPR great again..........

It's just Libertine, acting childishly in the forums.

NELLY September 23rd, 2018 08:16 PM

Fuck football I was a huge fan all my life now I could care less these overpaid thugs disrespecting our flag and country to get their 5 mins of fame, now Kap is the headshot for Nike what a fucking joke. Never will I buy a Nike product or support these fuckers. Tickets are way overpriced, beers parking all the other bullshit, it’s not a game anymore it’s who looks the best and acts like a savage it’s a fucking business they should be selling NFL stock here in the next few years. Everyone has an opinion take it with a grain of salt, I’m just gonna stick with AMP’s for Sunday entertainment

marsean September 24th, 2018 02:07 AM


Originally Posted by Donald J. Trump (Post 95379)
Wow, NFL first game ratings are way down over an already really bad last year comparison. Viewership declined 13%, the lowest in over a decade. If the players stood proudly for our Flag and Anthem, and it is all shown on the broadcast, maybe the ratings could come back ? Otherwise worse !


Make America Great Again !

Hey Lib,
Politics in the Political thread.

marsean September 24th, 2018 02:08 AM


Originally Posted by jen6942 (Post 95468)
The NFL is doing fine--multi-billion dollar business. Television ratings are down for everything because the younger generation just doesn't watch TV like previous generations. The NFL will survive just fine. Not sure why a Prez who claims to be pro-business wants to hurt a very important American business unless it is solely for his own political purposes. While I would never choose to kneel during the anthem as a form of protest, it seems like the players who are doing it have given it some careful consideration. Really just a free speech issue--the Supreme Court has even upheld flag burning as a legit free speech issue. Instead of simply condemning the protesters (to appeal to his base), why doesn't the Prez open a national dialogue about race, police brutality, and these other issues that many African-Americans are concerned about? Have we forgotten the value of intelligent discourse?

Don't fall prey that's what he wants, politics to political thread.

marsean September 24th, 2018 02:09 AM


Originally Posted by look4goodrub (Post 95470)
Maybe do your electioneering in the proper forum? The one marked Politics and World Affairs. Are you getting paid by the Trump Organization? Make MPR great again..........

You got it, politics to political thread.

marsean September 24th, 2018 02:09 AM


Originally Posted by MagicZoetrope (Post 95471)
It's just Libertine, acting childishly in the forums.

Yeah yeah yeah

marsean September 24th, 2018 02:10 AM


Originally Posted by NELLY (Post 95473)
Fuck football I was a huge fan all my life now I could care less these overpaid thugs disrespecting our flag and country to get their 5 mins of fame, now Kap is the headshot for Nike what a fucking joke. Never will I buy a Nike product or support these fuckers. Tickets are way overpriced, beers parking all the other bullshit, it’s not a game anymore it’s who looks the best and acts like a savage it’s a fucking business they should be selling NFL stock here in the next few years. Everyone has an opinion take it with a grain of salt, I’m just gonna stick with AMP’s for Sunday entertainment

Somebody get Admin to move this stuff to political thread.

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