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November 5th, 2016 12:52 AM
Originally Posted by Libertine View Post
when Prop 64 passes on Nov 8 you will be able to possess up to one ounce of weed and you can smoke it and bake brownies with it on Nov 9 but not consume it in public and it will still be illegal to purchase it until state pot sellers are licensed in 2018. so the cops can still bust you for buying it or selling it. the new law doesn't address if the cops can stop and question you where you got your weed from. you can't transport it across state lines from a state where it is sold legally. medical marijuana will still be available with a doctor prescribed medical marijuana card and somebody can buy it from a dispensary or a collective and they can share it with you or give it to you. you can also start growing 6 plants for personal use on Nov 9. it will be illegal to have an open container of it in a car, like alcohol, but it's legal to transport it with your car and the cops may try to write you a ticket for having it in your car. cannabis is still listed by the FDA as a Schedule I substance and remains on the list of dangerous drugs by the DEA.
Remember "Reefer Madness"?
November 5th, 2016 12:50 AM
Originally Posted by Libertine View Post
" Hey Kid, Get Off My Front Lawn ! "


are some of these thread postings coming from the TV room inside senior living community centers ?


" dagnabbit ! all them youngsters wanna do these days is just smoke pot and listen to Devil rap music ! "


Nurse Ratched: " Attention gentlemen, it's that time of day to watch Jeopardy and eat your jell-o "

Of course Lib you are just 25 and you will never get old like the rest of us. Nurse Ratched...Hahahahaha ...perfect foil for R.P. McMurphy...I knew you had a crush on Louise Fletcher!!! Your toke partner! Any reviews of your sessions with her? C'mon man...share...she make you eat your Jello?
November 5th, 2016 12:09 AM
Bongs Away!

when Prop 64 passes on Nov 8 you will be able to possess up to one ounce of weed and you can smoke it and bake brownies with it on Nov 9 but not consume it in public and it will still be illegal to purchase it until state pot sellers are licensed in 2018. so the cops can still bust you for buying it or selling it. the new law doesn't address if the cops can stop and question you where you got your weed from. you can't transport it across state lines from a state where it is sold legally. medical marijuana will still be available with a doctor prescribed medical marijuana card and somebody can buy it from a dispensary or a collective and they can share it with you or give it to you. you can also start growing 6 plants for personal use on Nov 9. it will be illegal to have an open container of it in a car, like alcohol, but it's legal to transport it with your car and the cops may try to write you a ticket for having it in your car. cannabis is still listed by the FDA as a Schedule I substance and remains on the list of dangerous drugs by the DEA.
November 4th, 2016 10:42 PM
asiansam It's interesting to hear cops talk about the dire consequences of legalizing pot as it will let more criminals be out on the streets. The rationale is that if these people weren't already in jail for pot, they'd be out committing serious crimes. In other words, the more people cops put in jail, the fewer will be out on the street, committing crimes (or not). It has nothing to do with pot, it just gives cops an extra excuse to lock someone up when they have no other reason to do so. It makes perfect sense, in a fascist sort of way. Taken to its logical conclusion, if everyone (except cops, of course) were in jail, then NOBODY would be out committing crimes!

Wow! I think I'm on to something...
November 4th, 2016 05:56 PM
Hugh G. Rexion
Originally Posted by camp View Post
Calif. ballots have this measure 64 to legalize recreational marijuana.
How would this prop affect the hobby if passed?
I think if legalized then it implies a more lenient view to vices, incl. mongering perhaps(?)
But on the other hand, if it is legal, then there is less workload for LE. In which case they may have to pursue other "issues", like mongering(?)
Does anyone have any data on Colorado post-legalization? Did it affect the hobby?
Ideally we want a transition to a Segway to legalizing mongering, or at least reduce the pressure that we've seen in recent years with all the 'trafficking' measures.
Personally I don't use pot and I'd rather use the funds for mongering.
Ultimately the cost of enforcement of pot laws was realized to be too high(pun intended). specifically the number of people in prison was just too many. Remember Drug law enforcement really came into its own during the Reagan presidency and continued on for another 20 years until the states started pushing back on the feds and now the states dont worry about what the feds think on this law.

You have similar thing going on with the whole human trafficking task force which the feds are throwing money at right now. I think if they can continue to bust pimps with underage girls then the money will keep coming but if all they find are milfy asian ladies driving a lexus to work and giving handjobs then people will lose interest in the enforcement aspect. As it is usually the comments section of articles dealing with massage parlor busts is 90% of the people think its a waste of money and the other 10% are completely in the dark as far as how things work.

The passage of the law will be a plus because it will allow for personal freedom without govt intervention which is all we ask for in the hobby and in my opinion that thing that will ultimately help the most is that the cops shoot innocent people and it pisses everyone off so they will ultimately be under more scrutiny and BS like cops going and getting undercover massages won't be tolerated so well.
November 4th, 2016 05:13 PM
Libertine " Hey Kid, Get Off My Front Lawn ! "


are some of these thread postings coming from the TV room inside senior living community centers ?


" dagnabbit ! all them youngsters wanna do these days is just smoke pot and listen to Devil rap music ! "


Nurse Ratched: " Attention gentlemen, it's that time of day to watch Jeopardy and eat your jell-o "

November 4th, 2016 04:26 PM
un camacho yeah, the millennials have been neutered by our society....but they care about pot.
November 2nd, 2016 07:04 PM
If 6 was 9

Don't bogart that joint my friend, pass it over to me

Vote YES on proposition 64

Legalize chronic


Adult Use Of Marijuana Act


Voters Guide


currently there are 8 counties in Nevada where brothels are now operating and are
legal. there are 19 legal brothels in Nevada. 12 of Nevada's 16 counties allow them.
November 2nd, 2016 06:46 PM
8934217892008 Weed is a whole different program than whores. Doubt there was any direct impact, and seriously doubt people are ready to legalize poontang purchase. It is a slope, but I don't think it goes that far. Prostitution is legal in what, only one county in the USA? Out of 3,100? And the whore houses are far away from residential neighborhoods from my understanding.

I don't see the voting youth supporting it like they do weed.
November 2nd, 2016 06:13 PM
un camacho
Calif. prop.64 (marijuana)

Calif. ballots have this measure 64 to legalize recreational marijuana.
How would this prop affect the hobby if passed?
I think if legalized then it implies a more lenient view to vices, incl. mongering perhaps(?)
But on the other hand, if it is legal, then there is less workload for LE. In which case they may have to pursue other "issues", like mongering(?)
Does anyone have any data on Colorado post-legalization? Did it affect the hobby?
Ideally we want a transition to a Segway to legalizing mongering, or at least reduce the pressure that we've seen in recent years with all the 'trafficking' measures.
Personally I don't use pot and I'd rather use the funds for mongering.

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