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MPkid March 3rd, 2015 09:46 AM

Seeking Arrangement
Since my in box has blown up over the SA posts and (I should get a commission from SA) so many of you have joined SA here is my final post on the subject. If you are well known on this site and want info you can PM me but, keep in mind we are going to be fishing in the same pond and I don't want to get our lines tangled. I will help you if I can but I will no longer share ANY info with or about any girls I have met on SA.
I already fear I might have said too much about the who, what, where and how of my experience on SA. I can feel some serious blow back (no pun intended) coming my way if anyone of you opens your mouth to any of the women that have possibly crossed our paths. I know there is no honor among mongers and this isn't fight club so people will talk, white knights will ride their white horses and other idiots will try to slay the few remaining unicorns. So as far as this topic is concerned....I blazed the trail even though 90% of you were nay sayers and now that I have found some success the bandwagon is getting full so I close this chapter and wait for the backlash I created to catch up with me. It's not going to be pretty and it's going to end up hurting a very sweet girl and I'm really sorry if that ends up happening.
As always YMMV and probably will.... MONGER LONGER

dj110 March 3rd, 2015 10:33 AM

Right on mp. You did more than enough for other mongers. Hope you do well with the ladies over there. And as always, hope you don't get fucked over by any of the white nights.

MPkid March 3rd, 2015 11:25 AM

I know 99 out of 100 mongers surveyed have no honor regarding keeping their mouths shut. I just hope the guy in question is one of the honorable ones... Although being a gambling man I know the odds are 99-1 against me.

Hugh G. Rexion March 3rd, 2015 02:14 PM

Turn off your profile for 60 days and come back on the site and its almost as good as starting over. I do that on the dating sites and its like a whole new school of tuna is swimming your way again. As far your current prospects just remember as long as you are paying them they cant say shit and I don't know how they can cross reference you to this site anyway though I did contact u about some chick I thought was on your list I gave up cause my work schedule got tight.

ExecutiveVIP March 3rd, 2015 02:53 PM

Thanks MPKid, as the rappers say: "Bro's before Ho's."

willb March 3rd, 2015 08:24 PM

Ok Mpkid I usually agree with or add to most of your posting , but I'm a lite confused by this one. Two or more guys finding the same girl could happen in HX , backpage or any other site where girls are offering time and sex for a fee...not disagreeing with you, just seeking some clarification don't want to step on anyone's toes... Still have met anyone yet , two more weeks and I will be finish with LAM and will Have free time to chase some new trim..

MPkid March 4th, 2015 11:17 AM

The point is these are not your typical whores and do want some level of discretion. It's my fault for giving too much info about this particular girl. Now potentially some monger is going to go to her real place of employment and proposition her about SA. If I'm the only guy she is seeing from that site it will come back on me for having a big mouth. It's not like HX where the girls are banging anyone who passes screening.

un camacho March 4th, 2015 07:46 PM

There's a vast difference between SA and HX/citivibe/CL.
SA is purely between you and the provider; there's students, mothers, and the girl next door in financial distress.
HX/CV/CL is based on feedback and reviews, and providers want high volumes, and welcome reviews.
I hope your SA thing works out with no problem. Lesson learnt I suppose.

willb March 4th, 2015 08:27 PM


Originally Posted by MPkid (Post 78073)
The point is these are not your typical whores and do want some level of discretion. It's my fault for giving too much info about this particular girl. Now potentially some monger is going to go to her real place of employment and proposition her about SA. If I'm the only guy she is seeing from that site it will come back on me for having a big mouth. It's not like HX where the girls are banging anyone who passes screening.

Oh ok I get it now. I would be pisses if a monger went to high school gossip route..stay safe out there Mpkid ..

Lmccj March 5th, 2015 06:01 AM

Hokey smokes MPkid pace yourself
This white knight has one blazer sword

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