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sua gua January 13th, 2012 10:13 AM

Guys with no "Game" part 2
On the old forum I wrote about the guys who go into a spa or whatever and have to fight for what they want and many times, especially the first time, dont get any play.

Well, Im starting it up again. The last 2 weeks I have visited some "friends" and some new "friends" and I was talking to them about biz and customers.

To a T, they were talking about the behavior of mongers lately. They said that many of the mongers dont talk nice to them anymore, and they are all hands and try to pull off anything they are wearing. It really upset some of the girls as they really dont want to do that stuff, especially the first time.

Heres my point to all this...My level of service is as good now as it has ever been. I think I want to thank all you assholes out there who dont know how to treat a women, wheather a spa girl, or any girl you may try use your "charm" anywhere and strike out way to much.

I write this pissed off because many of these girls are my friends, and I guess I am very old fashioned, because I treat all of them very kindly and it pays off HUGE in the long run. 3 times in the last 14 days or so, I had a new girl, and all 3 performed well for me, and they swore it was because they liked the way I treated them. One was an owner, my first time with her, and she is very cautious, and her comment was that she liked the way I talked to her, and the way I didnt pressure her into anything. There is more to this but I dont want to type anymore.

Of course we can discuss this further if you care to, and I would love to hear pros and cons either way about this, But to those who treat the girls bad, keep it up please, you make it so easy for guys like me and 1drmain, E, Tsita, and other guys who know what it takes to get special service and dont pay for it many many times.

punisher4124 January 14th, 2012 03:02 PM

I am all ears if you dont mind i too try to respect the providers not for a freebie but to get better service i never have attempted for a freebie whats your secret

sua gua January 15th, 2012 01:00 PM

There is no secret.
Have you ever walked into a bar, or became familiar with a bartender and you liked each other and one day she started giving you 'specials'.
It is no different with these girls. Get them to like you the way you try to get a girl to like you if she worked at any job any where. It is a different biz they are in, but THEY ARE STILL GIRLS!
I have been in the front of spas talking with girls and when some mongers walk in, there head is down, shoulders hunched up like they are committing a crime. The girls can read you like a fucking childrens book. They know what type of guy you are before you even get in the room.
I will tell you this much, I walk in like I am in charge, total confidence,and wheather you believe it or not,the girls love strength and I try to exude that.
You obviously also have to be able to communicate with them as with all women. Treat them as you would your wife or gf when you first met them. Commom courtesy. Real simple.
I will tell you this, my guy 1drmain is the same as me and he scores too.
Right now I go to 4 houses to get massages from. Thats right 4! The most I pay them if I pay them is $70. That is with various finishes btw. All of them say at the end that they dont want me to pay them money. but I do most of the time. Sometimes they flat out refuse to take money because "we are such good friends".
This is the truth. Become their great friend with some charm and a little time, good things happen.

mahalo21 January 16th, 2012 04:37 PM

SG, not that i am disagreeing with you, but there is not necessarily a one size fits all program. Kindness is a good idea, but friendship is different for different people. Too many variables for friends with benefits. Age, money, SO, time, to name a few. I do agree that too many mongers are forgetting that these gals are people too! Not to mention they really dont want to get fired or go to jail!

deizel5 January 31st, 2012 05:20 PM

I always try to treat these girls with respect. I try to move at their pace, and for the ones I really like sometimes I'll bring them a flower or bottle of wine or something, especially around Christmas or on their birthday if they shared that with me.

rubrubrub March 1st, 2012 09:49 AM

i agree with sg 100%... although, myself, I'm not interested in building friendships - i realize that this has a particular cost - i won't get the kind of service that comes along with a relationship like that... no freebies, no specials, etc...

i am fine with that...

that being said, however, does not excuse myself or anyone else from treating the girls respectfully, professionally, and above all as human beings... even just this much - which i think is just common sense & decency - will get you very far today... unfortunately for all of us, it is the exception not the rule... it is no wonder that service levels overall in this city pretty much suck ass compared to other cities.

sua gua March 2nd, 2012 11:07 AM


Originally Posted by rubrubrub (Post 57564)
i agree with sg 100%... although, myself, I'm not interested in building friendships - i realize that this has a particular cost - i won't get the kind of service that comes along with a relationship like that... no freebies, no specials, etc...

i am fine with that...

that being said, however, does not excuse myself or anyone else from treating the girls respectfully, professionally, and above all as human beings... even just this much - which i think is just common sense & decency - will get you very far today... unfortunately for all of us, it is the exception not the rule... it is no wonder that service levels overall in this city pretty much suck ass compared to other cities.

You are on the money My Friend. You would be amazed at how many mongers dont know wtf you just said because they are incapable of having any game/play/interaction with women anywhere, especially PFP girls.
To this day I just shake my head when I hear what the girls tell me as far as the way some mongers try to relate whatever to them for the service they want. Some of it is sickening, and mongers wonder why the girls are cautious when we go in as a new customer and the girls are scared/cautious, and we wonder why.
Could it be that the last customer wanted to piss or watch her take a shit on him, or he just tried to slap her around a little for his own pleasure?
Thats correct guys, this stuff happens to these girls, and so much more.
I dont say this to anyone with a serious fetish, but when you get physical to get what you think you might get, you are way off base. I know most of you dont do anything close to that, and some probably think I am lying, but Im not.

sua gua May 24th, 2012 12:47 PM

One more story....
I was at a local legit Spa and the walls are very thin. I was listening to a Middle Eastern Monger, try to get the legit therapist to take care of "His Little Friend". He must habe asked her 7-8 times and she said no, and was getting irritated from the tone of her voice. The only reason I was there was because I had some serious back pain, and needed a good massage. He was making deep, heavy, loud kissing sounds to her which made me want to throw up, and you could hear her moving away from him and he kept telling her that he only wanted to touch her sweet boobs.
It was comical for me, but not the girl as she came in later and we talked and I aksed her what he did, and she showed me, and then to my surprise, helped me more then I thought. If only the stupid fool would have been nice to her, and showed a little respect, I think maybe he could have done better, if not this time then next. She told me she will never touch him "there" if he ever came in again.

OPRFIllini May 24th, 2012 03:12 PM

SG I am in 100% agreement with you. It really is simple fellow mongers: follow the Golden Rule - do unto others as you would want others to do unto you - and you'll more times than not have good experiences at AMPs. In other words, treating the ladies with respect and dignity does go a long way in how future services from them will be. For example, don't go boob-grabbing right after she starts the massage, especially if it's your first time at a new place. That can only mean trouble. Just relax and enjoy the massage, then later you can use subtle hints like a gentle rub of her legs and making ahhing sounds when she massages certain areas. If she doesn't complain (as a matter of fact if she starts smiling and giggling) you're in good shape in terms of getting extras. And if all she offers for extras is a HJ, take it, don't be pushy and try to get something more. The more you see a provider and respect that provider, the better your service will be. Thanks SG!

Tigertime1 May 30th, 2012 04:22 PM

Don't you ever get tired of trying to teach those fuckin idiots how to be real men? This must be the 100th time you have ranted to them and they will never get it. They are just too stupid or just a deep down asshole.
They think this is the right way to treat another person and they will never change.
Losers are losers and they always will be.
It sickens me as well because these are girls who have a life outside of the parlors and they have to put up with these losers and take it home with them. Think about what they talk about to the other girls?????? What sickos these guys are and how they wish they would probably die and go away. BAD KARMA BIG TIME.

Keep up the good work but I have given up trying to talk about how to treat another person cause they ain't gonna ever learn.

It is better for us and fuck 'em. They will get their just dues eventually.

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