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KavanaughPenis September 24th, 2018 10:37 PM

I Did Not Have Sex With Girls From School - I Was A Virgin - I Never Touched My Penis
“We’re talking about allegations of sexual assault,” Judge Kavanaugh told Fox News during a joint interview with his wife, Ashley Estes Kavanaugh.

“I’ve never sexually assaulted anyone. I did not have sexual intercourse, or anything close to sexual intercourse, in high school or for many years thereafter. The girls from the schools I went to, and I, were just friends."

“So you’re saying through all these years that are in question that you were a virgin ?” Fox News asked.

“That’s correct,” Kavanaugh replied, “I did not have sex until ‘many years after’ college.”

OkiOpai September 25th, 2018 07:42 AM

Must be pathetic...
Must be pathetic to have Trump inside your head all the time. I didn't vote for the man either but I'm not obsessed to the point that my life is consumed with posting off-topic nonsense to monger boards...


marsean September 25th, 2018 12:48 PM


Originally Posted by OkiOpai (Post 95499)
Must be pathetic to have Trump inside your head all the time. I didn't vote for the man either but I'm not obsessed to the point that my life is consumed with posting off-topic nonsense to monger boards...


OO, right on! He's got nothing else to do. How many handles has he come out with by now? Must be dozens. Now that IS pathetic!

KavanaughPenis September 26th, 2018 01:28 AM

My Penis Made Me Do It
In high school I was focused on academics and athletics, going to church every Sunday at Little Flower, reading my bible for hours everyday, attending daily bible study classes, working on my service projects, and friendship, friendship with my fellow classmates and friendship with girls from the local all-girls Catholic schools. I was told you could get to third base with the Catholic girls after getting them to drink a few beers. But I never knew I had a penis until I was 32 years old. I was a virgin. On my wedding night my wife finally showed me what I could do with my penis. Wow, it’s been fun ever since ! Now I understand why the Catholic girls back in high school were so easy to score with when they got drunk.

marsean September 26th, 2018 09:45 AM

Ohhh, a talking penis! Kind of like a ventriloquist, right Lib?

mikesan1 September 26th, 2018 03:47 PM

He's just too lazy to write fiction so he indulges himself on the boards.
The Left wrecks and pollutes everything they touch.

OkiOpai September 27th, 2018 01:05 PM


Originally Posted by marsean (Post 95501)
OO, right on! He's got nothing else to do. How many handles has he come out with by now? Must be dozens. Now that IS pathetic!

No offense to you retired guys out there, but sometimes I wonder if having some semblance of regular employment should be a requirement to post in a site like this, as you have to wonder if some of these full-time trolls even have a job...


dctex99 September 27th, 2018 02:51 PM

Judge Kavenaugh pulled a lot of trains in high school and college and he knows it; it will be pathetic if we get ANOTHER like him on Supreme court; Clarence Thomas is enough!!

KavanaughPenis September 28th, 2018 12:14 AM

Kavanaugh Trains - Devil’s Triangle

Originally Posted by dctex99 (Post 95537)
Judge Kavenaugh pulled a lot of trains in high school and college and he knows it; it will be pathetic if we get ANOTHER like him on Supreme court; Clarence Thomas is enough!!

I would know, I was there for every Kavanaugh train. we took turns screwing dozens of passed out girls. Mark spiked the punch. Why is that rape ? I showed Kavanaugh the Devil’s Triangle, 2 guys screwing 1 girl. We boofed lots of girls. My penis was the first one in her butt. I introduced many girls to my penis. Some were underage. Now me and my penis are gonna be U.S. Supreme Court Judge for life !

praetorianmind September 28th, 2018 08:50 AM

Anyway to delete theses posts? We should... he is doing it to make people leave and it’s prob working.

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