View Full Version : President Obama's birth certificate

April 28th, 2011, 05:46 PM
You know there are solder's dying, jobs are scarce, the poor is who knows where since the middle class is being attacked(now the poor), economy is trashed, in danger of loosing the top position in the world & to top that off those like me that have a job struggle to stay above water so to hear them discuss a fucking birth certificate pisses me off. What about the real issues jobs, economy, protect this country? Real fucking issues not some piece of paper. Now if he is not and I don't care, born here then when he was running for President and no one found that important fact then no wonder al qaeda was able to slip in and fuck us. Some say American's are lazy, I don't think that but watching this spectacle play out is there truth to this? Rather then focus on what is at hand some in our government rather talk about this shit? Sorry just blowing off some steam seeing how I just got off from a hard day at work and turn on the TV and hear them talk about that.

Three X
April 30th, 2011, 07:52 AM
Well I saw an interview with his grandmother in Kenya before he was elected and she said he was born in Kenya! I saw her say it myself and it was with a European news crew if i believe correct a German one.

ichi the killer
May 9th, 2011, 06:41 PM
yeah, this whole thing is some kind of cruel joke. So they went in to a sovereign country and killed a guy. Osama Bin Laden. OK. Who did it? Barack Obama is Chief of Command, so i guess pretty much he is responsible. Right? How come the incompetent Bush did not do it? [I answered my own question] He had 7 years to work on it and failed miserably.

Birth certificate? Red herring. This country is going to hell. The rich are getting richer, middle class is under attack. There are no good jobs anymore. just service sector like McDonald's. USA is becoming sort of like the Philippines. A few rich people and a lot of poor people. Only difference? Philippine pussy is not fat and they are prettier than American girls.

May 10th, 2011, 11:12 AM
It has always been they way just now Whites are feeling it !

Before know one cared.

When GM left the inner cities L.A. (Hawthorne are know one cared ) !

Now it is all over.

June 1st, 2013, 06:26 PM
Not only did his grandma say he was born in Kenya. Barack wrote a book early on and he said he was born in Kenya. So Barack killed Osama Bin Laden really no pictures and the body was not only burned at sea it was thrown into the sea so no one could check DNA. On top of that Osama Bin Laden was supposed to be dead 10 years ago because of illness. But it does sound like an accomplishment for speeches. He is a noble peace prize winner. My favorite democratic and now republican idea is legalize 11 million illegal aliens so american can get behind them in the job market. That will crush the economy but with 11 million new democrats voting we will move to a one party system. The republicans are so weak I personally feel they lose on purpose and just take pay offs like everyone else.

June 2nd, 2013, 12:30 PM
Not only did his grandma say he was born in Kenya. Barack wrote a book early on and he said he was born in Kenya. So Barack killed Osama Bin Laden really no pictures and the body was not only burned at sea it was thrown into the sea so no one could check DNA. On top of that Osama Bin Laden was supposed to be dead 10 years ago because of illness. But it does sound like an accomplishment for speeches. He is a noble peace prize winner. My favorite democratic and now republican idea is legalize 11 million illegal aliens so american can get behind them in the job market. That will crush the economy but with 11 million new democrats voting we will move to a one party system. The republicans are so weak I personally feel they lose on purpose and just take pay offs like everyone else.

Osama Bin Laden was dead far before that B.S. Hollywood movie they pulled off. Also Obama was on a Student Visa at Occidental College. The SEALS knew it was fake so they all had to be killed also.

June 2nd, 2013, 03:27 PM
Is it just a coincidence that nearly all of the seal team 6 members that got OBL died one way or another? Or that nearly all of the eye witnesses on site at the world trade center that spoke out that morning about hearing several explosions etc have mysteriously died? How is there NO video of a plane hitting the Pentagon (one of the worlds most secure buildings) that has a zillion cameras but none actually caught a jet liner flying into it? Not to mention the director of the CIA resigns after they dig up a harmless affair he has just days before the Benghazi hearings? Now he is being rewarded for keeping quiet by getting a wall street job (that my guess is he isn't qualified for) making millions of dollars...a nice upgrade from the $180,000 salary he got as Director of the CIA. However, Pres. Clinton shoots jizz all over some chubby interns face and shoves cigars in her cooch in the oval office and there are no significant repercussions. Bush wins a clearly rigged election where the recount was conveniently thrown out by the Supreme Court... many of which were appointed by George Sr. How are we as American NOT supposed to wonder what really is going on.

June 2nd, 2013, 05:41 PM
eaglerocker and mpkid,

I have great respect for you guys. We are on the same page. Too many people can't think for themselves and have been brainwashed by the media.

Please watch on youtube for free two movies. 1. 911 in plane site 2. Zeitgeist -world trade center. I think both are shocking and says it all. On Obama watch for free on you tube The Obama Deception the movie. You will not be able to stop watching.

ichi the killer
June 3rd, 2013, 10:28 AM
the Republicans have been high jacked by the extreme right wing of their party. If Mit Romney could not beat Obama there really is not hope for the repubs unless they change their tune. No sign of that on the horizon. In fact the Tea Party [kind of like the American Taliban they are so backwards in their thinking] is showing signs of renewed vigor. The Demoncrats are not going to defeat the Republicans next election. it will be an inside job from those out of touch Tea Party nuts.

June 3rd, 2013, 03:58 PM

Tea party stands for taxed enough already. The only people that do not want to pay more taxes is people that are on the government programs. The US will soon be like Greece and London being over taxed and riots in the street. A New World Order where only the elites have the power and money.

ichi the killer
June 3rd, 2013, 05:49 PM
Wolf....The riots in Greece and London are not about being over taxed. Those riots are about social services being cut to the bone [austerity measures] kind of like what the Tea Party wants to do here. What do you think is going to happen if the United States slashes programs like WIC [Women infant children], food stamps, public education and unemployment benefits? I think there is going to be some hungry and angry poor people who just might take to the streets and riot AKA Los Angeles in 1993. I mean they would already be starving. What would they [the poor] have to lose? As you probably recall the French revolution was about the price of bread being raised so high the ordinary people could not afford it. Mary Antoinnette famosly siad of the poor people "let them eat cake" Revolution and she was dragged to the guillotine. Off with her head.

The rich people are not going to riot. They live in their castles and have moats with dragons. The rich people will not be over taxed because they do clever things like put their money in tax shelter off shore accounts like Mr. Romney did. They also will not be affected by things like slashing public education and welfare benefits. That hits the "have not’s" aka poor people and minorities.
Here is another reason the Republicans are doomed. The Tea Party and the Repulican Partyi only appeal to old rich white people who are quickly becoming a minority in this country. If the repubs could adapt and take a more middle of the road stance on things, not so radical right, they would maybe have a chance of getting elected. The poison pill for the Repubs is those right wing nut Tea party people like Michele Bachman and Sarah Palin. People like them are not representative of mainstream America in the year 2013. Their platform is not going to fly with the general voting public. Maybe back in the 1800’s it would be popular, but not now. Conversely, the good thing the democrats have going for their party is the extreme right tilt of the prude Tea Party and their avowed platform. The Tea Part influence of the Republican Party virtually assure Democrat dominance in the Senate and the White House for the foreseeable future

June 3rd, 2013, 06:25 PM
The Greece and London riots are because the country's ran out of money because of too many social programs and had to cut back big time. You can not give something and create a welfare state and then take it away. There will be anarchy. The US government does already know this and are prepared. That is the reason for the US gov buying up all the ammunition and why it is so expensive now. Also, it is the reason for Obama private civilian army just as strong as our military. Obama talked about this when he first ran and after he won he never mentions it. No media outlet dares to mention it. But, he has it. This civilian army is to keep us in line for what ever reason.

There was so much voter fraught in the last election Romney might have actually won. Especially since he also used his IRS to shut down the tea stations big time. The election was really close.

If Obama does not change the Constitution and run again. Really who can stop him? Especially after legalizing 11 million illegals. They will all be his voters. I see Hilary winning or Michelle Obama. Republicans just lose on purpose and or don't know how to fight

June 3rd, 2013, 09:03 PM
eaglerocker and mpkid,

I have great respect for you guys. We are on the same page. Too many people can't think for themselves and have been brainwashed by the media.

Please watch on youtube for free two movies. 1. 911 in plane site 2. Zeitgeist -world trade center. I think both are shocking and says it all. On Obama watch for free on you tube The Obama Deception the movie. You will not be able to stop watching.

I will watch the Obama Deception...the others I have seen and another must see is "2016 Obama's America"

All of this shit is why I really want to leave this country now but my wife is from Vietnam and she's living the American Dream and doesn't want to leave! I guess I'll be first to line up at the Fema camp for orderly disposal. Until then I'm just gonna keep fuckin and enjoying life so that when they have my plastic coffin ready I can go out saying I did more, saw more and had more fun than the douchebag from the Obama civilian army putting me in it.

June 3rd, 2013, 10:57 PM
i'm really not sure if you guys are joking or plain crazies from having caught some bad germs in an mp and brainwashed by the loonies?

June 3rd, 2013, 11:15 PM
Brother Lechez,

Please go to youtube and watch The Obama Deception the movie for free. You will start to see how the world works. Then after you can call me crazy. Politics is about money and power. It is not about helping the people.

June 3rd, 2013, 11:24 PM
Brother Wolf,
i appreciate your need for info that is not limited to the right wing media, but please, check your sources. The internet is full of lies, starting by my reviews....
The 4 planes were hijacked, OBL was killed in his Pakistani compound, the Seals are still alive, Obama was born in Hawaii, and yes! we did walk on the moon....

June 4th, 2013, 12:01 AM
That is true. The internet is full of lies. But it is also filled with truths. The movie I mentioned has the people in question caught on tape in their own words. Hard to believe but many people do not know that there are 3 scandals going on in the Obama administration. Many main stream media try their best not to cover it until recently. If you watch some of the people questioned. They are above the law. Cocky answers ect. Like the guy at the IRS that says he goes to the white house for Easter egg hunts. You can make this stuff up. It is their own words. Anyway, ignorance is bliss and people don't want to know. The truth is never popular.

ichi the killer
June 4th, 2013, 08:55 AM
Whatever. I don't want to debate politics anymore. I quit. Ichi the philosopher has given up on that gig. Political debate. Hell wolfman I don't hate you, we just dissagree on somethings. Cool. I don't like either of the parties very much. i think it is kind of funny that the IRS went after the Tea Party though. those IRS bastards have gone after me a couple times to. Onetime I owed $50,000 in a capital gains tax. It was surreal writing that check to the fucking IRS. I could have lived for 20 years in the Philippines on that money. In fact almost every year i end up paying those pricks thousands in owed taxes. I hate them the IRS. They attacked me and you know how liberal I am. I guess they don't decriminate. Like a trained pitbull, master says: "Sik em Chomper!" and somebodies gonna get bit big time.:)

You know whats good on youtube? Girls Generation "I got a Boy" That is a good video. Check it out. Those K-pop girls are hotter than kimche with Korean hot sauce.:D

June 4th, 2013, 09:35 AM
I'm with Ichi on this.... we could argue politics all day and never get anywhere. The things that are going on in this country cannot be stopped by a handful of mongers on a message board. What is going to happen is going to happen and we can't do anything about it. Let's talk about where we can get the best BBBJ's and watch K-pop videos and hope what ever happens will happen after we are dead or too old to care.

June 5th, 2013, 11:53 PM
Exactly, I'd rather not argue politics here, it ruffles too many a feather. But anyone who bashes "the media" should realize everything is media; this is how we all (left or right) get most of our info (media is not only TV and news- everything is "mediated"). If you are on the right recently, you try to conflate mainstream media into a "liberal media". The peeps who smoke the RW stuff (Beck, Levin, Rush, et al) love to say everyone else "is brainwashed by the media", only we know "the truth".

No, take everything with a grain of salt; realize that facts can be manipulated -- to opposite ends. And compelling conspiracy videos can be made by dedicated people with a command of the language.

Its cool to have different perpectives and opinions; we should respect each other not blame and bash recklessly.

Now please describe the nipples, brothers!

June 6th, 2013, 11:42 AM
I think the biggest conspiracy is how China is taking over everything. Used to have beautiful K-Girls in their 20's for FS with a $100 tip and now we have (like everything from China) inferior goods but since they are charging Walmart prices and nobody seems to care. Or you have hot Vietnamese providers trying to get $50 for 30 min + $80 for a topless HJ! A nice quality 1 hour massage with a HE from a laundry lady for $25 + $40 tip is nice now and then but it's getting harder and harder to find hot young Asians and Latinas. There is a serious need for higher quality import goods from Korea, Vietnam, Thailand and South America. Forget what is happening in the media, birth certificates and gas prices!! Lets solve the more important issues. If our Govt. wants us to look the other way while they wipe their ass with the Constitution then they should legalize prostitution and start importing some better quality providers that our seniors on social security can still afford. "I'm MPKID and I approve this message"

June 7th, 2013, 06:38 PM
Yes, we all know that Barack is a Muslim born in Kenya who created Death Panels to pull the plug on grandma while raising our taxes thru the roof and giving it away to the undeserving in the form of luscious entitlements. Because Sarah Palin and Michelle Bachmann said so. And how are THEIR political careers going?

If those lunatics plus McCain, Romney and Ryan are the best the Repub party can come up with then their party is doomed. Ronald Reagan is rolling over in his grave, this is not the party he belonged to.

June 8th, 2013, 12:43 AM
Nicely done, 8.

June 9th, 2013, 08:21 AM
Yes, we all know that Barack is a Muslim born in Kenya who created Death Panels to pull the plug on grandma while raising our taxes thru the roof and giving it away to the undeserving in the form of luscious entitlements. Because Sarah Palin and Michelle Bachmann said so. And how are THEIR political careers going?

If those lunatics plus McCain, Romney and Ryan are the best the Repub party can come up with then their party is doomed. Ronald Reagan is rolling over in his grave, this is not the party he belonged to.

Obama did not create nothing this health care bill is the one given to him.

This bill was the Clinton health bill.

He is doing what he is told to do. Just like Bush 2.

The last person to run the country was Bush 1. Ex CIA and Skull and Bones.

Obama was born in Kenya I saw his Grandmother say so with my own eyes.

It was a German news crew that interviewed her.

While in China a met others that saw the same video.

I believe the CIA or some other agency bought the right s to the film.

Muslim he is not. I believe he is a Luciferian, like Bush 1 Bush 2 and Clinton

Or he is a Atheist.

June 16th, 2013, 04:33 PM
I'm one who says if you wish it to be true, you can find it on the Internet. Is an individual foreign born, a Muslim, a Nazi and a communist combined? Find it on the Internet to be true.




June 16th, 2013, 09:03 PM
it still amazes me how many grown up Americans are so easily gullible. Their naivete makes rich people out of self anointed preachers, wall street charlatans, and political clowns. All these people are always proven wrong at one point.
So, yes, we actually walked on the moon, Rush Limbaugh is a fat liar and President Obama is your President, like it or not! And he's both smarter and much harder worker than Bush 2.

June 16th, 2013, 11:45 PM
Harrison Bounel is the cover name used by Barry Soetero before he became Barack. There is a good interview with a skip tracer who tried to collect on some overdue bills.

August 13th, 2013, 06:17 PM
What's a birth certificate between friends? We all know that the President is supposed to be a natural citizen, but does that really matter? This is a brave new world. Just pay your taxes and trust your government. It will all be ok, I promise.

August 14th, 2013, 01:53 PM
Obama did not create nothing this health care bill is the one given to him.

This bill was the Clinton health bill.

He is doing what he is told to do. Just like Bush 2.

The last person to run the country was Bush 1. Ex CIA and Skull and Bones.

Obama was born in Kenya I saw his Grandmother say so with my own eyes.

It was a German news crew that interviewed her.

While in China a met others that saw the same video.

I believe the CIA or some other agency bought the right s to the film.

Muslim he is not. I believe he is a Luciferian, like Bush 1 Bush 2 and Clinton

Or he is a Atheist.

Yup. Billary tried to pass this stinking health care fraud bullshit years ago, and they couldn't do it. Because if you are a cracker, people are gonna politically oppose you. but if you are NOT a cracker, NOBODY will oppose you. And if they criticize, just yell : "Raciss !" Axe yourself, is this the cuntry you were sworn to fight for ?

ichi the killer
September 11th, 2013, 06:11 AM
Health care in America comes down to this: Technology is very advanced. We can do big expensive surgeries and people will survive things that not long ago were a death sentence [every one dies eventually] we have the DeVinci robot doing radical prostate surgery with minimal bleeding and minimal trauma. We have trick bone graft made from stem cells and recombinant DNA for malunion fractures that a few years ago would be amputated. [that bone putty costs $5000 for a 3 cc syringe full.] Who is paying for that? The patient recipient according to the facesheet I read on the chart does not have a job or health insurance. So who is buying the bone graft? Sure the doctor will have me open it. He is not paying for it. If he drops that one on the floor by accident he will have me open another one. {I have seen that happen before] It may even get a good surgical outcome for this unemployed patient. The benefit of the bone graft is not in question. The question still stands: Who is paying for that shit?

Here is the problem: Do you know how much a DeVinci robot costs? Millions of dollars. Insurance is cutting back reimbursements. The states and federal government are broke. Hospitals and doctors cannot make a profit. Profit is what keeps the lights on.Said little hospital made an investment and bought this fancy robot. It is good publicity. The only hospital in the valley that does robot surgery. But how is the hospital going to recuperate the money from this million dollar investment? Nobody has any money.

Have you seen those commercials on Television? the ones about: "did you get a Devince robot surgery? did you have a surgical complication? Call Skumbag and Dirtbag attorneys at law. We will get you the compensation you deserve." That is another thing that eats the profit. FYI "health care is like massage parlors in a way. Both are profit profit driven industrys." These predatory ambulance chaser lawsuits definately add to the risk and cost of doing business for a hospital/doctor.

So I will cut to the chase: What we are coming to is health care rationing. People can't have everything for free. that and you can't live forever. Obamacare is a form of healthcare rationing. It focuses on prevention of disease rather than curing with fancy technology. I think I agree with that. Nobody wants to say it: "No one lives forever, and you can't have everything for free." There will come a time when “death squads” will decide who gets a fancy surgery and who does not. Unless you have the $1.5 million in the bank and are willing to give it to the hospital to pay for your surgery and hospital stay. Then the bill is not an issue.

What we are doing now is not sustainable. It is like "reverse Darwinism." People who should not survive are living now because of heroic million dollar procedures. There are like 5 billion people on this planet. The current health care system is not sustainable

September 13th, 2013, 03:44 AM
I think we are a handful of hard-ons from 7 billion people. Only a small handful have access to American medical care.

Since the sixties we have moved headlong into a 3rd party payer system which has led to gate keepers, capricious denials of service, delays to obtain treatment, shortcuts like setting up nurses and physician assistants to deliver care, unacceptable wait times, and lack of accountability to patients for work actually done that improved their health. Examples are excessive testing, prescriptions that are not helpful, general time wasting by staff in medical facilities, and staff lying to your face about your treatment options, conditions, and timely delivery of service.

The bone sauce would only cost $300. if the trial lawyers were prevented from seeking excessive awards for medical malpractice and device product liability.

Insurance costs have been inflated from about 1% of salary to 10 and 15% of salary, and no better service is offered, but 25 to 50 cents of every dollar spent on healthcare winds up going to non-medical costs and pockets. Obamacare forces insurers to take all comers, and provide insurance to more persons than ever before. Young adults were typically healthy, and no real burden on the system because they treated small problems away from the temples of modern medicine. Now they line the waiting rooms with sniffles and skinned knees.

I make parts used in CT machines. The same parts are also used by oil drilling companies. Medical equipment requires a very long paper trail, and insurance that prices the parts at $10,000. In the oil field the same part without the medical pedigree is $600. It is attorneys and insurance companies that are pushing real medical care away from people that need it and greed is the stem itself.

The bright side is some of the most wonderful human beings are involved in patient care. I never fail to find someone worth knowing when visiting a hospital.

September 13th, 2013, 03:47 PM
Ever since American health care insurance was made a for profit private enterprise, service went down and cost went up. These companies are Publicly traded on the stock exchange and we wonder why our coverage sucks and there's so much fine print.

All my friends from Canada or the UK like their government healthcare a lot.

September 14th, 2013, 12:01 AM
single payer, fed or state controlled. keep the money in the system, not in the pockets of the CEOs of health care companies.

September 15th, 2013, 08:19 AM
7.1 Billion people on the planet today. : o http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/World_population

In the 60's every "good" mom wanted their son to be either a doctor or a lawyer. Today, the doctors need to compete with all the other doctors for profit, and the slew of lawyers need to take some of those medical profits away to make their own profit. Thanks moms! lol

September 27th, 2013, 03:41 AM
Obama care is designed by democrats to fail. That way we will move to single payer to clean it up. Problem with Obama care is the law that was passed as been amended by Obama many times which is ridiculous. Congress was originally supposed to get it also but they demanded an exception. Of course they should not have to follow the laws they pass. ext ext. Healthcare is about more control of the people.

Give to Obama what belongs to Obama, and give to God what belongs to God."

September 27th, 2013, 01:56 PM
Everything the Govt does is designed to control the 99%. Why do you think there are more people on Govt. assistance than ever before in the history of this once great nation? You wanna get every minority and poor person (which is rapidly becoming the majority) to vote for you?....just tell them the other guy is planning to cut their Govt. benefits.

"Between 1988 and 2011, the amount of the U.S. population that receives assistance from the federal government grew by 62 percent," says an abstract of the study. "That means that more than 41 percent of the U.S. population is enrolled in at least one federal assistance program. To make matters worse, per capita expenditures on recipients are rising as well. In 2010, over 70 percent of all federal spending went to dependence-creating programs. That growth is unsustainable, as baby boomers are now retiring every day and their entitlements cost more each year."

The think tank estimates that, using current numbers and trends, "publicly held federal debt will exceed 100 percent of GDP in 2024."

And while the numbers are high now, they weren't always that way, as a percentage of the population. Indeed, the ratio of takers-to-makers has increased most dramatically in just the past decade.

According to the Census Bureau, Heritage scholars noted, 94 million people were receiving government-(read taxpayer) funded benefits in 2000; by 2011, that figure had grown to more than 128 million.

"That means that 41.3 percent of the U.S. population is now on a federal government program," said the study. "The 128 million is an estimate based on the recently released March 2011 U.S. Census Bureau Current Population Survey (CPS), which, due to the survey methodology, most likely undercounts the actual number."

Here is a breakdown of government programs and numbers of recipients, as presented by Heritage researchers:

-- 128,818,142 people are enrolled in at least one government program

-- 48,580,105 people are on Medicaid

-- 35,770,301 people receive their retirement income from Social Security

-- 43,834,566 people are on Medicare

-- 39,030,579 people are living in a household where at least one person accepts food stamps

-- 6,984,783 people are living in subsidized rental housing

-- 2,047,149 people are receiving a higher-education subsidy

"It is important to note that the above categories overlap; for example an individual may receive both subsidized rental housing and food stamps," says the study. "The total number...on at least one government program does not double count individuals, however."

Learn more: http://www.naturalnews.com/038660_government_assistance_taxpayers_welfare.htm l#ixzz2g81X0Mvu

September 27th, 2013, 01:58 PM
Many of you might have already seen this but this but I think it's brilliant


September 28th, 2013, 12:29 PM
That clip says it all: the republican party has become a gathering of fearful, angry lunatics who reject science, social harmony, true opportunity for all, decency and fair elections.
The Affordable Healthcare act is based on repubs recommendations. But now, the poor has to be blamed for the state if our economy? Go watch the newly released documentary with Robert Reich. The rich was doing just fine under Nixon, Reagan but they got gready and now refuse to pay their fair share. But they sit on their ass and don't recycle that $$ in the system. No jobs, no growth. Cut food stamps? If u agree, go fuck yourself while kids go to school hungry, go blow your $$ on massages when families lose their homes because our medical bills are twice or more the amount in sister country Canada. And yes, our nothern neighbors are smarter: they refuse to recognize Fox News as a news channel. They have universal health care, they have cheaper meds, control of their food chain, less gun shootings, and they know why they cherish these democratically voted government protections, because greed is the culprit. The poor? Drop the meds.

September 28th, 2013, 03:21 PM
That clip says it all: the republican party has become a gathering of fearful, angry lunatics who reject science, social harmony, true opportunity for all, decency and fair elections.
The Affordable Healthcare act is based on repubs recommendations. But now, the poor has to be blamed for the state if our economy? Go watch the newly released documentary with Robert Reich. The rich was doing just fine under Nixon, Reagan but they got gready and now refuse to pay their fair share. But they sit on their ass and don't recycle that $$ in the system. No jobs, no growth. Cut food stamps? If u agree, go fuck yourself while kids go to school hungry, go blow your $$ on massages when families lose their homes because our medical bills are twice or more the amount in sister country Canada. And yes, our nothern neighbors are smarter: they refuse to recognize Fox News as a news channel. They have universal health care, they have cheaper meds, control of their food chain, less gun shootings, and they know why they cherish these democratically voted government protections, because greed is the culprit. The poor? Drop the meds.

Warren Buffet pays about 15% tax while his secretary pays about 30% and his illegal alien gardener pays 0%... Sounds fair to me!

September 28th, 2013, 06:23 PM
That clip says it all: the republican party has become a gathering of fearful, angry lunatics who reject science, social harmony, true opportunity for all, decency and fair elections.
The Affordable Healthcare act is based on repubs recommendations. But now, the poor has to be blamed for the state if our economy? Go watch the newly released documentary with Robert Reich. The rich was doing just fine under Nixon, Reagan but they got gready and now refuse to pay their fair share. But they sit on their ass and don't recycle that $$ in the system. No jobs, no growth. Cut food stamps? If u agree, go fuck yourself while kids go to school hungry, go blow your $$ on massages when families lose their homes because our medical bills are twice or more the amount in sister country Canada. And yes, our nothern neighbors are smarter: they refuse to recognize Fox News as a news channel. They have universal health care, they have cheaper meds, control of their food chain, less gun shootings, and they know why they cherish these democratically voted government protections, because greed is the culprit. The poor? Drop the meds.

Are you serious? You think the Dems are any better? They're all self-serving hypocrites who only care about getting re-elected and don't care whose dick they have to suck to make that happen. They (politicians) are all owned, whether Republicans or Democrats. They might not start out that way, but that's how they all end up.

Now tell me, what is the "fair share" owed by "The [Evil] Rich?" 10% of their income? 50%? 90%? Here is another question: how much of all tax paid is paid by The Rich? Follow up question: how much is paid by The Poor? You can look it up. Probably any source you check will instantly seem like [Evil] Fox News to you when you see the answer. What is your solution? Only tax those who make more than you, and give the rest a pass?

If medical costs in the US are higher than elsewhere, then you can thank predatory malpractice lawyers and Big Pharma, both of which treat the US healthcare industry as their own private cash cow. Of course, it's easier to just blame The [Evil] Rich, especially if they are Republicans.

When I drive to a massage parlor, I often pass "Homeless" men on the street. Do I stop and say, "you don't deserve to live this way. I know you're being here is not because of booze, drugs or mental illness. I know you're really a poet and a scholar who was betrayed by Society, the Republicans and Fox News. Here, take my massage money and buy a good meal for yourself and your family, along with some new clothes and the latest copy of The Nation." Do I do that? Fuck no! And neither do you!

BTW, could they have less shootings in Canada because along with fewer guns, they also have way, way less people? They probably have less shootings in Tahiti too, for the same reason. Statistics can be played like a fiddle to crank out any tune you want. I work with them every day, and I know what people do with them.

Lechez, I often agree with you, but not today.

September 28th, 2013, 11:05 PM
ASam, we're cool, just talkin'
I'd say fair share should be Reagan days tax rates, when the balance of wealth between rich and poor was more sustainable, when being in the middle class meant that you had a shot at it, when republicans still believed in science.... and their president could compromise with the Democrats.
That said, I hated Reagan, a liar that got elected by postponing the release of our hostages in Iran.

September 29th, 2013, 10:29 AM
Many of you might have already seen this but this but I think it's brilliant


That is a great clip and absolutely right.

History tells us that no one stays on top forever, complacency sets in with any great nation, being comfortable means being able to relax. Complacency has taken a hold of this country, probably began 20+ years ago.

Here is a clip that recaps history:


It is pretty much the fault of the People for the state we are in now. We all know the politicians suck but instead of fighting against them we fight among each other.

We have turned the corner from the hardest working nation in the world to the laziest bunch of ingrates and it is everyone else's fault except our own. It's about time when we look in the mirror when asking who is going to help me.

September 29th, 2013, 02:13 PM
That is a great clip and absolutely right.

History tells us that no one stays on top forever, complacency sets in with any great nation, being comfortable means being able to relax. Complacency has taken a hold of this country, probably began 20+ years ago.

Here is a clip that recaps history:


It is pretty much the fault of the People for the state we are in now. We all know the politicians suck but instead of fighting against them we fight among each other.

We have turned the corner from the hardest working nation in the world to the laziest bunch of ingrates and it is everyone else's fault except our own. It's about time when we look in the mirror when asking who is going to help me.

How can "We the people" do anything? Vote out the current politicians so they will be replaced by more of the same? We're all fucked and the system is corrupt. Most of our elected officials have been bought and paid for by "Big Oil" and will do what they are told to do by the oil companies in order to keep the money flowing so they can get re-elected. Nothing we do will ever stop this cycle. That is why we will never see a viable alternative to fossil fuels in our lifetime and that is why we will never have a government that is for the people ever again. Our Govt. will now and forever be for the big corporations, rich and especially the oil industry. Look at the BP oil spill fiasco and notice nobody was fired or punished and BP still hasn't had to answer for this mess. Sure they have thrown a few bucks at it as a gesture of good faith but have not paid all the claims against them by the people who's business were destroyed as a result of their fuck up. It's business as usual. But if you get caught pouring a few quarts of oil down the storm drain be prepared for some hefty fines and or even jail time. Check out the documentary The Big Fix and see the problems the chemicals they (BP) are still illegally dumping on the oil in the Gulf are causing.

September 29th, 2013, 02:38 PM
... We have turned the corner from the hardest working nation in the world to the laziest bunch of ingrates and it is everyone else's fault except our own ...

Um, I think that description fits Europe more than it fits us. We work longer hours, have less vacation time and retire later than they do. And talk about entitlement! Their demands and expectations regarding their employment would make even a Teamster blush!

The only comparison where we would look bad is against East Asian countries. I think we still pretty much blow everyone else away.

September 29th, 2013, 09:52 PM
Um, I think that description fits Europe more than it fits us. We work longer hours, have less vacation time and retire later than they do. And talk about entitlement! Their demands and expectations regarding their employment would make even a Teamster blush!

The only comparison where we would look bad is against East Asian countries. I think we still pretty much blow everyone else away.

OK, we are right behind Europe, make you feel any better?

Your right about the East Asian country's, there in the abundance phase, were in the complacency/apathy phase.

September 29th, 2013, 09:56 PM
How can "We the people" do anything? Vote out the current politicians so they will be replaced by more of the same? We're all fucked and the system is corrupt. Most of our elected officials have been bought and paid for by "Big Oil" and will do what they are told to do by the oil companies in order to keep the money flowing so they can get re-elected. Nothing we do will ever stop this cycle. That is why we will never see a viable alternative to fossil fuels in our lifetime and that is why we will never have a government that is for the people ever again. Our Govt. will now and forever be for the big corporations, rich and especially the oil industry. Look at the BP oil spill fiasco and notice nobody was fired or punished and BP still hasn't had to answer for this mess. Sure they have thrown a few bucks at it as a gesture of good faith but have not paid all the claims against them by the people who's business were destroyed as a result of their fuck up. It's business as usual. But if you get caught pouring a few quarts of oil down the storm drain be prepared for some hefty fines and or even jail time. Check out the documentary The Big Fix and see the problems the chemicals they (BP) are still illegally dumping on the oil in the Gulf are causing.

Politicians basically do what the majority wants them to do, the majority doesn't give a shit so why should they?

It is not until the People change that the politicians do, that is the way it works. If the politicians only cater to Big Oil then that is because the People have lost there power. Either they get it back or as has been said earlier, complacency/apathy has taken over

September 30th, 2013, 01:19 PM
Politicians basically do what the majority wants them to do, the majority doesn't give a shit so why should they?

It is not until the People change that the politicians do, that is the way it works. If the politicians only cater to Big Oil then that is because the People have lost there power. Either they get it back or as has been said earlier, complacency/apathy has taken over

Politician DON'T do what the majority wants...they say what the majority wants to hear to get elected...then they do whatever the fuck THEY want. We have seen it time and time again. So go vote for the next guy promising to be different and promising CHANGE and six months later see what that gets you...more of the same. It can't be fixed by us voters because the guys that really WILL make changes and make waves in Washington will never get elected because they don't get backed by the oil companies (who don't want politicians they can't control) and can't effectively run against the guys with the deep oil pockets. There ain't no fixing it...like it or leave it. Who's ready to go to Asia with me? LOL

September 30th, 2013, 09:47 PM
You got a point MPkid, when is the trip to Asia, I gotta sell all my shit! lol

October 1st, 2013, 01:14 PM
You got a point MPkid, when is the trip to Asia, I gotta sell all my shit! lol

I'd leave tomorrow if I could...however my VN wife is living the American Dream while I'm trapped in the American nightmare. She doesn't understand how fucked this country is and just says American is better than VN because you can easily make more money here. I agree with her there...but I can get by on $1000 a month (or less) and live very well on $1500 - $2000 a month in Cambodia so why should I kill myself making more money here only to still eek by when all is said and done? I can open a small business over there for pennies on the dollar and rent a spot for $250 a month that has living quarters above it or rent a furnished apartment for about $80-$100 a month. I already have several viable business concepts for over there but my wife ain't going back to Asia so I'm trapped watching our once great nation slide into the toilet and I'm sitting on one of the smelly logs as it swirls around the bowl on it's way to the sewer. The worst part of it is everyone I tell I want to move to Asia says why would you want to leave America? America is great!! People have been so brainwashed by our faux news media that they think nothing is wrong. As long as there is cold beer in the refrigerator, Their car has gas and water magically shoots out of the faucet when you turn the handle...everything is awesome!! You think everything is great just try NOT paying your income taxes once and see how you like it...or for that matter your property tax, car registration (tax for driving your car) business tax and if you're lucky enough to have any money left and you want to buy something don't forget after all the other tax you paid you have to pay another 8% of whatever you have left on sales tax. Yes, America is great... just not for the regular person living here. My accountant asked me what am I still working??? I said I have to make a living to survive. He said if I went out of business I could liquidate my inventory, keep the money, go on unemployment, apply for housing, medical, food stamps and all of the other welfare programs the Govt. offers and make more money without owning a business! I would do that the minute they have an AMP financial assistance program! So there you have it fellow mongers...I run a business, pay my unfair taxes and keep up the American nightmare JUST so for 30 min. a time a few times a month I can fuck an Asian. Now you see why Asia is so appealing to me!!! In Asia I can run a business a few days a week and fuck Asians all the rest of the time...I'm living in an alternate universe where everything is reversed....which is fine until you discover the other opposite universe exists!

ichi the killer
October 1st, 2013, 08:53 PM
Ever since American health care insurance was made a for profit private enterprise, service went down and cost went up. These companies are Publicly traded on the stock exchange and we wonder why our coverage sucks and there's so much fine print.

All my friends from Canada or the UK like their government healthcare a lot.

Hey Newt! We got us a socialist here! Where is the tar and feathers?:D

ichi the killer
October 1st, 2013, 09:02 PM
Obama got elected fair and square. When bush got elected in 2000 maybe not so fair and square then decided to invade Iraq I really did not think it was such a good idea until we actually found those darn weapons of mass destruction that Sadam was so cleverly hiding. But I did not secede from the union. I figured he was a 4 year president and would be gone before he did too much damage. [oops wrong again]

So Obama wants to implement his "affordable health care" bill on which he ran both his presidential campaigns and was elected fair and square. Twice elected. The republicans/tea party whack jobs shut down the federal government today in an effort to retroactively stop this Obamacare on which Obama has been up front about the whole time he has been president. Please. You guys lost. Try again in a few years. Poor losers.

October 2nd, 2013, 10:03 AM
Isn't America great? A group of elected officials don't like something that was passed fair and square, like Ichi said. Their response? Close down the zoo and don't let the service academies play football, then all of our problems will be solved.

October 3rd, 2013, 04:15 PM
Isn't America great? A group of elected officials don't like something that was passed fair and square, like Ichi said. Their response? Close down the zoo and don't let the service academies play football, then all of our problems will be solved.

Even better.... Congress is exempt from Obamacare (I guess they like their FREE Govt. insurance better) and while the rest of the Govt workers are shut down without pay...Congress still gets paid!

ichi the killer
October 4th, 2013, 10:19 PM
As long as the goverment is shut down, I aggree, Congress and the Senate should not get paid.

I you have your own insurance you do not need to sign up for "obamacare" on one of those exchanges. I also think that part of the reason why health insurance and health care is so expensive is because some people have health insurance and some people do not. So for the "self pay" people the hospitals basically are not reembersed. The "free loader" non insured people get treated basically for free. so the people that have insurance and pay are gouged to make up for the loss. Thus "universal insurance mandate" I guess that is not american. I america you can be a "freeloader" if you want. It is your God given right.:)

October 6th, 2013, 12:20 PM
As long as the goverment is shut down, I aggree, Congress and the Senate should not get paid.

I you have your own insurance you do not need to sign up for "obamacare" on one of those exchanges. I also think that part of the reason why health insurance and health care is so expensive is because some people have health insurance and some people do not. So for the "self pay" people the hospitals basically are not reembersed. The "free loader" non insured people get treated basically for free. so the people that have insurance and pay are gouged to make up for the loss. Thus "universal insurance mandate" I guess that is not american. I america you can be a "freeloader" if you want. It is your God given right.:)

Obamacare is a TAX on people that can't afford insurance. It is a giant scam. Its has NOTHING to do with creating affordable insurance! People that can't afford insurance will now be fined $95 the first year for not having insurance. Guess what?? MOST Americans can't afford insurance and since it is cheaper to pay the "tax" uh...I mean FINE... most poor people will be the ones that will be fined. So all the poor folks that love Obama will be the ones that suffer from his bullshit plan and those that are lucky enough to have some over priced insurance won't be paying the fines.

October 6th, 2013, 05:30 PM
Obamacare is a TAX on people that can't afford insurance. It is a giant scam. Its has NOTHING to do with creating affordable insurance! People that can't afford insurance will now be fined $95 the first year for not having insurance. Guess what?? MOST Americans can't afford insurance and since it is cheaper to pay the "tax" uh...I mean FINE... most poor people will be the ones that will be fined. So all the poor folks that love Obama will be the ones that suffer from his bullshit plan and those that are lucky enough to have some over priced insurance won't be paying the fines.

Ironic, ain't it?

October 6th, 2013, 10:28 PM
it's not a scam. it started as a Republican idea, and it's been the law in MA, remember?
Please don't quote Faux News back, or Glen or Rush. These guys barely got a high school degree. They lie just to get their angry-white-male policies through.
Obamacare is going to ensure coverage for about 30M Americans. And if Obama had had his way instead of compromising, it would provide coverage for some of the 30M left out, and offer a single payer system which would lower all premiums. Where do you think your insurance money goes first? not to the doctor, but to the CEO, the guys doing mergers to rack in the dough and bail...that reminds me of someone....oh yes, the Moron, Romney!

ichi the killer
October 7th, 2013, 09:20 AM
Part of the thing the Republicans are afraid of is once "The Affordable Healthcare act" is in full swing and people are more familiar with it many people will like it. The Repubs want it to fail.why? Because of hatred for Obama. That is the main reason.

ichi the killer
October 7th, 2013, 09:51 AM
The other day I had a motorcycle accident. It was a pretty serious one on the interstate 5 freeway. People die on that freeway almost everyday. It caused 5 thousand dollars of damage to my Harley.

I worked the 1100 to 2300 shift the night before; they called me at 7am and asked if I would come in to help them. Sure. To turn that down is to turn away money “the mating plumage of the human male" and I needs more plumage.

So there I was rush hour traffic a little tired. I was riding along and there was an accident off on the shoulder of the road. Nothing too interesting. Cops and a couple dinted cars. These fools were slowing down to gawk at it. We were going about 30ph. I was very irritated. I glanced at my watch and then I looked up. Fuck me! These fool had come to a dead stop in front of me and I was going about 30 mph. They were about 4 car lengths in front of me. I hit the brakes as hard as I could without locking the front brake. No good. i was still going to hit the back of her car. I could not split the lane. No time and I thought I might lose my leg if i did. I damn sure did not want to hit upright. That’s how people go headfirst into the car or get their leg caught in-between the bike and the car Chop-chop! So I angled my road king and slid the back tire around to the side. I locked up the front wheel to. I laid the bike down and I kicked myself out from under it as it was going to come down on my right leg. It still got my foot and tore the toe off my shoe. The bike slammed into the underside of her bumper. Laying down a 5 hundred pound bike on the freeway is no fun. That bike slammed me hard on the pavement. I hit the back of my hip/kidney region, my back shoulder and I think the back of my head kissed the pavement. God damn that hurt. It seemed like it was in slow motion. I just wanted to lay there after I hit but a voice in my head said "No fool! Get up get up now! They are coming with their cars to kill you!" I looked over my shoulder and it seemed like people were slowing down but I did not trust them. I got up. Ouch that fucking hurt. I had to take a knee on that one. I almost blacked out, things got dark for a couple seconds. It felt like I got hit by a 2 by four in the kidney and my toe hurt like fuck and was bloody. It looked to me like it had toe tip ripped off. Degloved
the term.I wouldneed surgery toamputate my toe I thought to myself.

I took an ambulance to the same hospital. I can't even imagine how much that is going to cost. Alot. i have insurance. If no insurance the hospital would be partially compensated and eat the rest of the cost. My back in my kidney region got a huge hematoma and my balls turned a dark black and blue. My toe just got a big cut on it and it tore the toenail off my big toe. After I washed it it did not look quite so terrible. Not good but if it did not get infected it would heal. I think next time I am going to wear better bike clothes. i walked away from that one. The other night we cut off a guys leg. He was in a very similar accident as mine. I was super lucky. I am one tough old guy that I could get up after that. I guess all the physical training is good for something. I never laid a bike down before. I was looking on youtube for a tutorial on how to lay a bike down [they have them, they have everything on youtube.] I did a textbook job of it actually.

October 7th, 2013, 07:54 PM
Damn! I'm glad you walked away from that one, Ichi.

October 8th, 2013, 12:27 AM
Wow Ichi, glad you walked away as well!

When I rode I laid my bike down once as well when I hit some gravel in the corner. I saw it in time though to react which is what saved me a lot of road rash and injury. Not as scary as you and I was able to walk away with only my boot ripped apart and some damage to the bike. Had to ride home with only 1 boot and a bruised ego but I sure felt lucky it wasn't worse.

Be careful out there brother.

October 9th, 2013, 10:53 PM
that's fast thinking, ichi! I'm glad it turned out with mostly a messed up bike but you've saved your leg. Those HD are not easy to lay down that fast. you know your game.

October 10th, 2013, 03:15 PM
Wow Ichi, I am glad you survived the I5. I hope for a speedy recovery.

President Obama has acted in a way that makes me change his name to President Stompy Feet. I have collected a few quotes from around the net that question the election results, most were researched by my cous, a Florida newspaper writer.

As President Stompy Feet destroys America and enslaves it’s once free citizens…take back what was stolen

By the numbers:

* In 59 voting districts in the Philadelphia
region, President Stompy Feet received 100% of the votes
with not even a single vote recorded for Romney.
(A mathematical and statistical impossibility).

* In 21 districts in Wood County Ohio, President Stompy Feet
received 100% of the votes where GOP
inspectors were illegally removed from their
polling locations – and not one single vote
was recorded for Romney.
(Another statistical impossibility).

* In Wood County Ohio, 106,258 voted in a
county with only 98,213 eligible voters.

* In St. Lucie County, FL, there were 175,574
registered eligible voters but 247,713 votes
were cast.

* The National SEAL Museum, a polling location
in St. Lucie County, FL had a 158% voter turnout.

* Palm Beach County, FL had a 141% voter turnout.

* In Ohio County, President Stompy Feet won by 108% of the
total number of eligible voters.

NOTE: President Stompy Feet won in every state that did not
require a Photo ID and lost in every state that
did require a Photo ID in order to vote.

There is something rotten in Denmark, and it's the Democratic party.

October 10th, 2013, 08:39 PM
There is something rotten in Denmark, and it's the Democratic party.

That should be amended to say "There is something rotten in Denmark, and it's both parties"

October 11th, 2013, 07:50 AM
oh please, like Florida can be trusted with numbers? They stole the election from Gore, and that was proven.
these pseudo-statistics are bull

Wow Ichi, I am glad you survived the I5. I hope for a speedy recovery.

President Obama has acted in a way that makes me change his name to President Stompy Feet. I have collected a few quotes from around the net that question the election results, most were researched by my cous, a Florida newspaper writer.

As President Stompy Feet destroys America and enslaves it’s once free citizens…take back what was stolen

By the numbers:

* In 59 voting districts in the Philadelphia
region, President Stompy Feet received 100% of the votes
with not even a single vote recorded for Romney.
(A mathematical and statistical impossibility).

* In 21 districts in Wood County Ohio, President Stompy Feet
received 100% of the votes where GOP
inspectors were illegally removed from their
polling locations – and not one single vote
was recorded for Romney.
(Another statistical impossibility).

* In Wood County Ohio, 106,258 voted in a
county with only 98,213 eligible voters.

* In St. Lucie County, FL, there were 175,574
registered eligible voters but 247,713 votes
were cast.

* The National SEAL Museum, a polling location
in St. Lucie County, FL had a 158% voter turnout.

* Palm Beach County, FL had a 141% voter turnout.

* In Ohio County, President Stompy Feet won by 108% of the
total number of eligible voters.

NOTE: President Stompy Feet won in every state that did not
require a Photo ID and lost in every state that
did require a Photo ID in order to vote.

There is something rotten in Denmark, and it's the Democratic party.

ichi the killer
October 12th, 2013, 09:52 PM
There is a lot of calling for a 3rd party now. {not the lunatic Tea party} but a real 3rd party. I wionder how this government shutdownd/debt limit thing is going to play out. Onething fo sho is if USA defaults on its bills bad things are going to happen to the world markets.

This situation is the fault of both Parties. The majority of the fault is the right wing of the Republicans but still, it takes 2 to dance. [or have anal sex for that matter]

October 13th, 2013, 12:52 PM
There is a lot of calling for a 3rd party now. {not the lunatic Tea party} but a real 3rd party. I wionder how this government shutdownd/debt limit thing is going to play out. Onething fo sho is if USA defaults on its bills bad things are going to happen to the world markets.

This situation is the fault of both Parties. The majority of the fault is the right wing of the Republicans but still, it takes 2 to dance. [or have anal sex for that matter]

Until the parties are not controlled be other entities (Oil companies, Wall St. Etc) nothing will change. Even if there was a 3rd party it would be bought, paid for and controlled by the big corporations. And I have to politely disagree about it takes 2 to have anal sex... The Govt. has been ass raping me in the form of BS taxes, etc for decades and I have never fucked back! LOL