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diavolos March 19th, 2017 05:01 AM

out of hibernation..
Hello Gents ,Its been a while..
I canceled my membership to MP 2 years ago ,I didn't like my interaction with some of the guys on the board,(my bad).
so I decided to stay away ,and take Drmains suggestion and seek counseling
,i am a much mellower guy now as you will see going forward lol,
So I renew my membership and here I am,Eager to see what I have missed... talking about a downer , this forum is dead!!!
So I will make it my mission to revive it but I will need help from all of you
Some of us read up on the guys from la_la land and we get envious, me included ,tried to see the difference of how they interact among each other and the conclusion I came to is ,they are having fun cause nobody calls each other out ,their not pissed off cause nobody shares info (that's why we have PM),they keep things lite and upbeat, they don't take themselves seriously ....
We all been around , we all have our own experiences ,I am sure we can have fun talking about them without (god forbid) we divulge state secrets.
So what do you say mongers .

bonehead2 March 19th, 2017 04:00 PM

Welcome back D. When I saw your subject I thought you were just coming out of hibernation from the Chi Town winter, but therapy that's def more serious. Yeah, there are some passionate dicks here on the forums, but regardless,
I still prefer massage therapy... forums are dead lately and maybe that's a good thing...still a decent amount of daily reviews for Chicago so they're still around here somewhere - stay warm

Thrasymedes March 29th, 2017 09:35 PM

Hey, good to see you back, satan, and mellow. It would be good to revive this board some. I'm not holding my breath, though.

diavolos March 30th, 2017 05:33 PM

How u doing Thrasy,
Nice of you to friend this board was barren before my sabbatical
but this is like the sahara ....desert ,lol
I am not delusional to think that just posting something the Chicago mongers would come out of the woodwork and jive in ,just did it for shit and giggles
not really excepting much feed back,which is ok .
I am not a doctor but I think the state we live in contributes to our mood makes everybody moody, I always believe we are a product of our environment.
Having said that it would be nice to jump start the conversation ,I personally know at least a dozen people that used to contribute on the forum ,unless everybody croaked from too much mongering lol......whats holding u back.
If u don't like whats posted something else.

progolfer April 2nd, 2017 08:03 PM

I'm here back from sabbatical. it would be good to see conversation once again. Welcome back D.

riverrat32 April 5th, 2017 04:24 PM

I'll post a few items soon. The man is back! Maybe others will join in.

diavolos April 6th, 2017 05:07 PM

Hey RR ,
thanks for the kind words,but I have it on good authority that You are the man...good for you to join the back and forth ,this should be lite and fun,
as I said above ,no calling people out for whatever reason,
lets make this forum fun again.

riverrat32 April 9th, 2017 11:03 AM

I've never been the man. Like being the ghost!

So with a few gents back in the ring, I've been thinking of the ingredients that make up a perfect massage experience. Of course, there are a few different objectives, and those objectives will ultimately drive the choice of where to go. But assuming that you are looking for a more standard experience, what variables MUST be part of the experience to make it "perfect." Define perfect as that experience that has you reaching for an extra 20 or 2 because yes, it was THAT good!

riverrat32 April 9th, 2017 11:05 AM

For me, asking for money at any point during the session kills it for me. Since I don't request major league activities, I really don't have any patience for those who want to know how much I'll be donating today.

diavolos April 10th, 2017 05:21 PM

I agree about negotiating during the massage its a none starter for me, its a buzz kill....
Now with my regulars ,not a problem, when I started in this hobby ,i had to use my natural charm and expertise to make them comfortable, after that its all gravy lol.
As far as to have to dish more as way of a tip,I am looking for her to get into the massage ,not just go through the motions ,to have a connection with the me ... not to brag but i had many providers that enjoyed the session as much as me ,and truthfully never asked for extras they left it up to me and i never disappointed them.
And i agree that you should tip according to performance .
That's my two cents.

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