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Donald J. Trump September 6th, 2018 11:09 PM

Treason !
Does the so-called “Senior Administration Official” really exist, or is it just the Failing New York Times with another phony source? If the GUTLESS anonymous person does indeed exist, the Times must, for National Security purposes, turn him/her over to the government at once !


Make America Great Again

Workswithwood September 7th, 2018 06:22 AM

Go Trump

marsean September 7th, 2018 12:37 PM


Originally Posted by Donald J. Trump (Post 95364)
Does the so-called “Senior Administration Official” really exist, or is it just the Failing New York Times with another phony source? If the GUTLESS anonymous person does indeed exist, the Times must, for National Security purposes, turn him/her over to the government at once !


Make America Great Again

NYT put themselves in a weak spot. A new Low In Journalism. Unnamed, unverified anonymous writer, that no doubt is a low level staff writer on NYT. They just want to sell newspapers. They should be sending a percentage to Trump for all the money they make keeping them in the news. All fake news should be doing the same.

Like they say--If you talk the talk you got to walk the walk, in other words what credibility would any sane person give an anonymous OP-ED in a well known paper. To even do so shows they are weak and maybe on the edge of bankruptcy. What trash. Don't be surprised if you hear the NYT is saving coin from their income for a defense fund.

If Sessions gets off his ass the NYT will not be happy if whoever wrote it is discovered, especially if it was from their own staff, or even from an Obama admin holdover who may or may not be on staff of admin.

I hope it comes out for transparency. People are entitled to know the truth on this and all the rest of the concocted bs that twists in the wind out there.

It will be interesting to see what people like Kimmel, Colbert and others think about the veracity of anonymous writers breaking stories of division and internal WH subversion.

Lets see how long the NYT can take the heat as well!


Donald J. Trump September 7th, 2018 09:24 PM

Fake News !
I just cannot state strongly enough how totally dishonest the News Media is. Truth doesn’t matter to them, they only have their hatred & agenda. This includes fake books, which come out about me all the time, always anonymous sources, and are pure fiction. Enemy of the People !


Make America Great Again !

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