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1drmain December 23rd, 2011 12:05 PM

Another one bites the dust
After I finished stuffing my face with THE BEST BURGER at THE BEST BURGER PLACE IN CHICAGO (KUMA'S CORNER), I walked out, looked across the street and to my surprise, well not really, THE DREADED BIG ORANGE REVOKED STICKER in the window of Seven Stars.

Not only was this place a whorehoure, the inside smelled like a whorehouse. Just disgusting inside. However, it didn't keep me away from playing a few times in there.

Consider this a public service announcment. I don't want anyone wasting their time driving there. Now I'm sure other mongers have known this place has been closed, however they are too lazy, stupid, ignorant, etc to post this information for the rest of us.

Rumor has it, two more places are closing soon. Don't get caught with your pants down in the spa, unless you are the as stated above monger......lazy, fat, stupid, ignorant, etc.

I love it fuck em....Close them all. Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to mongers and everyone at MP reviews.

sua gua December 23rd, 2011 12:37 PM

Sorry Bro'...
I was too lazy to tell you about this, but as you know, Ive been swamped so I forgot to tell you. I knew about the sticker the day it got put on.
As far as others posting, forget it, as I have said in the past. I think that posting causes a life threatening illness that I dont know about yet, so that is why mongers here dont do it anymore.

We will hook up next week as I have a "legit " place where I had a good time last week. Lots to talkl about.

I also wish to say Merry Christmas to all here whether you believe or not.
And as I say all the time...There are no atheists in combat foxholes.

Oh, one more thing.....fuck off LEO and BACP Cowards! I hope you all have shitty Holidays you cowards! XOXO..Hugs and kisses!

Tigertime1 December 23rd, 2011 02:16 PM

If anyone knows the whereabouts of the 7 stars girls please let me know.
CiCi and CoCo

Ditto on the well wishes for the holidays.....

1drmain December 23rd, 2011 03:16 PM

as we speak, cici and coco are blowing me, and angela is cooking dinner. a threesome tonight. i'll let you know how it goes and post pictures at a later date.

earnhardt December 24th, 2011 02:46 PM

I hope Angela can cook as good as she sucks and fucks. Love that tight hole of hers.

Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukah, and Happy Kwanzaa


sua gua December 24th, 2011 03:49 PM


Originally Posted by 1drmain (Post 55826)
as we speak, cici and coco are blowing me, and angela is cooking dinner. a threesome tonight. i'll let you know how it goes and post pictures at a later date.

Your math is fucked up.
Its a foursome.
Too much eggnog for you!

diavolos December 26th, 2011 03:28 PM

this goes out to 1drmain,been reading your posts now for a while,very informative,on the other hand u come across like u r the top authoritywhen it comes to mongering ,get alife dude ,at the end of the day you r paying for it like everybody i made a few spelling errors who gives a fuck.

1drmain December 28th, 2011 09:38 AM

Thank you for the compliments. However, I disagree with you on a few things. Not only am I the top authority on mongering, quite honestly I'm the top authority on a number of things. A life? I have a great life, a wonderful life. A life people envy. Paying for it? Yes, I do pay for it....the massage that need to go any futher on that...and finally A few spelling errors? Ok, im laughing at you again DIAVOLOS!! see what you do to yourself?

diavolos December 28th, 2011 09:00 PM

hey,1drmain ,sorry,socrates,whats ur problem w spelling, as i said before who gives a fuck. as for u being top authority in everything under the sun, dont know u, cant comment,but i will say this ,i am glad u r a legend in ur own mind,having said that i have checked some of the providers you have posted comments on,and i would not touch them w a ten foot poll,u must be an old man to be bragging about some 50 year old asian,not criticizing,what ever floats ur ,i like em young,europeans, asians,latinas,like when they take off their clothes,their tits stand at attention, not dropping to their knees.look man ,not trying to insult u ,but sometimes advice comes across as criticism,u should know better.oh, by the way, english is my third language.not trying to use that as an excuse,but when i am tired.... who gives a fuck.

1drmain December 29th, 2011 06:29 AM

I'm really starting to like you diavolos. You make me laugh. Instead of going to massage parlors, maybe I should pay to see you perform at the comedy club.

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