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Drukpa Kunley May 7th, 2018 09:34 PM

Stormy Daniels’ Penthouse Revelations: On Trump’s Dick, Hair, and More
Stormy Daniels’ Penthouse Revelations: On Trump’s Dick, Hair, and More

Trump’s Sex Hair

There has been much ink spilled over Trump’s helmet hairdo—an odd formulation that reminds one of combed cotton candy. When Daniels is asked if Trump’s hair stays still as he has sex, Daniels replies, “No, his hair is real. He chose that.” When the interviewer presses, “And it just fluffs around as he’s on top of you?” she replies, “Yeah, that’s real. Kind of like a drunken cockatoo.”

Trump’s Sexual Prowess and Dick Size

When asked by the interviewer if it was “good sex,” Daniels replies, “What do you think?” Then, when she’s asked, “And his dick wasn’t big?” Daniels offers, “Yeah.” Further asked to compare Trump's dick size to “his fingers,” Daniels says, “I don’t want to shame anybody,” and she leaves it at that.

Odd Strip-Club Requests

Daniels has embarked on a “Make America Horny Again” strip-club tour—she didn’t choose the name—in the months since the payoff story broke, and according to stories she gave to Penthouse, the anti-Trump crowds at her performances have been making some strange requests. At a strip club in Fort Lauderdale, Florida, Daniels recalls coming face-to-face with a huge crowd of gay men clutching bags of Cheetos and offering to pay her $20 to stomp Cheetos into the ground on the stage. “Money was exchanged, Cheetos were scattered, and the hardworking porn star turned international news story ground them to orange powder beneath her high-heeled stripper shoes,” read the Penthouse piece.

Stomping Cheetos Jesus into orange powder with her stiletto heels - hahahahahaha

On Tuesday, May 8, Daniels’ Penthouse cover story hits newsstands and the internet. The issue names her the “Penthouse Pet of the Century." Should Daniels win her case against Trump, she plans to donate $130,000 to Planned Parenthood in Trump's name.

Daniels takes off on a multicity tour that includes stops at four Penthouse Clubs, kicking off May 7 in Philadelphia. Daniels then stops in Louisiana at two Penthouse locations — New Orleans and Baton Rouge — before stopping in Detroit. The appearances will feature Daniels performing and doing meet and greets with fans during which she will sign merchandise featuring her Penthouse cover of a nude Daniels wrapped in the American flag. The Penthouse shoot features Daniels' tattoos so her fans know that it was a new photo shoot.

Penthouse reports that demand for the Daniels issue is very high and a second printing is already being planned. The magazine's subscriptions total around 350,000.


OkiOpai May 13th, 2018 12:26 PM

You DO realize that you're the only one who cares about that crap here, right?


Drukpa Kunley May 13th, 2018 02:36 PM


Originally Posted by OkiOpai (Post 94804)

OkiOpai is GaijinTony from Rub Maps

mikesan1 May 16th, 2018 06:38 PM

You know you're a faggot, boy.

And an obnoxious little bitch.

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