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October 29th, 2016 12:07 PM
MPkid Anthony Weiner sent dick pics to several women and now is accused of "sexting" with a 15 year old girl. Just the fact that his wife is HRC's top aid should be enough to derail her campaign but it just strengthens my theory that it doesn't matter what this corrupt cunt does she is the next president and all the "voting" on the planet will not change that!
October 29th, 2016 05:27 AM
Originally Posted by Libertine View Post
"Anthony Weiner’s penis might destroy two political careers."~ Stephen Colbert

“For Hillary Clinton, horny men giveth and horny men taketh away." ~ Stephen Colbert

Fucking Hilarious. LoL.
October 29th, 2016 05:22 AM
Originally Posted by asiansam View Post
I hope Hillary still has a few more groped women (molested children, ridiculed cripples, evicted old ladies, etc.) up her sleeve to trot out now. Guess who WON'T be FBI Director after the election if Hillary wins.

Hillary's trotting days are numbered. If and Guess? When it comes to Hillary one image stands out:

Sitting at a desk, testifying, blond hair, green dress, animated arm movements and her practically screaming "At this point, what difference does it make!"

Next leader of the free world?

Yeah, she's got Colbert lined up for that job... or maybe penis catcher...or dog catcher...Who the F knows......welcome to Hillary World.
October 28th, 2016 09:38 PM
We Interrupt Your Scheduled Program For A Few Words About Cocks

"Anthony Weiner’s penis might destroy two political careers."~ Stephen Colbert

“For Hillary Clinton, horny men giveth and horny men taketh away." ~ Stephen Colbert
October 28th, 2016 08:40 PM
asiansam I hope Hillary still has a few more groped women (molested children, ridiculed cripples, evicted old ladies, etc.) up her sleeve to trot out now. Guess who WON'T be FBI Director after the election if Hillary wins.
October 28th, 2016 07:22 PM
Comey letter to FBI employees explaining his controversial decision on Clinton email

Read the letter Comey sent to FBI employees explaining his controversial decision on the Clinton email investigation

On Friday, FBI Director James B. Comey sent a letter to Congress saying the bureau is investigating additional emails that appear relevant to the Hillary Clinton email case.

Soon after, Comey sent a note to his employees explaining his decision.

FBI Director James B. Comey's letter to FBI employees below.

To all:

This morning I sent a letter to Congress in connection with the Secretary Clinton email investigation. Yesterday, the investigative team briefed me on their recommendation with respect to seeking access to emails that have recently been found in an unrelated case.

Because those emails appear to be pertinent to our investigation, I agreed that we should take appropriate steps to obtain and review them.

Of course, we don’t ordinarily tell Congress about ongoing investigations, but here I feel an obligation to do so given that I testified repeatedly in recent months that our investigation was completed. I also think it would be misleading to the American people were we not to supplement the record.

At the same time, however, given that we don’t know the significance of this newly discovered collection of emails, I don’t want to create a misleading impression.

In trying to strike that balance, in a brief letter and in the middle of an election season, there is significant risk of being misunderstood, but I wanted you to hear directly from me about it.

Jim Comey


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