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April 30th, 2018 03:14 PM
astroslide nice picture. but theres 2 pieces of white stuff on the guy's cock. gnarly. probably dead sloughed off skin
April 30th, 2018 12:51 PM
Drukpa Kunley
Stormy Daniels Sues Trump For Defamation

Stormy Daniels Sues Trump For Defamation

Stormy Daniels has filed a defamation lawsuit against President Trump in addition to her ongoing one against Trump’s personal attorney and “fixer” Michael Cohen.

Stormy Daniels's lawyer, Michael Avenatti, said Monday that his client has filed the lawsuit for Trump's "irresponsible and defamatory statements" about Ms. Daniels.

The complaint alleges that Trump's tweets mocking Ms. Daniels over a forensic sketch of a man she says threatened her to keep quiet about her claims of an affair with the president amount to defamation because they accuse her of fabricating the alleged crime, which would itself be illegal.

Trump’s tweet exposed Ms. Daniels to “contempt, ridicule... and physical threats of violence,” the complaint says.

Stephanie Clifford aka Stormy Daniels is seeking damages in excess of $75,000, claiming that in posting the tweets, Trump knew that Ms. Daniels "would be subjected to threats of violence, economic harm, and reputational damage," Avenatti wrote in the lawsuit.

In the defamation suit, filed in a Manhattan federal court on Monday, Stormy Daniels aka Stephanie Clifford, alleged that Trump “used his national and international audience of millions of people to make a false factual statement to denigrate and attack” her, Avenatti wrote in the lawsuit.

“By calling the incident a 'con job,' Mr. Trump's statement would be understood to state that Ms. Clifford was fabricating the crime and the existence of the assailant, both of which are prohibited under New York State law, as well as the law of numerous other states," Avenatti wrote in the lawsuit.

"It was apparent that Mr. Trump meant to convey that Ms. Clifford is a liar, someone who should not be trusted, that her claims about the threatening encounter are false, and that she was falsely accusing the individual depicted in the sketch of committing a crime, where no crime had been committed. ... Mr. Trump made his statement either knowing it was false, had serious doubts about the truth of his statement, or made the statement with reckless disregard for its truth or falsity," Avenatti wrote in the lawsuit.





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