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jagone February 8th, 2019 11:15 AM

I need your help
So I went to see my "MP girlfriend" (someone who I have known for over a year) because she wanted me to help her celebrate Chinese New Year. As I was leaving, she gave me a beautifully decorated red envelope. I opened it when I got home and I was amazed. It had 16 brand new crisp $5 notes in two bundles of 8 notes each. $80 is a lot of money for her to give away. Can you guys please help me interpret the significance of the contents and the envelope? And also how can I return this generous gesture in a manner that is respectful and meaningful in the Chinese culture so that she knows I really care for her. In hindsight and with great ignorance, I fucked up for not giving her anything besides a bigger tip that day when she actually fed me with all those delicious Chinese goodies. Seeing that she must have put great effort into her "gift" I feel really bad even though I don't quite understand the significance of the content. So please help me guys and suggest ways for me to redeem myself. I feel like such an insensitive dickhead. Thanks for your help.

Kani February 8th, 2019 02:18 PM

It's her tradition and all you can do is wait till next year or you have to opportunities to gift her back. First one is best, Valentine's day and you can do what you wish. 2nd one is Thai new Year which comes in April. I'm guessing she's older then you because she gave you a red envelope.

Bang Qiu February 8th, 2019 07:37 PM

Kani’s Answer is mostly correct. A nice bouquet of roses with a red envelope filled with money for Valentines Day would be your best option. She clearly likes you, she would no way be able to afford to do this for very many fact you May be the only one. All that being said, be cautious dating a provider. Take it from someone with experience. If you think you have feelings for her, take it slow. Understand what it is she does for a living. But don’t bother with Thai New Year unless she is Thai Chinese. Chinese people don’t really care about Thai Holidays. Good luck and be careful.

jagone February 10th, 2019 11:54 AM

Thank you for replying
Thank you guys for your suggestions. So, Valentine's Day will be the day of redemption. Also found out that the #8 is a lucky number, hence all the 8s in the envelope.

Kani: I am much older than her, she is 26 but much cuter and better looking than me. She looks like a tall and slim Chinese model, I am a lucky SOB. Lol.

Bang Qiu: I am very aware of this relationship. My buddy, who is very experienced, just like you, has painted me THE FULL PICTURE with all the imperfections etched in. Heeding your advice reminds me of this song by Bryan Adams (and Elvis) that I was listening to a lot when I first met her over a year ago. The lyrics are so applicable and it goes, "wise men say, only fools rush in," - your advice exactly, "can't help falling in love," - this was so naturally mutual, " should I stay," - i have asked myself that question many times, "would it be a sin," - we are both married and we both know, "somethings are meant to be," - I would have never thought this could ever happen, meeting someone like her in a MP environment, she works in a legit MP in LA, "take my hand," - she has done that many times, and this is where the music stops, because the next line, "take my whole life too," - no, that will not happen, it will not happen, thanks to all the great advice.

I showed my buddy what you wrote and he was impressed that within the confines of a narrated paragraph, you were able to glimpse the true heartfelt elements of this relationship. And you offered kind, sincere and caring advice, and we don't even know each other, except for this site. I remember corresponding with Ichi, who is very much like that, and you reminded me of him. This site needs more people like you and.....Ichi. For that, I am most grateful and have taken your advice to heart. Thank you Bang Qiu.

After all that has been said, I would rather live in a world with love than without. I know you guys will agree with me on that. Happy valentine's day everyone.

MPkid February 10th, 2019 02:24 PM

We've all been there and have all thought we were the special one. In some cases we were and others we were not. But I've only had one provider ever give me any gifts of value and in that particular case I know I wasn't special because she was a high mileage BBFS provider that used to buy a room full of gifts to give to regulars at Christmas! Anyone else ever get to pick out gifts in the prize room at Lambert Accu??? LOL
It sounds like this girl really likes you and could have given you $8 with just as much meaning but went for $80 to make it clear this isn't something she does for everyone.

Bang Qiu February 10th, 2019 04:37 PM

Thanks for the kind words, Jagone. Glad to be of assistance. Good luck.

jagone February 11th, 2019 11:54 AM

MPKid, you are right about the $80. Someone also pointed out that the reason she waited till the last minute was so that she could make an impact and a statement. Giving it early would have negated that somewhat because I would have emptied my pockets 1) out of guilt for her clever and creative effort and the $ amount, and 2) out of shame for being so ill prepared. So, she clearly was never concerned about the amount given or getting the money back. Just giving me a message. Of course I am just too dumb to pick up on all the nuances and implications. Lol. Somebody told me that Chinese girls "verbalize" their emotions through their actions, the things they do for you. I am seeing that right now, and thinking back on all the things that she has done for me. I guess I going to have to drop a "bomb" on Valentine's day just to compensate. Urrgh, the pressures of a relationship!!!!!

Kani February 11th, 2019 03:54 PM

Had this happen to me with Julie from S&H health back 6 years ago. She was a legit therapist and I went to her for years 1-2 times a week and a couple of times when she was not there for my massage I would get a random girl and they would know who I was. They would ask me how I felt about Julie because she really liked me. One day beat my birthday I walked in and she has a giant birthday bag with various gifts and I was thankful and speechless. I continued to exclusivity see her for a year after that when she broke it the news that she found out she was sick. She didn't believe the Western doctors because she ate healthy and was as strong as a Chinese gymnast and honestly she was. A couple weeks after that she stopped working and my only communication with her was over the phone and random text. A month went by with no calls or text until this one day the phone rang with her I'd tag. I answered the phone and it wasn't Julie but her daughter and she called him for me that her mom had passed away. RIP Julie

Legitman February 11th, 2019 07:17 PM

I don't want to be the one to brake the ice Jagone but don't get excited about this girl yet, you should be excited when she asks you to marry her and get her out of the shop to be a house wife.. then you can say you're the one but until now you're probably one of two she is working on to get out of the MP life. let me guess, this girl I know is also 26, skinny and tall with long black hair, very cute by the way. Is she the One? I might know her!

jagone February 13th, 2019 11:07 AM

For Legitman
I don't think we are referring to the same girl, mine is thin/slim, not skinny and has shortish brown hair with a reddish tint while yours is skinny with long black hair. And even if we are, so what if you know her? I really don;t understand the true intention of your post, or the reason why you choose to tell me this in an open forum. After all, the chances of us talking about the same girl is more than remote. I have now been told about some of your possible motives and was strongly encouraged to respond. So this is my response.

About the two of us being the only ones:
If you think for one moment that you, or you and I, are the only favorite suitors that this cute girl like,(assuming it is the same girl) then you need to get off your high horse and pull your inflated head out of your ass, so that you can see the light. What ever makes you think that you/me/we are the only special one(s) in this gorgeous girl's MP life? The audacity of your thought is so stupidly mind boggling. Do you really know how to play this game? Conceited vanity is both a dangerous and foolish thing in our hobby..

About you being a threat:
In the big scheme of things, you are just as irrelevant as all her other favorite customers. You are no more threatening than all her rich, good looking, charming and successful west LA/Beverly Hills customers that literally throw large sums of money at her just to ask for a date. If you think for one second that she has not already pluck one, or two, or even three of these tantalizing low hanging fruits, then you really need s serious dose of intelligence. And I don't even know if you are worthy of being in that company. So stop flattering yourself. You are nothing more than a tiny blip on the radar.

About being foolishly unaware:
Don't assume that everyone of us who engage in this hobby is a helpless, clueless, floundering love sick idiot that has no control over what goes on. That is so untrue. This situation is in fact not a big deal to me, maybe it is to you. You have obviously read way too much into this. I did not get to this level of success in my life only to jeopardize my own well being by stupidly putting myself in harm's way for an insignificant side trip such as this. Read my post above: IT IS NOT GOING TO HAPPEN. I am very aware, nothing that happens in a MP is going to change or effect my life. Marriage? I am the only one? Housewife? Where did those terms come from? You should stop reading into my posts for things that are not there. Please stop projecting your own narrow perceptions and insecurities on me. I don't travel down the same road as you do.

About you:
And unlike you, there is nobody working me for anything, nobody wanting to get out of the MP life or any other life. If you are lucky enough to find a gorgeous 26 year old, then i am really happy for you. Go knock yourself out, I hope you succeed with her. In the meantime, you really don't have to worry about me, my happiness, my well being. I will do just fine, because I really am not at all concern about you..

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