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Libertine September 18th, 2016 03:11 AM

Trump, Grand Wizard of Birtherism
Trump, The Grand Wizard of Birtherism

So, on Friday the Grand Wizard of Birtherism against President Obama admitted that birtherism was bunk, not by apologizing for his prominent role in the racist campaign — no, that would have been too right — but by suggesting that he deserved credit for dousing the flames he’d fanned.

This man is so low that he’s subterranean.

That was a lie. There is no evidence Hillary Clinton and her campaign either started or took part in the efforts to question the location of Barack Obama’s birth.

He continued: “I finished it.”

That was also a lie. Well after it had been established that the president was born in this country, Trump continued to traffic in speculation to the contrary, all the way up to and including this year.

Then Trump said, without elaboration or allowing questions: “President Barack Obama was born in the United States. Period.”

Trump has a long history of elevating the idiocy of conspiracy theories and normalizing the nonsensical.

Trump claimed in a 2011 interview with Sean Hannity that President Obama was “born Barry Soetoro, somewhere along the line, he changed his name.” Soetoro is the surname of Obama’s mother’s second husband, who she married when Obama was a young boy.

But Trump didn’t stop there. He strung together more conspiracy theories.

Speaking of college, Trump has insinuated that Obama never attended Columbia University. In 2011, Trump told the Conservative Political Action Conference that “our current president came out of nowhere” and “In fact, I’ll go a step further: The people that went to school with him, they never saw him, they don’t know who he is. It’s crazy.”

The fact-checking site PolitiFact rated this lie “Pants on Fire.”

He once suggested to Fox News’s Bill O’Reilly that maybe Obama hadn’t produced a birth certificate because it could reveal that he’s a secret Muslim. He said:

“People have birth certificates. He doesn’t have a birth certificate. He may have one but there’s something on that, maybe religion, maybe it says he is a Muslim. I don’t know. Maybe he doesn’t want that.”

This is what Trump does: he exalts gossip and innuendo, which has the direct and opposite effect of degrading truth and honesty. He finds a lie in which the depraved have faith and he lifts it up as if it’s a secret that their opponents fear.

And even when confronted with proof positive that his conspiracies are baseless, he often doesn’t back down, or if he does, he does so without apology.

He is not only bending the truth, he is breaking the notion that truth should matter in the first place.

This is what is so baffling about the people supporting him: They know he’s lying, but they so want to believe the lies that they have pushed themselves into a universe of irrationality that is devoid of logic.

No one who so proudly wears the mark of dishonesty and defamation possesses the power to grant the stamps of legitimacy and absolution.

NY Times

asiansam September 18th, 2016 07:51 AM

Another Op-Ed hit piece on Trump. Yeah, he stupidly bought into the birther "controversy" early on and ran with it until a few days ago. That was dumb, no question.

No, Hillary didn't personally start the rumor, nor did her staff, but it's well-documented that it most likely started among her 2008 supporters. Granted, she had no control over them, but they were Dems for sure. While since those days she has come out against the birther accusations, at the time she made comments that were not so clear.

"He's not a muslim, as far as I know..."

And her staff at the time explored their options in smearing Obama. This is also well-documented.

Trump is a liar. No doubt. So is Hillary. Also no doubt at all.

If honesty is something you really care about, then there is truly no one to vote for.

pumpagain69 September 18th, 2016 08:45 AM

I look at this latest thread from the Lib as his daily propaganda. When he can not
and nobody can find anything positive to say about his candidate you resort to posts
like this. She's at least the devil we know in this election , she is the definition of insanity.

marsean September 18th, 2016 08:01 PM


Originally Posted by asiansam (Post 86988)
Another Op-Ed hit piece on Trump. Yeah, he stupidly bought into the birther "controversy" early on and ran with it until a few days ago. That was dumb, no question.

No, Hillary didn't personally start the rumor, nor did her staff, but it's well-documented that it most likely started among her 2008 supporters. Granted, she had no control over them, but they were Dems for sure. While since those days she has come out against the birther accusations, at the time she made comments that were not so clear.

"He's not a muslim, as far as I know..."

And her staff at the time explored their options in smearing Obama. This is also well-documented.

Trump is a liar. No doubt. So is Hillary. Also no doubt at all.

If honesty is something you really care about, then there is truly no one to vote for.

Well put asiansam, now that would be so hard to refute.

marsean September 18th, 2016 08:22 PM


Originally Posted by pumpagain69 (Post 86989)
I look at this latest thread from the Lib as his daily propaganda. When he can not
and nobody can find anything positive to say about his candidate you resort to posts
like this. She's at least the devil we know in this election , she is the definition of insanity.

pumpagain, I think more foul stuff comes out of her mouth than from Trump but she finds a way to make it sound palatable to her supporters at least. Problem is she stretches the truth, bends it, literally lies, covers up almost anything that may have consequences, and very few trust her.

Here is the reality that has been reported thoroughly in the media that cannot be disputed at this time and any time before the election: Her released medical records show that she has had 3 strokes, she has a known history of falling and hitting her head.

Now I ask you and all readers of this thread:

Who in their right mind would vote for any candidate knowing that of their health history, regardless of party, for the office of POTUS, when a healthy candidate who could at least finish a four year term would go a long way for stability and national security?

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