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Inspector_Lee August 4th, 2017 10:41 AM


Originally Posted by WetWillie (Post 91347)
We are all guests in someone else's house. If that person doesn't want us shitting on his living room carpet, we should comply rather than complain about a loss of 'artistic freedom.'

The first amendment is 100% about the government, not non-government institutions.

The "carpet" does not belong to the moderator. He is, at best, working for the owner of that "carpet." Any personally motivated actions on his part, if any, are inappropriate. Sort of like being a cop. While the First Amendment has a narrow legal application, the spirit behind that amendment has a much broader interpretation. Stifling dissent for its own sake is generally considered as against the spirit of Freedom of Speech, even in those instances where there are no legal constraints. Self-interested censorship may sometimes be technically allowable, but that doesn't make it right. Not saying that's the case here, but we should remain vigilant to safeguard the kind of forums we want. Do we want forums where we can speak our minds openly with only bare minimum moderation to keep abuse in check, or do we want forums that resemble personal fiefdoms for the moderator? Something to think about.

pumpagain69 August 4th, 2017 11:09 AM

I personally think that the moderator should have no means to edit a posting. If the moderator wants to post a comment about someone else post as inappropriate
so be it. One person feeling they have the right to make rules for everyone else
and then be the only policeman is just political and in my perspective just plain wrong
No where is an open forum about mongering going to be politically correct so why
try to stifle postings and opinions. I'm sure we all have varied opinions about this.

monger1 August 4th, 2017 11:52 AM


Originally Posted by pumpagain69 (Post 91350)
I personally think that the moderator should have no means to edit a posting. If the moderator wants to post a comment about someone else post as inappropriate
so be it. One person feeling they have the right to make rules for everyone else
and then be the only policeman is just political and in my perspective just plain wrong
No where is an open forum about mongering going to be politically correct so why
try to stifle postings and opinions. I'm sure we all have varied opinions about this.

The moderator's role is to moderate. If a post warrants editing then so be it. Moderator's role is NOT to post additional comments stating a post is inappropriate but to eliminate or edit those posts HE deems inappropriate. We can argue censorship and inappropriate policing all day without any avail because of all the differing opinions. However, for example, if someone obtained your real identity and "posted" your information on this forum including your name, address, phone numbers, etc., wouldn't you want a moderator to "edit" or delete that post for your protection or would you prefer he just add a comment stating that is was inappropriate without taking any corrective action? Just one extreme example but a pertinent one. Have a nice day. You all can go fuck yourselves. Well, not literally, but go out and get fucked. It'll help clear your mind and put you as ease (at least temporarily).

pumpagain69 August 4th, 2017 01:35 PM


Originally Posted by monger1 (Post 91351)
The moderator's role is to moderate. If a post warrants editing then so be it. Moderator's role is NOT to post additional comments stating a post is inappropriate but to eliminate or edit those posts HE deems inappropriate. We can argue censorship and inappropriate policing all day without any avail because of all the differing opinions. However, for example, if someone obtained your real identity and "posted" your information on this forum including your name, address, phone numbers, etc., wouldn't you want a moderator to "edit" or delete that post for your protection or would you prefer he just add a comment stating that is was inappropriate without taking any corrective action? Just one extreme example but a pertinent one. Have a nice day. You all can go fuck yourselves. Well, not literally, but go out and get fucked. It'll help clear your mind and put you as ease (at least temporarily).

I premised my post by saying we all have varied opinions on this topic and had given my opinion with my reasons. No name calling or even naming names. Then all my rep points were taken from me. Am I the only one that sees there is something wrong with this?
No big deal I just won't post on this site any longer nor even read the forums. I'll even
strongly consider moving on from MPR and won't even post reviews any longer. Commie
tactics a mongering forum is not a match made in heaven in MHO.

Inspector_Lee August 4th, 2017 01:41 PM


Originally Posted by pumpagain69 (Post 91353)
I premised my post by saying we all have varied opinions on this topic and had given my opinion with my reasons. No name calling or even naming names. Then all my rep points were taken from me. Am I the only one that sees there is something wrong with this?
No big deal I just won't post on this site any longer nor even read the forums. I'll even
strongly consider moving on from MPR and won't even post reviews any longer. Commie
tactics a mongering forum is not a match made in heaven in MHO.

Haha. Me too! I had no points, now I have 4 red boxes. I guess we are now "enemies of the state." Someone please show me where, in any of my 16 posts to date, I violated anything. Look out Hugh G. Rexion. You're probably next, after your recent comment.

monger1 August 4th, 2017 02:29 PM


Originally Posted by pumpagain69 (Post 91353)
I premised my post by saying we all have varied opinions on this topic and had given my opinion with my reasons. No name calling or even naming names. Then all my rep points were taken from me. Am I the only one that sees there is something wrong with this?
No big deal I just won't post on this site any longer nor even read the forums. I'll even
strongly consider moving on from MPR and won't even post reviews any longer. Commie
tactics a mongering forum is not a match made in heaven in MHO.

Haha. I didn't even notice that. THAT does appear to be pretty juvenile. However, I for one, take no heed or consideration to someone's "rep" power. It's fairly meaningless as far as I'm concerned.

Redfish August 4th, 2017 09:38 PM

So how about that new hot girl Cherry I saw today? Really. This forum should be about about pussy adventures and not about fucking drama assholes like this FiveFingerDiscount clown arguing about service terms and bullshit. Get a fucking life FFD. I can help you find a nice girl that will take that edge off. We accommodate handicapped (we have girls on the top floor and the 2nd floor) and have an Alzheimer grampa special. PM me. I can hook you up.

Inspector_Lee August 4th, 2017 10:26 PM


Originally Posted by Redfish (Post 91362)
So how about that new hot girl Cherry I saw today? Really. This forum should be about about pussy adventures and not about fucking drama assholes like this FiveFingerDiscount clown arguing about service terms and bullshit. Get a fucking life FFD. I can help you find a nice girl that will take that edge off. We accommodate handicapped (we have girls on the top floor and the 2nd floor) and have an Alzheimer grampa special. PM me. I can hook you up.

Name-calling and abuse? Looks like moderating material to me, amirite? Libertine?

"New Rules

The fighting between members in the forums needs to stop. Effective immediately, members are prohibited from criticizing, insulting, threatening, complaining about, or cursing at other members in the forums. This restriction is necessary to end the unnecessary drama that has been recently showing up in some posts. The 1st violation will result in the member being placed on moderation status. The 2nd violation will result in the member being banned from the forum. I hope everybody takes this seriously and there won't be a reason to ban any member. I'm not dealing with these arguments any longer. You can report any post in the upper right hand corner in every forum to advise of any violations of this restriction. If you have issues with another member then communicate your problem directly to them using private messages, site email, or with visitor messages on their profile page. If you believe another member is harassing you on this site then report it to MPR. You can always block unwanted private and vistor messages. Add the member to your ignore list. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation."

The above "New Rules" as posted by Libertine (forum moderator), posted three weeks ago.

monger1 August 5th, 2017 02:18 AM


Originally Posted by Redfish (Post 91362)
So how about that new hot girl Cherry I saw today? Really. This forum should be about about pussy adventures and not about fucking drama assholes like this FiveFingerDiscount clown arguing about service terms and bullshit. Get a fucking life FFD. I can help you find a nice girl that will take that edge off. We accommodate handicapped (we have girls on the top floor and the 2nd floor) and have an Alzheimer grampa special. PM me. I can hook you up.

umm...not sure your comments actually help the situation. But, I'm glad you're willing to help a brother out. Lol. Keep on trucking! Over and out.

rocketrick August 5th, 2017 11:20 AM

I'm going to stir this pot one more time.
Who elected the Mod? Site owners?
If that's the case then all these complaints need to go to them.
If we elected the Mod then maybe its time to impeach and do with out or elect new?
Come on Mr. Mod quote the bylaws that cover this so we know what to do next.

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