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December 2nd, 2020 09:02 PM
marsean Don't cha worry. Uncle Joe's gonna talk the talk and even talk a good story. He's getting more briefing now to say the right thing just so he can make it to January 20th. He has a plan. He'll tell you he's getting all his key people organized to handle everything with Kid Gloves. Everything is under control. Youse saw the Michigan hearing today, right? The Dominion people refused to attend the hearing. They don't want to take questions. The exam of how it all went down can't come up if you have more votes in certain counties or precincts with more votes than voters principally which came in during the middle of the night through the back door delivered by trucks not from the post office, or that the volume of tabulated votes at certain intervals through the night and beyond exceeded the capacity of the voting machines to process a certain number of votes per hour machine by machine statewide. The clerks who officially certify the number of votes are going to give you the number they received and when they get counted over if the number changes, they are going to tell you that they have no explanation. Do you really think that all the Dominion and Smartmatic machines are going to be examined forensically??? But yet Dominion won't send a representative to be questioned at a statewide legislature hearing? The pattern is pretty much the same in most of the states that the election day in person tallys were heavy for Trump, but who by the next morning or within a day or two later flipped to Biden. Don't ya worry about it. The machines got you covered, and Joe too. For a state legislature to flip what they certified originally looks like something is fishy, no? But if they vote to disallow certification, that is something different. If 3 to 6 of those States, or more, that basically are bound to examine their own whole system this time would cause the SCOTUS to take up the issue. Bush vs. Gore was a one state issue. This is more complex. Forensic exam of the voting machines must be awfully scary to Dominion. Georgia almost wiped the memory of the machines recently. The times, they are a changing...
December 2nd, 2020 08:19 AM
milkyway Saw on TV some BS when they were after what Joe is planning on doing in foreign policy. The main thing he said was: He's not going to "prejudice his options" by slowing or stopping the "Trumps" tariffs on China.
November 28th, 2020 04:05 PM
Originally Posted by temptinginla View Post
Again,sounds like a typical self serving politician. Not just a Black B. which i think most critical ones here are thinking
She looks very doable, but she is no dummy marrying that dude. It's fairly comical. Whoever ante's up gets the prize. That A-hole multibillionaire is there to assist her political aspirations. Oh, ya, sure he gets it whenever he wants it. He could always dump her if she decided not to put out.

I take it you took the time to watch the vids. Joe's an old snake charmer except for a few. Hunter will protect "the Big Guy", or is it the other way around.
November 24th, 2020 06:15 PM
Temptinginla Again,sounds like a typical self serving politician. Not just a Black B. which i think most critical ones here are thinking
November 24th, 2020 08:43 AM
Originally Posted by temptinginla View Post
great! sounds like she qualifies in this day and age
You believe "she qualifies in this day and age"? Are you shitting us? If she catches you doing what you like she'd lock you up and throw away the key, then brag about it and use it to advance her politics. Ok for her to work under Willie Brown and others as long as she got to advance.
November 24th, 2020 07:03 AM
Who's On Top?

As you noticed she worked her way up from the bottom.

Joe has been keeping a pretty low profile even not saying much in the debates, but now he wants to be On Top.

They have shown they argue like a married couple for who's going to be On Top.

You can bet Joe will demand to be On Top during policy meetings. He figures she was the right pick since he can force her to swallow as a Team Player. He knows her rap sheet. Now this should be interesting.

Another old white man who wants to be on top. Pretty sure Soros is laughing his ass off but not too sure that China is real happy. Only time will tell.
November 23rd, 2020 06:40 PM
Temptinginla great! sounds like she qualifies in this day and age
November 23rd, 2020 06:01 PM
Joe Bought Insurance!



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