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August 14th, 2016 06:33 AM
Originally Posted by frankkim View Post
I don't think Monica Lewinsky will vote for Hillary. The last Clinton in the White House left a bad taste in her mouth.
Originally Posted by asiansam View Post
I'm not busting Willie's chops. He's a monger, same as us. He belongs here. Hell, he might be here already. Doesn't mean he hasn't gotten away with a lot of shit. Just sayin.' I don't begrudge him for that. I was more focused on his power-mad wife, the one we'll be stuck with as president after Trump's clown car finally goes head-on into a wall. Once she's attained that, she won't have to tolerate his behavior anymore, and payback might just be a bitch (and she's just the bitch to do it).
Originally Posted by asiansam View Post
Oh, I think she cared. She was pissed when Slick Willie was harassing women in the Arkansas state capitol, and she was pissed about his philanderings while at the White House. It's humiliating for any woman, especially one in the public eye, and one with as big an ego as hers (almost as big as Trump's). The thing is, she liked being the governor's wife and the First Lady more than she minded her hubby's serial cheating. She wasn't about to give that up. Power is what she wants. You can see that in her eyes when she's speechifying. By the end of her presidency, she will be crawling around like Gollum, muttering about The Precious.

Now, once she's president, she won't need Slick Willie anymore. Then he will be nothing but a liability, a constant source of embarrassment for her that she no longer has to put up with. The first time he fucks up (you just know he will), he will finally get what's coming to him.

While all that is undisputable, with regard to the first time he fucks up, I think she would love to give him what he has coming, but pragmatically if she were to do that while still in office, the shock waves would reach everywhere and everything. You know she cannot even in her pea brain take that chance, that would also bring her down and the Clinton Foundation along with it, not to mention fuck up just about everything earthly. I dare say it would result in more damage than climate change ever thought about doing. So she would bide her time. And if she waited until after her time in office, that would be so cheezy, so my take on her thoughts thinking this through now, is that she has taken it this long, and she does not plan to do any of the payback, she will continue to ignore it...The fact remains that in her mind, her payback for being with her philanderer, IS the Presidency. And yes, the Power....She is salivating to practice(in private of course when in office) singing that 70's boom box favorite "We've got the Power!" LOUDLY! Over and over again. Of course whenever she is interrupted for business, she will shut it down in half a heartbeat. I don't think anyone out there doesn't know her real motivation for running is not to be what the country needs, but that she wants to attain this because she thinks it is her Just Desserts. So you gotta ask yourself when ya go to do your vote, knowing that this is the case: Can I knowing this vote for Hillary? Ha!
August 13th, 2016 10:31 PM
Originally Posted by asiansam View Post
I'm not busting Willie's chops. He's a monger, same as us. He belongs here. Hell, he might be here already. Doesn't mean he hasn't gotten away with a lot of shit. Just sayin.' I don't begrudge him for that. I was more focused on his power-mad wife, the one we'll be stuck with as president after Trump's clown car finally goes head-on into a wall. Once she's attained that, she won't have to tolerate his behavior anymore, and payback might just be a bitch (and she's just the bitch to do it).
I'm not fond of either but is a power-mad woman worse than a power-mad man? I am always intrigued by the double standard placed on women who are in power, mad or not.
August 13th, 2016 08:05 PM
Originally Posted by DD44DD View Post
With respect,
How can we bust bios chops for fuckng arounf
I'm not busting Willie's chops. He's a monger, same as us. He belongs here. Hell, he might be here already. Doesn't mean he hasn't gotten away with a lot of shit. Just sayin.' I don't begrudge him for that. I was more focused on his power-mad wife, the one we'll be stuck with as president after Trump's clown car finally goes head-on into a wall. Once she's attained that, she won't have to tolerate his behavior anymore, and payback might just be a bitch (and she's just the bitch to do it).
August 13th, 2016 07:01 PM
Lost Trump Thread

Originally Posted by MPkid View Post
Well I can think of 1 positive thing about Hillary. (and in my book this goes a LONG way) She seems to not care nor have ever cared how many, who, when, where or what her husband fucks. Now I don't think this characteristic will make her a better president but watch and see... the fix is in and she will be president.
I don't think Monica Lewinsky will vote for Hillary. The last Clinton in the White House left a bad taste in her mouth.
August 13th, 2016 05:30 PM
DD44DD With respect,
How can we bust bios chops for fuckng arounf
August 13th, 2016 05:10 PM
Originally Posted by MPkid View Post
Well I can think of 1 positive thing about Hillary. (and in my book this goes a LONG way) She seems to not care nor have ever cared how many, who, when, where or what her husband fucks. Now I don't think this characteristic will make her a better president but watch and see... the fix is in and she will be president.
Oh, I think she cared. She was pissed when Slick Willie was harassing women in the Arkansas state capitol, and she was pissed about his philanderings while at the White House. It's humiliating for any woman, especially one in the public eye, and one with as big an ego as hers (almost as big as Trump's). The thing is, she liked being the governor's wife and the First Lady more than she minded her hubby's serial cheating. She wasn't about to give that up. Power is what she wants. You can see that in her eyes when she's speechifying. By the end of her presidency, she will be crawling around like Gollum, muttering about The Precious.

Now, once she's president, she won't need Slick Willie anymore. Then he will be nothing but a liability, a constant source of embarrassment for her that she no longer has to put up with. The first time he fucks up (you just know he will), he will finally get what's coming to him.
August 13th, 2016 04:08 PM
MPkid Well I can think of 1 positive thing about Hillary. (and in my book this goes a LONG way) She seems to not care nor have ever cared how many, who, when, where or what her husband fucks. Now I don't think this characteristic will make her a better president but watch and see... the fix is in and she will be president.
August 12th, 2016 10:30 PM
7 Point Plan of Hillary

Yeah, I'd be interested to see if anyone, ANYONE can list 7 positive things to say about Hillary.

Me too. Either a 7 point plan or 7 positive things to say about her.

Here's my list:

As you can see the list is empty, nada, nil, vacant, zilch.

If you got brilliant, positive things to say about her or her plan to move forward, fucking bring 'em.

No sense in keeping the voters waiting, the whole world's watching.

In all fairness this is on until the start of the first debate. Once they hit the debate stage the real unmasking begins and all bets are off. In the meantime, Bring It!
August 12th, 2016 08:58 PM
Why you complain?

This is the weirdest election season that I can remember since about 76' when I started paying attention - well I remember Nixon resigning in 73' was it?

Are social rights gay rights and la imigra really what this country is about?

I know there are people and not just church people who are so anti gay that they will fight to the death about it. But there are less and less of those people IMHO. Most people are just too damn busy trying to make ends meet to worry about what you have in your underwear or where and how you use your genitalia for pleasure.

I think most people are fine with LGBT rights, but let's not make ten year old kids have to make some kinda fuckin decision about it. That's just fuckin wrong. And if you expect me to celebrate your gayness or whatever you can fuck off. That's like asking you to celebrate my red neckness or my mongerness.

Is that what Liberty is about?

Illegal aliens from any country can fuck off. We have enough unskilled labor - even if more manufacturing jobs come back.

California is killing the Central Valley. Killing it. Down south you see the wacko Mexican groups complaining and wanting to take back California. In the valley Mexicans want to work. Ag is changing. Machines are doing much of the labor now, so "Mexicans" are not all unskilled. Laborers need to learn how to run machines that have programs and what not. Wake the fuck up.

Donald Trump is a direct response to Elites on both sides of the aisle. The progressives have had control of the government, for the most part, since LBJ and his Great Society. What a douchbag. And the Republicans complain that big government is the problem and then go about proving it: More government. More government. More government. More unelected cock suckers making decisions about my life, health, welfare.

I have a Chinese girlfriend and when I complain about Obama, she says to me that "you" elected him, why complain? When I explain to her that I didn't vote for Obama either time, she kind of doesn't get it. "You" elected him.

Black people? Black people in this country are worse off than they were before our first black president took office? Why should they be? They are 100% American. Back to LBJ and "helping the nigra". What a bunch of horseshit.

This whole progressive, socialist, globalist agenda is turning out to be a fuck up in Europe and we're on the path to that. If it weren't for the large amount of rural areas in this country we would already be there.

What exactly is Liberty as described in our Constitution? Is Liberty malleable? Should the Constitution be taken literally or figuratively? What are inalienable rights? Is your right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness more important than mine? Should I be required to contribute to your life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness? Your health and education?
It’s obvious that it’s best for a free society for those with more to help those with less. It keeps the society stable. But goddamn it, the scales are starting to tip.

Again boys, if you’re happy with your situation and you feel that Obama has done the best he can cleaning up after fuckin Bush and we need at least four more years of the same program, then vote for Clinton. But, as my little Chinese girlfriend say, “you elect her, don complain”.

Good nite all and good luck.
August 12th, 2016 04:39 PM
last trump thread

Hillary is attacking what she sees as the only remaining problems in America that we
all feel is so important that nothing else matters. The LBGTQ rights and illegal
undocumented workers benefits are what this election is all about. She has this
covered so well she doesn't need Trumps help to win. He is going to be so pissed
when he realizes he didn't get her elected ,she did it based on her merits. I hear
she's using Hezbollah and Hamas contributions to the Clinton Foundation to advance
these causes. And she communicates with a gov't server because she takes it that
serious. Hillary you go girl!
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