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February 15th, 2014 10:11 AM
sua gua
Originally Posted by 8934217892008 View Post
No, but you can prevent morons from getting a CCW permit by making them pass an IQ test and psych eval. And an anger management test.
When I took my CCW class, it was very thorough about why it takes so long to get a CCW license here in Il, and I think elsewhere.
The backround check the State does is very detailed and if you have even a small slap on the wrist felony, or even a misemeanor, you probably wont get the license, at least here anyway.....that is why when you are carrying and a Cop pulls you over and you tell him you're carrying, and have a CCW license, and give him the drivers and CCW together, they already know you have been cleared by the Statre of being a possible danger with the gun on your person.

I will disagree about the IQ test and Psych evaluation, because if you had issues in the past, it will show up on the background check and you wont get the CCW.
February 13th, 2014 06:48 PM
Originally Posted by 8934217892008 View Post
No, but you can prevent morons from getting a CCW permit by making them pass an IQ test and psych eval. And an anger management test.
Yeah, fine. Go ahead. Make it even harder to get a CCW. These same morons will pack whether they have a permit or not. That's what most people don't get. We already have tons of laws related to gun control. Do they keep the wrong people from owning, using and misusing guns? Apparently not! And that's what should be the goal, isn't it?

Hey, I have an idea. Want to cut murder in half? Just make murder even more illegal! That will make people think twice before killing someone. Same for DUI. No one will drink and drive if they know they will really be in a lot of trouble if they get caught. That should work, right?
February 13th, 2014 01:21 PM
Originally Posted by asiansam View Post
You can't regulate stupidity.
No, but you can prevent morons from getting a CCW permit by making them pass an IQ test and psych eval. And an anger management test.
February 12th, 2014 06:45 PM
sua gua
Originally Posted by needasianspinner View Post
I am pro-gun, but in Los Angeles I heard it was near impossible to get the CCW permit, unless you are in law enforcement, security or in immediate danger.

I do think that the media does not like to bring attention to how many rapes and robberies are prevented because people were able to defend themselves. It would be good to see the stats on how many bad things are prevented by guns. Politicians need to focus on laws that prevent the bad guys from carrying guns. The laws they typically propose will only be followed by the law abiding citizens.

What I don't like are some of the recent news stories. It sounds like some guys suddenly have big balls when they are carrying. The old man in the Florida theater shot a guy for texting and then throwing his popcorn bucket. There was another guy who started arguing with a car full of young kids over the loud music. He eventually shot ten rounds into their car because he thought his life was in danger. Then he drove off not knowing he killed a kid. Maybe those stupid arguments would not have happened if these guys didn't feel tough because of their CCW.
Hey Bro, if you need to see some sites on the 'net about the pros of CCW that are not reported, I will be happy to give to you and all here,
You are 100% correct that the MSM will NOT report the good that comes from CCW, only the shit that happens and like I said, the ones that shoot and go crazy, are usually on the SSRI's and it is NEVER reported.
February 11th, 2014 07:54 PM
Originally Posted by needasianspinner View Post
... What I don't like are some of the recent news stories. It sounds like some guys suddenly have big balls when they are carrying. The old man in the Florida theater shot a guy for texting and then throwing his popcorn bucket. There was another guy who started arguing with a car full of young kids over the loud music. He eventually shot ten rounds into their car because he thought his life was in danger. Then he drove off not knowing he killed a kid. Maybe those stupid arguments would not have happened if these guys didn't feel tough because of their CCW.
You can't regulate stupidity. Besides, those assholes were probably packing whether they had a CCW or not. Like numbnuts Zimmerman. I'm not in favor of citizens walking around armed, but gun ownership in and of itself is not the problem. I don't mind in the slightest throwing the book at someone who uses his or her gun irresponsibly, just don't try to disarm us.
February 11th, 2014 06:28 PM
needasianspinner I am pro-gun, but in Los Angeles I heard it was near impossible to get the CCW permit, unless you are in law enforcement, security or in immediate danger.

I do think that the media does not like to bring attention to how many rapes and robberies are prevented because people were able to defend themselves. It would be good to see the stats on how many bad things are prevented by guns. Politicians need to focus on laws that prevent the bad guys from carrying guns. The laws they typically propose will only be followed by the law abiding citizens.

What I don't like are some of the recent news stories. It sounds like some guys suddenly have big balls when they are carrying. The old man in the Florida theater shot a guy for texting and then throwing his popcorn bucket. There was another guy who started arguing with a car full of young kids over the loud music. He eventually shot ten rounds into their car because he thought his life was in danger. Then he drove off not knowing he killed a kid. Maybe those stupid arguments would not have happened if these guys didn't feel tough because of their CCW.
February 11th, 2014 10:56 AM
sua gua On other thing.
All those frauds that are against the 2nd amendment that you vote for because they are against guns and the 2nd amendment....who do you think protects them?
And the answer is..............................guys and girls who carry!
Fuckng political frauds!
February 11th, 2014 10:53 AM
sua gua
Originally Posted by asiansam View Post
Haha. Rabble-rouser from Chicago. Interesting points you made. Could that really be part of the problem?
Its the truth.
Prove that This "Rabble Rouser" is wrong!

BTW, Im getting my CCW in a week or so.
The first thing I did when we,
(Illinois) became the last state to legalize CCW, was to go sign up for the class to make me possibly get a CCW.

The one thing you will never read in the Liberal MSM, is all the good things about guns that have helped 1000's of people, and families, possibly have lives saved because of CCW and legit gun owners.
February 11th, 2014 09:06 AM
ichi the killer I used to think the guns should be regulated. I am actually very liberal as you know. Now I can see the logic of the Preppers getting ready for the Golden horde and the New World Order. People are murderous. No changing that. Look at some of the gore sites. The one I look at if I want to see nasty shit is "Liveleaks" True there are lots of gun deaths on there. Plenty of throat slashing with knives and bombs exploding to. You can't change human nature. People are killers.
February 7th, 2014 05:47 PM
Originally Posted by sua gua View Post
One of the things many of the people who are totally against guns dont know and refuse to accept if they do know, is these nuts who go off on shooting rampages is the fact in almost all these shootings that these guys do, the shooters were, and are on some type of Prozac or related drug.

The Big Pharma owns the media too, and would never allow that info to be presented to the public, neither would the Pols who get paid by the Pharma reps and lobbyists.

Do you guys know this? I say no you dont.

We can argue this until the cows come home, but I know for a fact that the crazies who have been going on these rampages are in fact or were in fact on those types of drugs..
Let the arguing begin!
Haha. Rabble-rouser from Chicago. Interesting points you made. Could that really be part of the problem?
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