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dj110 December 22nd, 2014 09:49 PM

LOL. Did not even realize this was an IL thread. Sorry, I will take my laid back CA ass out of here.

ricoforty December 24th, 2014 12:58 PM

Sua. Totally agree. Just act respectful guys! If your nice and not all grabby and forceful you will get further with them. I am nice to all I am with and I get more from them. They hate the assholes who think they own them.

earnhardt December 24th, 2014 10:38 PM

Grab ass mongers

Originally Posted by ricoforty (Post 76772)
Sua. Totally agree. Just act respectful guys! If your nice and not all grabby and forceful you will get further with them. I am nice to all I am with and I get more from them. They hate the assholes who think they own them.

So true Rico. Myself and a couple of other mongers talk about this every week over lunch or dinner. I just love when 1 of them gets really fired up over the subject.

dj110 December 24th, 2014 10:45 PM

You know what i hate. When i go in and get a massage and we are chatting and laughing. And i am being a gentleman and keeping my hands to myself. And out of nowhere the masseuse grabs my balls, or worse tries to stick a finger in my ass. Or after the flip, I'm just talking to her, just looking into her eyes....and wtf, she just leans down and sticks her tongue in my mouth and grabs my hard cock. Or even eorse, takes my cock in her mouth. Seriously, wtf, i didn't ask to be groped and molested like that. Fuck this shit, I'm quitting this hobby. Damn agressive sluts. They are ruining this job for the good girls.

sua gua December 25th, 2014 11:43 AM


Originally Posted by dj110 (Post 76775)
You know what i hate. When i go in and get a massage and we are chatting and laughing. And i am being a gentleman and keeping my hands to myself. And out of nowhere the masseuse grabs my balls, or worse tries to stick a finger in my ass. Or after the flip, I'm just talking to her, just looking into her eyes....and wtf, she just leans down and sticks her tongue in my mouth and grabs my hard cock. Or even eorse, takes my cock in her mouth. Seriously, wtf, i didn't ask to be groped and molested like that. Fuck this shit, I'm quitting this hobby. Damn agressive sluts. They are ruining this job for the good girls.

....and obviously, you just don't get it do you!

dj110 December 25th, 2014 01:34 PM

Easy tiger. Was joking. Believe me, i get it. I have heard it from girls i have dated, even gotten close to. But these guys you speak of are few and far between. Yes guys will grab and touch, but the girl is in complete control unless the guy is a real asshole. But lets not equate guys who grab legs and ass with guys who literally try to rape a lady. If your go to girl quit because of guys grabbing her she was in the wrong business. What sucks for you is she seems to not see you anymore. Maybe you were one of the guys she was talking about. If you were not, she would still see you at home or a hotel.

sua gua December 26th, 2014 04:33 PM


Originally Posted by dj110 (Post 76778)
Easy tiger. Was joking. Believe me, i get it. I have heard it from girls i have dated, even gotten close to. But these guys you speak of are few and far between. Yes guys will grab and touch, but the girl is in complete control unless the guy is a real asshole. But lets not equate guys who grab legs and ass with guys who literally try to rape a lady. If your go to girl quit because of guys grabbing her she was in the wrong business. What sucks for you is she seems to not see you anymore. Maybe you were one of the guys she was talking about. If you were not, she would still see you at home or a hotel.

OK Big Cat.
What sucks for you is your assumptions about me and my situation completely wrong.

Daffyduck December 27th, 2014 12:44 PM

Well there are alot of assholes out there. I will say that at a new place with a new girl, I always give a nice rub on her leg or ass, nothing forceful or hard, just to put them at ease. I have had the experience more than a few times with new gals that if I don't do that it goes no place. That being said I talk with one of my regulars all the time, we go out to dinner etc etc and some of the things some of the men do is appalling, she has actually had clothing torn. She only does straight massage with people she does not know because of this, and well if she knows and trusts you it is very fun.

Even though they are in this business you get out of it what you put into it, so be nice. Now some gals like that stuff (but you have to get to know them), like this "lady" last week that told me to fuck her face and pull her hair---well I am not going to say no and damn near choked her but apparently she loved it.

They will come and go, and if they really are leaving the business get their numbers and see them outside the MP.

1drmain December 27th, 2014 03:48 PM

SuaGua it is not worth the time to engage in conversation with Mr. DJ110. Just ignore him. No need to get all worked up. Clearly, he is a douchebag. Sit back, relax and let him continue to make an asshole of himself. Too bad he is not in Chicago. I would take him out back and give him a good ass kickin. Most likely an Obama lover too.

dj110 December 27th, 2014 05:08 PM

Was messing around. Good god, I am finding out that fellow mongers Just take themselves way to seriously. Of course many men are pigs. And honestly, many women are also. It's life, and we have to deal with it. I've never been that way with any woman, so I'm comfortable in my own skin. The fact that one of my posts here was taken seriously shows a serious lack of humor on the readers. And honestly, you fellas would get a lot more tail if you would relax and smile a bit. Don't be so fucking serious and pissy all the time. Females hate that.

And they definitely hate guys who name call and threaten over the keyboard.

No. Not an Obama supporter, and also do not live in the state that voted him in as a Senator. Any more insults from the windy city? Come on, I know there are more

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