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August 9th, 2016 03:52 PM
Originally Posted by MPkid View Post
The polls are all BS too...

Umm...he looks like a white college educated male....and he rigged a Republican's election.....? What the hell is wrong with him - he should be rigging Democrat elections

Do white college educated males not like Trump? Do white college educated males prefer Clinton?

Frankly, the white union working class is whom we are talking about and they typically vote Democrat. I'm a white college educated male, but I do work with some of the white non-college educated males that are union members. I'm a "manager", but these uneducated fellows make more money than I do.

But even $50 an hour white uneducated union men are becoming fed up with towing the Democrat line. Oh, I should mention that more than half of these uneducated union fellows are.....Hispanic....shhhhhh.....and all of them regardless of ethnicity (like that fuckin matters in a ditch or on a lift) work there asses off and deserve to make more money than my chubby white pathetic managerial self.

We are a country deeply divided. The haves and the have nots....and the have less and less each year - and fuckin like it.

Even good ol' Slick Willy figured it out....it's the economy stupid.

Trump is a wild card, to be sure; but we know with Clinton we will get the same, same, same as it ever was.

Flip a coin boys...more of the same or roll the dice and see if Hope and Change can apply to your hard working ass.

And speaking of ass, the hardest working asses I have ever met are middle aged Asian women.

In fact, I want help China re-build their wall and am willing to pay for it by buying terrific Chinese pussy! Goddamn racist muther fucker that I am!
August 9th, 2016 03:20 PM
Originally Posted by MPkid View Post
The polls are all BS too...


Polls, Polls, Polls.

They swing they swing and they swing. The real deal is the count when all is said and done.

What we have here are choices:

One for more taxes, one for less taxes.

One for the status quo, one for beneficial change.

One for ignoring federal deficit, one for more better paying jobs.

Many more issues, but it comes down to this:

Are you happy with status quo with taxes to go up, vote for Hillary.

If you want change paid for by more real jobs, higher wages and less taxes,
vote for Trump.
August 9th, 2016 03:07 PM
Don't Get the Hanging Chad

Originally Posted by MPkid View Post
The polls are all BS too...



so there is proof on the record that RIGGING ELECTIONS has been attempted!


I can believe it...

One thing we don't want to decide this one is Hanging Chad...

Theoretically they should be way past that...

I think the polls vary so much, that unless it is a landslide either way this one will come down to the wire...

I really do...that said...I'm not worried...by the time of the election, certain thoughts are gonna cross Sanders mind, certain additional facts will surface, and I think the voters will respond when they have more to look forward to.
August 9th, 2016 11:59 AM
MPkid The polls are all BS too...

August 8th, 2016 08:56 PM
Poll: Support among likely voters stands at 50% Clinton - 37% Trump


Support among likely voters stands at 50% Clinton, 37% Trump, 7% Johnson, and 2% Stein.

Trump holds a sizable lead among white men without a college degree (56% Trump to 25% Clinton).

Among white women with a college degree, Trump trails Clinton by 30 points (27% to 57%).

Clinton continues to hold an overwhelming advantage among Black, Hispanic, Asian and other voters of color (69% Clinton to 10% Trump).

Importantly, Clinton continues to maintain a lead in the swing states - ten states that were decided by less than seven points in the 2012 election. She holds a 42% to 34% edge over Trump in these states, which is similar to her 46% to 39% swing state lead last month.

Voter opinion of Trump has declined while more voters see Clinton as temperamentally fit to serve as president. Specifically, Trump has a 26% favorable and 61% unfavorable rating, down from 31% favorable and 53% unfavorable last month. Clinton's rating has remained fairly stable, registering 37% favorable and 49% unfavorable in the current poll compared with 34% favorable and 52% unfavorable in July.

Currently, only 27% of voters feel that Trump has the right temperament to be president (down from 32% in July) while 67% say he does not (up from 61%). This contrasts with Clinton, who 61% of voters feel is temperamentally suited for the Oval Office (up from 52% in July), with just 34% saying she is not (down from 42%).

Clinton continues to hold an overwhelming advantage among Black, Hispanic, Asian and other voters of color (69% Clinton to 10% Trump), while Trump has a much smaller lead among non-Hispanic white voters (43% Trump to 38% Clinton). Clinton's 59 point lead among non-white voters is nearly identical to Barack Obama's 58 point win with this group in 2012 (78% to 20%) according to the National Election Pool's exit poll. However, Trump's 5 point lead among white voters is off the 20 point mark Mitt Romney set four years ago (59% to 39%).

The main factor behind the current GOP nominee's underperformance among white voters is his lack of support among white women with a college degree. Trump holds sizable leads among white men without a college degree (31 points; 56% to 25%), and white women without a college degree (17 points; 49% to 32%). These point spreads are similar to how Romney did with these groups in 2012 when he won white men without a college degree by 31 points (64% to 33%), and white women without a college degree by 20 points (59% to 39%).

Among white women with a college degree, though, Trump is actually trailing Clinton by 30 points (27% to 57%). Romney narrowly won this group by 6 points in 2012 (52% to 46%).


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