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marsean November 17th, 2016 02:46 PM

Known Providers Showing up in Porn Vids?
Do any of you know any video links or actual Titled porn vids on commercial porn sites with providers we know and review that were done in the parlors with or without the girls knowledge? Is it OK to post the link or whereabouts on the internet here for people to look it up and enjoy? Or should that just be allowed on member specific portions of site, if so where?

asiansam November 17th, 2016 02:54 PM


Originally Posted by marsean (Post 88380)
Do any of you know any video links or actual Titled porn vids on commercial porn sites with providers we know and review that were done in the parlors with or without the girls knowledge? Is it OK to post the link or whereabouts on the internet here for people to look it up and enjoy? Or should that just be allowed on member specific portions of site, if so where?

Sounds like good questions to ask Admin.

[email protected]

There are lots of video clips like that on member upload porn sites. Just search for "massage parlor" or "hidden camera," etc. They're out there, and yes, you may recognize some of the participants.

marsean November 17th, 2016 05:18 PM

Thanks asiansam

Originally Posted by asiansam (Post 88382)
Sounds like good questions to ask Admin.

[email protected]

There are lots of video clips like that on member upload porn sites. Just search for "massage parlor" or "hidden camera," etc. They're out there, and yes, you may recognize some of the participants.

Yes, Sam, good point to direct questions to admin, which is in progress, now waiting for direct answers as could be complex subject. When I started the thread first thought was if people knew of actual vids found that might be interesting and an obvious cherry on top to verify performance. I am sure everyone has seen something like this, but where to put it and if site is OK with it is another question.

MPkid November 17th, 2016 06:47 PM

There is a guy on here that has video taped several providers that are reviewed here the only thing is I don't know any of the girls. If I can find the links I will post them.

marsean November 17th, 2016 07:57 PM


Originally Posted by MPkid (Post 88385)
There is a guy on here that has video taped several providers that are reviewed here the only thing is I don't know any of the girls. If I can find the links I will post them.

OK, I think we are all thinking that the VIP Regional Boards would be the place to post, if it is considered legal by admin, literally and otherwise, so that they are available to members only not wide open to public or providers. I did query admin earlier today on this and waiting for clear answer. Not worth getting anyones shorts all bunched up, but might be nice to see besides fake pics what you might get if seeing certain providers. They might get busier than they are presently though, so there is that downside, assuming they are fine looking. I think it is good to hold off until we get clear guidance, but I am all for it if OK. Of course we have been treated to many public vids by a few enterprising members, ahem...Just wanted to get the topic rolling, thanks guys for chipping into it.

asiansam November 18th, 2016 05:58 PM


Originally Posted by marsean (Post 88386)
OK, I think we are all thinking that the VIP Regional Boards would be the place to post, if it is considered legal by admin, literally and otherwise, so that they are available to members only not wide open to public or providers. I did query admin earlier today on this and waiting for clear answer. Not worth getting anyones shorts all bunched up, but might be nice to see besides fake pics what you might get if seeing certain providers. They might get busier than they are presently though, so there is that downside, assuming they are fine looking. I think it is good to hold off until we get clear guidance, but I am all for it if OK. Of course we have been treated to many public vids by a few enterprising members, ahem...Just wanted to get the topic rolling, thanks guys for chipping into it.

Lol. I've seen several of these vids and NONE of the providers in them are good-looking. They might seem better-looking than they are when you're horny, drunk and/or desperate, but when you see them in the vids, you wonder what the attraction is.

deezguy November 18th, 2016 07:57 PM

This was back in my college days in the 80's. Three dancers from the notorious Ivar nude dance theater were in a porn flick. Two of them were a pair of modern dancers who could occasionally be seen dancing to a conga beat at Venice Beach. The other was an S.E. Asian with distinctive lopsided tits. You could actually see the size difference. These dancers didn't provide anything except allow you to smell sweaty gash from the edge of the stage if you tipped enough.

marsean November 18th, 2016 11:49 PM


Originally Posted by Deezguy (Post 88395)
This was back in my college days in the 80's. Three dancers from the notorious Ivar nude dance theater were in a porn flick. Two of them were a pair of modern dancers who could occasionally be seen dancing to a conga beat at Venice Beach. The other was an S.E. Asian with distinctive lopsided tits. You could actually see the size difference. These dancers didn't provide anything except allow you to smell sweaty gash from the edge of the stage if you tipped enough.

OK Deez,,,
(waiting for the other shoe to drop) so I guess you're gonna tell me you still have footage of that flick and had it converted to a DVD or CD or uploaded it somehow to one of these porn sites, so that you can now go and get the link or title name so we can watch it??? Or just waxing about the 'ol college days? Don't tell me you were in the thing sitting at the edge of the stage and found out later you were an actor in the flick? Hahaha...I remember the ol wet T shirt contests at a strip bar out in Honolulu near Waikiki where they had civi college girls competing (so they said) and you could get a squirt bottle and help em get their T shirts all wetted down so you could see nipples and the like. And of course when time was right, the ol wet T shirts had to go to get some dry ones. Yee Haw. The testosterone around the stage was almost enough to get these gals to levitate when they bent over to pick up those tip dollars.

deezguy November 19th, 2016 02:17 AM


Originally Posted by marsean (Post 88396)
OK Deez,,,
(waiting for the other shoe to drop) so I guess you're gonna tell me you still have footage of that flick and had it converted to a DVD or CD or uploaded it somehow to one of these porn sites, so that you can now go and get the link or title name so we can watch it??? Or just waxing about the 'ol college days? Don't tell me you were in the thing sitting at the edge of the stage and found out later you were an actor in the flick? Hahaha...I remember the ol wet T shirt contests at a strip bar out in Honolulu near Waikiki where they had civi college girls competing (so they said) and you could get a squirt bottle and help em get their T shirts all wetted down so you could see nipples and the like. And of course when time was right, the ol wet T shirts had to go to get some dry ones. Yee Haw. The testosterone around the stage was almost enough to get these gals to levitate when they bent over to pick up those tip dollars.

The 16mm real was acquired by the frat. Who knows what happened to the flick.

marsean November 19th, 2016 11:44 AM


Originally Posted by asiansam (Post 88394)
Lol. I've seen several of these vids and NONE of the providers in them are good-looking. They might seem better-looking than they are when you're horny, drunk and/or desperate, but when you see them in the vids, you wonder what the attraction is.

Well Fook Me...asiansam...I dunno for sure except the idea crossed my pea brain that if you could look up or found one for one you knew at least you could compare how some other monger were giving it to her as compared to you...and you might possibly see some move that really got her going more than you experienced with which case I might consider using it, or maybe using it on her...and see if she had same reaction, might unlock some deep seated passion that you couldn't find earlier? Just musing...always think there is another way to experience and ramp up the experience, and as always for mutual enjoyment...that's about it from this end. Your thoughts?

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