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bonehead2 January 2nd, 2012 12:12 PM

If I "date" anymore I'm gonna go broke
OK, so I have tried dating, you know, the old fashioned way. I joined That site is a trip. The women on there think they are God's gift and they are 5's and 6's at best. I have easily spent $1000 in the last month on dates, and have gotten no where. These women want the most for the least. $180 sushi dinner, $40 on drinks at the bar and a peck good night. Well, for $220, I was expecting more than a peck.
Second girl, took her to Big Bear. Well, don't get me started on gas, food, lifts, and rentals. Says she wants to wait until marriage for sex (well, thats because you are from Denmark and need a green card, fast!) I am done with "dating." I would rather spend my money on myself plus a little left over for an extremely well worth it foot massage at the least!

bradlee3286 January 25th, 2012 11:42 PM

that's funny, women nowadays are so focused on "self" I think they would rather be alone then be with someone less than their ideal "guy" who probably needs to walk on eggshells and do everything for them. My brother married a gal he dated for several years ,had a $60,000 wedding, a yr. later she said "I don't want to be married anymore", was always going out w girlfriends- bars, clubs and even flirted with waiters WITH my brother at the same table, WTF??, she also thought she was god's gift (like a 6.5-7), another 50% my friends are divorced, so it just goes to show you everybody is just into themselves and when they don't get the attention they think they deserve they just say "F- it, see ya later", I guess if everybody knows that (men and women) we could just use each other for sex and occasional intellectual companionship, but where it hurts if you want to have kids/family- so who the f--- knows!!

mahalo21 January 28th, 2012 03:18 PM

Didnt you see the show on tv regarding the chicks on these sites?

Many of them feed themselves at fancy places on your dime and then dump you.

Actually pretty smart on their part.

bonehead2 January 30th, 2012 07:17 PM

No dude, I would have loved to seen it, what show was it?
I swear, these are prostitutes posing as good christian girls thinking Nobu is their "free meal" 5 nights out of the week!
My third and final what the hell try was with an attorney (I was hoping at least she might return the favor one day) Nope. Another $80 gone at a swanky Bev. Hills bar. (Doubt she was even a real attorney, looked more like penthouse pet May 2001).

trooth January 30th, 2012 10:25 PM


Originally Posted by bonehead2 (Post 56748)
(Doubt she was even a real attorney, looked more like penthouse pet May 2001).

More than a few women law students support themselves by working as prostitutes.

mahalo21 January 31st, 2012 08:23 AM

It was on the news, but this link is a print version, trust me shes not the only one!

mahalo21 January 31st, 2012 08:26 AM


Originally Posted by trooth (Post 56754)
More than a few women law students support themselves by working as prostitutes.

I love the girls going to school for Nursing! They have an inherent desire to please and take care of you. Many of these gals have to pay their bills! Im happy to help them! :D

scooby69 January 31st, 2012 09:54 PM

Too bad Tom Leykis is no longer on the radio

scooby69 January 31st, 2012 10:01 PM

sorry i got cut off...go to listen to the professor

Sir Lynx A Lot February 5th, 2012 06:30 PM


Originally Posted by bonehead2 (Post 56024)
Second girl, took her to Big Bear. Well, don't get me started on gas, food, lifts, and rentals. Says she wants to wait until marriage for sex (well, thats because you are from Denmark and need a green card, fast!)

Hahaa... That is so hilarious... And yet so true! Danish girls are... for one, CLEAN as a whistle, and most are EXTREMELY open minded!!!

I know what you mean though about spending the dough... I think if you're away from dating for a while and then jump right into it, we tend to want to over-impress... To us, its simply the hook, and yet to the greedy hoes out there, you and I would be the type they'd use, abuse and refuse...

You can of course tone it down a bit and not go overboard and flash too much. That way you're not raising a flag saying "I'm a spender"... This will attract less abusers and hopefully more down to earth ladies that are worth your time and money!

Good luck!

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