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December 8th, 2012 05:45 PM
ichi the killer thanks Hornyyag, sometimes i think I am such a big pussy. I saw something at work the other week. I had a patient who was made a quadraplegic at a young age. He could talk and move his right hand a little, and move his head a little everything else dead. He was given pennicillan when he was young and turned out he was super allergic to it. It "killed" him, anaphlactic shock. He suffered a "hypoxic brain injury" from the profound low blood pressure. it only affected his motor part of the brain though. His intellect is fully intack.

When i first saw him in my mind I thought "great! Another Gomer that I am going to waste a lot of effort on." But when i cam up to him an talked to him, beyond his physical problems, he had contractures and needed a ventilator to his tracheostomy to breath for him, this guy was really something special. Now I am kind of a callous and jaded guy, so I don't throw the word "special" around a lot.

This guy had a kind of famous last name. He was related to one of the outlaw gangs from the wild west AKA Jesse James. When he spoke he had a charisma even if he was physically fucked up. it was not his name that impressed me. it ws his attitude. He did not want my pity. He knew he was fucked up, but he seemed like somehow he had come to grips with it. He was not depressed. He actually was kind of funny. I did not ask him how he dealt with his situation. He had a home nurse who was with him. This nurse too excellent care of him. His teeth were nice "a hallmark of good care' and his skin was good, no breakdown.

If this guy could live and be happy what in the fuick is my major malfuction I thought. i was actually a little uplifted by this guy. Not in a "fraudenshadt" kind of way. I just marveled at how the hell could he keep a positve out look like that. He was in his 40's. I also thought what a charsmatic guy and what he could have been if he did not get fucked up like that. Clearly he could have been somebody. he had a "presence" that I could feel when i was near him. Like an aura. It was very strange, I never felt anything like that before.
December 8th, 2012 11:07 AM
hornyag101 As far as religion I am more concerned about what happens in the hear and now then the afterlife. I am way to independent to have someone tell me the proper way to live my life. We all know the difference between right and wrong so try to be on the side of right more often than not.

Religion is equal parts good and bad, just like life. There is no innocent religion which has never lied, cheat, stole or been responsible for deaths, NOT ONE. There is also no religions that haven't helped people in some way. All religions are flawed because they are all run by human beings, a flawed species.

I always thought that Romney's biggest hurdle to becoming President was his religion. Most of the other religions classified LDS as a cult and it was Billy Graham or one of those nut bags that took LDS off of there list of Cults just a week or 2 before the election. How did Romney do with the evangelical base that got GWB elected?
December 8th, 2012 10:52 AM
hornyag101 I think it is very therapeutic when you bare your soul like that Ichi, it is the ones who bottle it in that you have to worry about.

I am really sorry to hear about your brother, I can't imagine what that's like and am sorry for you and your family.
November 27th, 2012 09:42 AM
ichi the killer I think largely it is a young man testosterone thing. I did not even consider the other people when I would speed my motorcycle on public streets. I knew I could get killed but I gave other peoples lives no consideration. Now that i am older, I still consider suicide from time to time. I have dogs and a wife. I can't kill myself. Who will take care of my dogs? Choi could probably manage, but it would be a big mess for her. i don't want to do that to her or to my dogs. They are good dogs. Things get bad, if you wait, usually I have found things will improve. I had to get old to learn that one.

I asked my sister one time if she knew why my brother killed himself? I really could/can't understand it. Between the two of us, he seemed like the stable one. She said she really did not know. It was just another horrible scene from a horrible time. I don't know if he was trying to hurt his family or not. One thing for sure, his suicide date is a "gift that keeps on giving." Every Dec 31 I think of him. His ghost returns to my head. I usually work every Dec 31. To make money and to keep myself occupied. "Idle hands are the devil's workshop." This year is no exception. If I don't work I usually do a bunch of sedatives and drink myself to a coma on Dec 31. My wife Choi's birthday is Jan 1st. Choi's birthday is like the sunrise following the darkest night. Dec 31 to Jan 1st. Just have to survive the night of 12-31. I am sure glad I found her. I love Choi.
November 27th, 2012 12:24 AM
needasianspinner Ichi, I always appreciate when you bare your soul. Good stories.

My best friend from grade school is dead now. We started smoking very young, maybe 4th grade. Started getting high after 6th grade, which was a big deal in the late 70's. Things got out of control and and we couldn't spend time together anymore.

Years later I read an article in the paper. My friend was in the morgue for a few years (maybe no backlog). They eventually figured out who he was and released the information. He father was a politician, so it made news.

Years later he was caught in a stolen car and decided to take the high-speed pursuit route. Eventually decided to end it by going head-on with another car. He killed a mother and her child in the process. Very dark time for me. I spent time trying to understand what would bring him to that point. Still don't know.
November 26th, 2012 03:51 PM
ichi the killer I was always a risk taker, even when i was a little kid. I remember when I was in 2nd grade I used to catch venomous spiders [black widows, brown recluses] and take them to school. i would handle them with my bare hands just to freak out the other kids. I never got bit. Now i am scare to fuck of those things. sometimes i see spider bites at work they can be very nasty. Black widows are extremely venomous. Brown recluse will fuck you up with a big necrotic abscess.

We [me, my brother and another kid named "Daniel"} used to steal ammunition from the stores like Sears. back in those days it was not hard to do. We would make shrapnel pipe bombs and detonate them in an orchard behind the house. Daniel is dead as well, he got stabbed to death in ventura a long time a go. Drug deal gone bad. we also had an incindiery type device that had white phosperous and gasoline mixed together. {The phosperous was from rode side flares that we would steal from the stores.] I was down for anarchy even when I was a little kid.
November 26th, 2012 03:43 PM
ichi the killer Yeah, I dwell on dark things too much. I don't know why I do that. it does not help me. I wish I could change that one aspect of my personality, I would be happier from it I am sure.
November 26th, 2012 03:41 PM
ichi the killer Anyone ever look at the K-pop girls groups like "Girls Generation"? Or BOA. I am such a pervert.
November 25th, 2012 10:26 PM
Lector the true religion of the mongerlord:
you die and arrive at a door with a red light, and the mmsan introduces you to your 24 K-doll virgins. Then you find out you can trade too...
November 24th, 2012 08:22 PM
Dilly Dilly WOW that's a HEAVY story Ichi. I am not one to talk about religion. I HOPE there is a better place where one day we will all see are loved ones again.
Only time will tell if there is a better place or not.
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