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Viper92552 April 19th, 2011 09:28 PM

Thai Woman Advice
A divorced Thai woman that is a friend of my elderly parents has mentioned to me that the next time I visit she would like a ride to the bay area to visit her son. She knows I'm married and she has met my wife. I ussually travel alone to So. Cal.. I don't know how this might work out as far as a little fun on the trip. Culturally, how open to a sexual adventure might she be? Is this a chance at a non-pro milf? Or is it best to pass on the whole idea/trip?

Velovelo April 19th, 2011 11:49 PM

This woman knows your wife and folks. What are you thinking? Sure, give her a ride, enjoy polite conversation, but nothing more. She probably feels the connections to your family make it safe for her to ask you for a lift. Don't fish from the family pier.

There are numerous Thai ladies that can thrill you. You pay them and they go away. Keep family and mongering separate. Nothing good can come from combining the two.

balecross April 21st, 2011 07:01 AM

A gal on the side can keep the curl in your toes, but your taking a huge risk if you take a side bet with someone that is close to your "real" life. Better to find an AMP girl you connect with, or someone outside your circle. I dated an AMP girl for a couple of years on the side. She knew my situation, and understood she was a friend and lover, not a wife. Cost me a nice gift every now and again, but well worth the price. Worked for me because I kept my life with her and my "real" life completely separate. Best advice I can give.

lahobbyiest April 22nd, 2011 06:34 PM

Stay with your family man !

stratton April 27th, 2011 07:26 AM

คุณมีความรู้สึกอยากตายหรือเปล่า - that's Thai. It roughly means "do you have a death wish?" haha

smboneher101 April 28th, 2011 06:05 PM

Your wife will take half of your everything so think before you tap that ass it's not worth the trouble. Look at the owner of the Dodger's they put the Dodger's in the hands of some other person while he goes through his nasty divorce. I'd advise you do what velovelo says keep mongering and family separate. Great advise.

bside April 29th, 2011 05:07 PM

Velo gives you good advice.

I advise you take his advise in order for there to be order. :D

caspertheghost July 22nd, 2011 11:42 AM

I hate to be late to the party, but is the divorced friend cute? And how large are her breasts? I can always drive to the bay area. CtG

aznrider June 18th, 2012 03:59 PM

it is possible a divorce is a blessing in disguise. A lot of Mexican guys get a divorce after the kids are 18yrs old. Then they get a new 18-20yr old wife in Mexico. Start a second family all over again.

During the first marriage all the money was already spent on raising the kids. Also the job the mexican guys has is not a big money making job. So very little alimony and no child support.

Second wife is just happy to find a guy with a job. A lot of latinas are single and desperately looking for a husband.

Before you tap that Thai lady, make sure your kids are mature, get a cheap job, and stash as much cash away where only you can find it. LOL.

ichi the killer June 23rd, 2012 03:30 PM


Originally Posted by Viper92552 (Post 47850)
A divorced Thai woman that is a friend of my elderly parents has mentioned to me that the next time I visit she would like a ride to the bay area to visit her son. She knows I'm married and she has met my wife. I ussually travel alone to So. Cal.. I don't know how this might work out as far as a little fun on the trip. Culturally, how open to a sexual adventure might she be? Is this a chance at a non-pro milf? Or is it best to pass on the whole idea/trip?

I had a Thai girlfriend onetime in Ventura. In a way, if I trace back the history of how I fucked my life up real bad, I can trace it to my relationship with her. It is a long story. I was married to a Chinese lady at the time and I had an extramarital fling with this Thai massage girl named Anong. Anong knew I was married, she also knew I had some money at that time. I lost it all in the end. the Thai girl did not get it though, the pissed off and vindictive Chinese wife got it all. Long story. Thai girl wanted my money for sure. Maybe she wanted me to leave my Chinese wife for her. Maybe. For sure she wanted money. I regret that relationship. One of many regrets I have. That relationship was the catalyst to series of crisis that manded me here in Los Angeles. Cast out of heaven and sent to hell. A long story. I fucked up. I gave up a very easy life for a life of eternal struggle. please, God help me. I did it for the pussy. Do you have any money brother? Do you want to keep it? Be careful my friend.:cool:

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