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hardcock April 12th, 2022 02:58 PM

Rim Job !
It’s become apparent that many of you pay prostitutes or so called masseuses money to lick their assholes or lick their vagina. It’s one thing to date/marry someone and have this fetish, but prostitutes are another thing!

Here are 5 potential (not including STD’s) that can occur: reach out to legit or Marsean for additional info.

1. She farts

2. Their butt may not have been clean to begin with?

3. The smell could be gnarly

4. She didn’t wipe properly?

5. You can get fecal matter on your 😳 teeth?

Here is why When I had my few clients I received oral sex from every one of them. They were impotent so they got the satisfaction of giving me pleasure. The others were just as focused on my orgasm as they were their own. I would say I was more of a companion than an escort. We went on dates and had fun.

We are only talking about a handful of men so perhaps I got lucky… or I'm just smart. ;) men orally satisfy prostitutes.

hardcock April 12th, 2022 06:25 PM

Notice the last paragraph, written by a prostitute? Any takers? Please brush. The economy is headed for a recession

look4goodrub April 12th, 2022 07:27 PM

Anybody have any new topics to discuss?

hardcock April 12th, 2022 07:36 PM

We know what look4good likes: here you guy. Your clearly crying for attention:
With nearly 48,000 reviews — over 40,000 of which are five-star — this whitening toothpaste for sensitive teeth took the top spot as the best-rated on this list. And though it’s gentle on teeth, it’s tough on stains. “I have sensitive teeth, but I also like whitening power. After trying a different brand that really irritated my mouth, I used this one and have had zero problems, and my teeth have been staying white,” says one reviewer, while another shares that every time they go to the dentist, “They rave about how healthy my gums and teeth are — so it has to be working.” They also drink coffee daily, “and my teeth are nice and white despite that … I only use this to brush my teeth.” And a third reviewer describes this as their “go-to” toothpaste for years for their sensitive teeth, as it’s “less abrasive” than other whitening toothpastes.

hardcock April 12th, 2022 10:25 PM

Rim job STI’s:
1. Shigella tops our list of anus-to-oral transmittable STI. This highly contagious strain of bacteria is transferred when one ingests infected faecal matter. Vomiting, stomach cramps, fever, weight loss, diarrhoea with blood, rectal prolapse and toxic megacolon.
Shigella is treatable with antibiotics and usually lasts around a week but abnormal bowel movements can last for up to three months after treatment.

2. If you skipped penile penetration for a rim job out of the fear of gono infection, you might just be in for a surprise. Licking your partner’s anus can also infect you with gonorrhoea usually in the throat.
Be careful you don’t get infected with drug-resistant gonorrhoea strain. “Drug-resistant” simply means that the bacteria have evolved to a stage where certain antibiotics no longer work against it. If you still have symptoms a week after treatment, you may need to give your doctor another call.

3. Syphilis is usually spread through skin to skin contact which makes rimming one of the variable ways to get infected.
While protective oral sex barriers including condoms may reduce the risk of infection, you should always get tested. It is easily treatable and completely curable.

4. Hepatitis A & B

Hepatitis A (HAV) is mostly spread through faecal-oral contact whilst Hepatitis B (HBV) hitch rides through sexual fluids.
Symptoms include nausea/vomiting, diarrhoea, jaundice, and muscle aches. Hepatitis can be fetal but being vaccinated against it can provide lifetime immunity while saving you the trouble of infections.

5. Aside from the transfer of intestinal worms, any bacteria that could potentially be spread through faecal matter can make rim jobs very risky. Salmonella and E. coli are easily transferrable from anus-to-mouth or mouth-to-anus.
Cryptosporidium and amebiasis parasites could also be contracted from ingesting infected faecal matter. These can be present in minuscule amounts of faecal matter in and around the anal opening/hole.
But hey, there’s still something for you if you really want to get freaky on the butt. Keep good anal hygiene and preferably wash down right before the act. Warm water and some antibacterial soap would do the trick.
Or get yourself a dental dam or a condom cut in half and spread over the asshole. The only condom not appropriate for use is those made out of lambskin. Lambskin is a natural membrane which has large pores suitable for STI passage.
Remember to ask your partner before trying it on them, surprises don’t always go down so well.

Be careful legit and marsean. Brush! Gargle!

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