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October 27th, 2013 02:13 PM
needasianspinner Why does McDonalds owe a "living wage" to anyone. They should pay what the open market will bear. If your job skills are worth $20/hour, then prove it by finding an employer that wants your services at that rate, not by bullying a company into paying it.
I am self-employed, have a college education, and work 60 hours a week. If you want to have a family, then work hard and get the right jobs skills. If McDonalds fry-cook is the best you can do this year, then work hard and become a manager. Or circulate your resume on your day off.
There are too many negative consequences to forcing medium-high wages onto unmotivated and unskilled employees. Next all unskilled employees think they deserve $20/hour. Then the mid-level employees think they deserve $30/hour. The cost of goods goes up and everyone suffers and places go out of business.
October 25th, 2013 02:04 PM
Hugh G. Rexion I like Target and Costco for groceries and then the Ralphs by my house for smaller shopping. I dont like Walmart for groceries...the grocery area is messy and i go at night and the shelfs are half empty...dont get me started on the customer base there..lol have you guys ever been to the Walmart supercenter in Bullhead City AZ?

I admit I dont even consider company corporate policies when I decide where to shop or eat..I do it by my personal experiences and the deciding factors are primarily cost, convenience and product availability. I think Walmart already has a lot of detractors and they are probably pretty close to their saturation point in most areas of the country. I personally dont have any vendetta or dislike for the company. Do they really do anything illegal? being rich is not illegal. We've all worked for an asshole boss at one time in our lives so maybe they are just the asshole boss of retail. The asshole boss usually has to deal with the higher turnover rate. How many people applied to work at the Bella Terra Costco in Hb? I cant remember but it was a crazy amount of people looking for a job.

I did have a client that was a walmart supplier and he stopped doing business with them years ago because they basically tried to rip him off and then had the nerve to try and order from him again.

edit I also know a company that imported/sold to Bloomingdales/Macys and again similar story to walmart. The had so much trouble with bogus backcharges that they sent people to China to make sure the goods were properly shipped and it didnt stop the Bullshit from happening..it was so frustrating that they voluntarily stepped out of the way and let the Chineese supplier deal direct.

editx2. I think you guys all have the cause and effect of Walmart/Mcd employment practices backwards..you guys think that the shit jobs cause them to require govt aide but the truth is that for people on government aide, the only thing they are qualified to do is the shit job. Please give this some thought...in summary they start at the bottom(walmart and Mcds) and either their skills improve and they leave for a better job or they are stuck there forever. Hence when you shop there you are stuck dealing with the worst of the worst in terms of skilled employees. The better ones are long gone.
October 25th, 2013 11:49 AM
Originally Posted by lechez View Post
bullshit. it's all because of Corporate greed. Costco pays fair wages, provides health insurance, retains its employees, and is always very profitable. Walmart has to renew a third of its workforce every year, pays minimum wages, fights the unions, no health insurance, only part time work so no benefits, we taxpayers foot the bill to assist all their Staff at poverty level, and guess where the money goes? Quite a few Walmart family heirs are the richest in the country. If the fortune hadn't been split, it would beat Bill Gates. You paid for that, my friend!
now go eat at In n out, they are Costco-like, boycott MacD, and all the big fast fooders who, on top of it, make shit for food.
Why you gonna bash Walmart? They help their employees fill out the forms so they can get Govt. assistance! McD's ain't helping anyone fill out those complicated forms! LOL WTF I can't stand it. Every now and then I have to buy something at Walmart and I feel like a traitor just walking through the door. I saw the Walmart documentary "The High Cost Of Low Prices" and Walmart's business practices are among the worst in the world! It used to be fast food jobs were for teenagers just getting into the work force but now you see more and more adults and fewer teens because most teens these days think a job at a fast food place is beneath them. Target is almost as profitable but treat their employees better and you see the difference. Prices are similar and Target is cleaner and has better looking customers and employees. WM looks like you went to the welfare office and found it was loaded with merchandise. Do what I do...whenever life gets you down and you feel like there is no hope....just visit http://www.peopleofwalmart.com/ and turn that frown upside down!
October 25th, 2013 01:25 AM
Lector bullshit. it's all because of Corporate greed. Costco pays fair wages, provides health insurance, retains its employees, and is always very profitable. Walmart has to renew a third of its workforce every year, pays minimum wages, fights the unions, no health insurance, only part time work so no benefits, we taxpayers foot the bill to assist all their Staff at poverty level, and guess where the money goes? Quite a few Walmart family heirs are the richest in the country. If the fortune hadn't been split, it would beat Bill Gates. You paid for that, my friend!
now go eat at In n out, they are Costco-like, boycott MacD, and all the big fast fooders who, on top of it, make shit for food.
October 24th, 2013 09:54 PM
wolfman2009 WillB,

Mcdonalds or jobs in the fast food industry is not a job that you should expect a living wage. This job is for low skilled people or a temporary job so people can more to something else. Not work at mcdonalds for a career.

To the people that say we need to pay them a living wage lets say 15-20 and hour. Sounds nice but progressives don't understand there is a chain reaction to raising the price. Now instead of the $4 burger. They have to raise the price to $8 burger. Many people especially the minorities feed their kids and families at mcdonalds because it is affordable. If the burgers are no longer affordable. Less people will come and not be able to feed their families. ALso Mcdonalds will lose most of their business. People go there because it is cheap and fast. Who wants a $8 burger. I dont and if I did I would go to a real restaurant.

People need to get new skills not try to raise a family working at mcdonalds. Actaully if you make minimum wage you should not be having kids because you cant even support yourself.
October 23rd, 2013 11:47 PM
Hugh G. Rexion I could care less about how much government aid the workers in the fast food industry receive. My point was that its great live in a country where we have freedom to chose. And if enough people share your views and act similar to you then things will change. Its like if you love BBBJ then dont go to an amp that only does CBJ. And dont come on MPR and bitch that you only got CBJ cause you were to cheap to pay for the BBBJ. If no one accepted CBJ then there would only be BBBJ in the world and the world would be a better place!
October 23rd, 2013 06:40 PM
MPkid Mainstream media doesn't single out blacks in fact they skew the truth because they don't accurately report the real stories for fear of being called racist. Perfect example is the Trayvon Martin BS. Only showing the pictures of him as a kid and never allowing equal time for the people that were for Mr Zimmerman. If the news allowed someone to say Zimmerman is innocent they were automatically considered racist. Even our black president said "if I had a kid he'd look like me". There is no more weight to the race card any longer it used to be an ace of spades (no pun intended) but now it's more like a 2 of hearts. How can there be racism when most of the public voted for a black man? I voted for him the first term because I thought he was the best candidate. Now I know better since he signed the NDAA, covered up Benghazi and countless other things. So if you want to label me a racist because I don't like his politics then I will wear the label with pride. I don't dislike blacks...I just don't like 1 black guy and his initials are BO
October 23rd, 2013 06:12 PM
asiansam I know this post won't be popular with everyone here, but when I was young, with just a high school education, and raising a family too large for my salary, you know what I did? I got a second job. Did it for 11 years. Went back to school too, at the same time. I didn't expect my entry-level jobs to accommodate my life choices, I took that responsibilty on myself. As time wore on, I got better jobs, and was finally able to stop working the second job. If I were still working as a low grade clerk or a security guard, I might still be working 7 days a week with double-shifts. I have little sympathy for people who say they want a better job, but do nothing to make that happen. "Oh, I'm too tired because I work a full-time job." Tell me about tired! I'm not a Republican, and I'm considerably more liberal than I used to be, but I think we have become a way too "entitled" society. Since when does an employer "owe" you a living wage? The employer owes you only for the work you do, and if the value of that work is small, or the skill required to do it is minimal, then the pay will be in line with that. And if McDonald's makes everyone part-time, then they have plenty of time to do something else too. If a jerk like me can do it, ANYONE can!
October 23rd, 2013 02:36 PM
willb I see your point Hugh, but I disagree ..I think companies like Mc Donald's , not paying employees a living wage, so they need government assistance does a dis service to everyone. Not matter what fast food place you choose to eat. Companies like apple who hide profits overseas and manufacture overseers hurts everyone living in red or blue states and companies like GE who hide behind so many tax shelters they don't pay any corporate taxes ..

Most red states call for less government, but states like Alabama , Kentucky , Texas could not survive without government assistance .

Companies like in and out, nordstrom , etc.. Pay a decent living wage. And are not a drain of government resources.
October 23rd, 2013 10:25 AM
Hugh G. Rexion The great thing about America is you dont have to eat at mcdonalds, you can go to in-n-out instead!!

If you dont like all the rules and regulations you can just be self employed and cheat on your taxes and live on the fringe. For the most part, its still a voluntary system we live in.

If you dont like living in a blue state you can move to a red state and vice versa. This thread reminds me of the old ford vs chevy arguement and how worked up guys get defending their choice car and how much better theirs is but its still just a car.
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