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Topic Review (Newest First)
April 18th, 2018 11:11 PM
Drukpa Kunley OkiOpai uses the MPR member database to contact members by using his MPR membership to send pm's and site email to others members inviting them to join his own provider review site.

OkiOpai owns and operates his own board/site that reviews providers and OkiOpai's private board directly competes with MPreviews.

What would MPR Administration/Owners say about OkiOpai using their site's membership list and resources to get their members to join OkiOpai's own site/board if they knew about it ?

were you able to find a provider at the last minute in San Diego by texting and meeting with a member (of your own review board/site who is also a member of MPR that you recruited from here to your own board/site) located in the San Diego area while you were visiting family there?
April 18th, 2018 06:56 PM
Originally Posted by pumpagain69 View Post
So libertine aka drunkpa Kunley aka
Hilary what is your point? You really can't believe for a minute that people
listen to you on this site. You were exposed a long time ago as someone
incapable of expressing an opinion.
Oh, he's quite capable of expressing an opinion, he's just incapable of conducting himself as a mature adult, that's all...

April 17th, 2018 11:10 AM
pumpagain69 Lets see wasn't this bill bipartisan veto proof. In todays world what choice does
one have but to sign such a sucko bill. So libertine aka drunkpa Kunley aka
Hilary what is your point? You really can't believe for a minute that people
listen to you on this site. You were exposed a long time ago as someone
incapable of expressing an opinion. Do us a favor and go back to being banned.
April 17th, 2018 02:38 AM
Drukpa Kunley
Remember Who Signed SESTA-FOSTA

Don't ever forget who signed this new federal law -

Trump signed the SESTA-FOSTA bill that is shutting down provider websites.

When signing the bill, Trump said, "This is a very important day. If we work together, we can get the criminals off of the Internet."

Trump signed the FOSTA-SESTA bill into federal law that paves a very easy way for more law enforcement actions against websites that law enforcement will simply claim facilitate prostitution.

The White House said the new bill "makes it a Federal crime to own, manage, or operate a website with the intent to promote or facilitate prostitution."

Law enforcement actions will continue against sex workers online and against all escort websites.

The New Federal Law equates sex-trafficking and prostitution.

The SESTA-FOSTA laws don't distinguish between sex-trafficking and consensual sex work.

Operators of websites could face 25 years in prison under the new law. It's a felony now.

Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act provided website operators with broad immunity for hosting third-party content. The new federal law eliminated that immunity for sexually oriented content.

Here's a photo of Trump showing off his signature after signing SESTA-FOSTA

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