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November 25th, 2016 03:53 PM
needasianspinner There is a good argument to keep the electoral college to give the states with small populations a voice.
Maybe the Dems should take a closer look at the DNC Super-Delegates and figure out why that is a fair system to the un-anointed Presidential hopefuls and their supporters.
Hillary only got this far in 2008 and 2016 because of the influence of Bill and the corruption of the DNC. If the Dems want to be upset, they should look inside their own camp. They may have won with a better candidate.
Hillary was so flawed and unlikable, even with the insider help, she would have lost to just about any decent candidate.
What strange times we live in.
November 17th, 2016 04:44 PM
Originally Posted by marsean View Post
The Obamas are BLACK and they are getting evicted January 20th
Doesn't that count?

What are we counting? This is not bullying, etc. After 2 terms under present law it is time to go.

We had an election and time to focus on future, no?

I'm sorry about the Dodgers and Giants but didn't the Cubs win the World Series in 7 games in extra innings? Time to put one foot in front of the other and move ahead, no time for a MJ moonwalk.

BJ, is not my lover. She's just a girl who claims that I am the one
but the kid is not my son.
She says that I am the one, but the kid is not my son.

entertainment or election
protest or mass confusion
constitution or revolution
that's what we have today...

'Cause we danced on the floor, in the round...

People always told me be careful of what you do...

Tomorrow is another day...another way...Wake up, wake up,
easy does it.

Hold on tight to your dream...
Hold on tight to your dream...
When you need a shoulder to cry on...
When you get so sick of trying...
Hold on tight to your dream...

If your face don't want to smile,
if it takes just a little while,
Open your eyes and look at the day,
you'll see things in a different way,
Don't stop thinking about tomorrow,
Don't stop, it'll soon be here,
It'll be here, better than before,
Yesterday's gone, Yesterday's gone.[/quote]

Originally Posted by asiansam View Post
Does being called an idiot by political opponents make us want to curl up in a fetal position in our safe space before killing ourselves?

Hey! I resemble that remark!
Open your eyes and look at the day,
you'll see things in a different way...
It'll be here, better than before,
Yesterday's gone, Yesterday's gone.

All together now! Breathe...Relax...

Cooler heads prevail..
November 17th, 2016 12:16 PM
alanthick [quote=asiansam;88374] Does being called an idiot by political opponents make us want to curl up in a fetal position in our safe space before killing ourselves?

Hey! I resemble that remark!
November 17th, 2016 08:42 AM
Originally Posted by Deezguy View Post
I agree. The forum has gone from good natured ribbing to gang-on bullying. I'm out and back to talking about getting my junk pleasured.
Bullying? Aren't we all grown men? Does being called an idiot by political opponents make us want to curl up in a fetal position in our safe space before killing ourselves? Let's have some context here. None of us here are troubled teens coping with identity or self-esteem issues, or university snowflakes deluded with the expectation of no opposing views. Man up! Some of the commentary here is less than civil or downright rude, but maybe we should reflect on the scenes in Gran Torino where the kid learns to deal with it and stand up for ourselves. Politics is and always will be a volatile subject for discussion. Not just here but anywhere. That's why a separate forum was set up for it.
November 17th, 2016 03:04 AM
Originally Posted by Workswithwood View Post
The Obamas are BLACK and they are getting evicted January 20th
Doesn't that count?[/quote]

What are we counting? This is not bullying, etc. After 2 terms under present law it is time to go.

We had an election and time to focus on future, no?

I'm sorry about the Dodgers and Giants but didn't the Cubs win the World Series in 7 games in extra innings? Time to put one foot in front of the other and move ahead, no time for a MJ moonwalk.

BJ, is not my lover. She's just a girl who claims that I am the one
but the kid is not my son.
She says that I am the one, but the kid is not my son.

entertainment or election
protest or mass confusion
constitution or revolution
that's what we have today...

'Cause we danced on the floor, in the round...

People always told me be careful of what you do...

Tomorrow is another day...another way...Wake up, wake up,
easy does it.

Hold on tight to your dream...
Hold on tight to your dream...
When you need a shoulder to cry on...
When you get so sick of trying...
Hold on tight to your dream...

If your face don't want to smile,
if it takes just a little while,
Open your eyes and look at the day,
you'll see things in a different way,
Don't stop thinking about tomorrow,
Don't stop, it'll soon be here,
It'll be here, better than before,
Yesterday's gone, Yesterday's gone.
November 17th, 2016 02:01 AM
Originally Posted by frankkim View Post
Barbara Boxer is pushing for a similar bill. But, there is no way they can overturn this election, period. If we eliminate the Electoral College vote then the candidates campaign strategy will shift to the most populated cities and they would virtually ignore the rest of the country. I believe that if the 8 biggest cities/counties voted for a candidate that is all that would be needed to secure the majority of the popular vote.

Yep frankkim,
you said it in a lot less words than me.
November 16th, 2016 05:41 PM
Originally Posted by DD44DD View Post
Farewell political thread for me!
To much name calling , huffing and puffing, and bullying,

Going back to what I joined the site for,

Finding the best places to get rubbbed ,tugged, and forget about the stress in the world,
I agree. The forum has gone from good natured ribbing to gang-on bullying. I'm out and back to talking about getting my junk pleasured.
November 16th, 2016 12:27 PM
Originally Posted by alanthick View Post
I'm surprised we haven't seen headlines saying "Racist Trump Evicts Black Family From Their Home"!

Notice was give. They have until Jan 20, 2017 to evict.
November 16th, 2016 10:08 AM
Originally Posted by marsean View Post
The "Mainstream" media has lost it so bad and bcuz they are beyond the pale of any normalcy they cannot accept defeat (which shows they were invested in Hillary's campaign try, bigly)and move on, so they are reporting and ginning up the masses on so many different levels as if there were some way that protests, riots, social media, and mainstream media can disregard the election and possibly even have it overturned. I hear Harry Reid, who is retiring soon, introduced a bill to do away with use of the electoral college for the presidential election, as if it could retroactively change the outcome of the 2016 election. He has lost it too. That ain't gonna happen even if they could cobble the support together for a bill, I hear it would take a constitutional amendment to make the change stick, and even that has slim chance of making it. I originally thought, and perhaps commented on "one person, one vote" being logical, but in hindsight, the urban centers with most of the population could swing it for any candidate that suited their needs. What about the other 45 or so states that do not have the large cities? Social media could engineer a goodie driven candidate that would only represent the needs of the people in the major population center cities...Now I do not think that represents the country as a whole well...just saying...no doubt a lot would differ. Instead of accepting the present outcome and just working for change in the future, the newspapers, media and mainstream TV are trying what they can even running campaign to question all cabinet posts even being considered by incoming admin. Talk about polarizing the people. Watch CNN, MSNBC, New York Times, etc. The reality is the Dems have a lot to do to rebuild for future, a status that they really did not see coming. They know now, but are not able to process it and get over it, get a grip!

Barbara Boxer is pushing for a similar bill. But, there is no way they can overturn this election, period. If we eliminate the Electoral College vote then the candidates campaign strategy will shift to the most populated cities and they would virtually ignore the rest of the country. I believe that if the 8 biggest cities/counties voted for a candidate that is all that would be needed to secure the majority of the popular vote.
November 16th, 2016 08:57 AM
DD44DD Farewell political thread for me!
To much name calling , huffing and puffing, and bullying,

Going back to what I joined the site for,

Finding the best places to get rubbbed ,tugged, and forget about the stress in the world,
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