View Full Version : I know this is a massage forum but are there any prepper here?

September 27th, 2013, 07:57 AM
I have a 9mm.
I will get a Ar-15 today.
I am doing Crossfit and my passport is if to date if I need to leave the U.S.
I will start storing food around Nov and Dec.

i just wanna know are there any preppers on the board.



September 27th, 2013, 02:21 PM
You must have smoked some bad granola!

September 27th, 2013, 03:29 PM
At first I thought the subject said "preppie"

September 27th, 2013, 03:53 PM
I was thinking" Fluffer"...

Hugh G. Rexion
September 27th, 2013, 04:29 PM
Maybe we should discuss how to save and preserve some Asian Pussy in case some bad shit goes down. Hoard some gold and escape to Asia? That sounds like a plan. It would be hard to trust anyone if it got gnarly much less a sexy women.

September 27th, 2013, 06:30 PM
I just bought 2 - ARs for when the shit-hits-the-fan.
Hopefully I wont need them ever, besides for target practice.

September 27th, 2013, 10:17 PM
I just bought 2 - ARs for when the shit-hits-the-fan.
Hopefully I wont need them ever, besides for target practice.

I hope it doesn't either!

September 27th, 2013, 10:18 PM
Maybe we should discuss how to save and preserve some Asian Pussy in case some bad shit goes down. Hoard some gold and escape to Asia? That sounds like a plan. It would be hard to trust anyone if it got gnarly much less a sexy women.

This is plan B!

September 28th, 2013, 11:06 AM
Hopefully I will already be in Asia by the time TSHTF. Then again who knows how much better somewhere else would be if the US economy imploded. All I know is if some serious shit ever does happen I would rather die in Asia balls deep in young pussy than trying to shoot people here that are trying to steal whatever I have that they want!

September 28th, 2013, 12:05 PM
Thorthoro, maybe you should lay down the pipe, the bottle or whatever meds you're taking. Oh, and turn off Faux news...

ichi the killer
September 28th, 2013, 12:46 PM
There are many "preppers" in the United States and elsewhere. I know of a couple doctors and even male nurses who are doing that. This one guy I know [he is rich] has like a bunker that can grow his own food hydroponic hordes water to last for year and owns many weapon etc. etc.

The thing that comes to my mind is if there was a "zombie apocalypse" and you have some ak47, glock 40 cal pistola"s, 12 gauge riot shotguns, a browning 20 calliber sniper rifle with scope, plenty of ammo, and stuff. Ok that is all good. Very impressive. We even have a name for you. Your name is "Legend."

Ok Legend. Lets play this out a couple rounds: You would have your guns. Ok so one or 2 bad guys role up on you to take your stuff. You shoot them. Take their scalps and put them on your belt tough guy. You win Round I.

Now its time for round II.

In round II 2 or 3 hundred organized bad guy’s role up on you to take your stuff. {The golden horde] You engage in a fire fight with them, they kill you and take your stuff. You lose. Or worse yet. They take you alive, get your family, rape, torture and kill them in front of you. Then they do the same to you just for fun. RIP Legend. So what did all your prep work accomplish?

If the shit goes down things are going to be so bad that the people who die at the start of it are going to be the lucky ones. So lets just pray that it does not happen. So far it has not. If It can just wait another 20 or 30 years I think I won't have to deal with it. The apoclypse will be so overwhelming that just one guy with some guns would not stand a chance. The reality of what is left would be so terrible that maybe you would not want to survive anyway. You would only need one gun with one round to shoot yourself in the head before the Golden Horde got to you. IMHO.

September 28th, 2013, 01:33 PM
There are many "preppers" in the United States and elsewhere. I know of a couple doctors and even male nurses who are doing that. This one guy I know [he is rich] has like a bunker that can grow his own food hydroponic hordes water to last for year and owns many weapon etc. etc.

The thing that comes to my mind is if there was a "zombie apocalypse" and you have some ak47, glock 40 cal pistola"s, 12 gauge riot shotguns, a browning 20 calliber sniper rifle plenty of ammo, and stuff. Ok that is all good. Very impressive. We even have a name for you. Your name is "Legend."

Ok Legend. Lets play this out a couple rounds: You would have your guns. Ok so one or 2 bad guys role up on you to take your stuff. You shoot them. Take their scalps and put them on your belt tough guy. You win Round I.

Now its time for round II.

In round II 2 or 3 hundred organized bad guy’s role up on you to take your stuff. {The golden horde] You engage in a fire fight with them, they kill you and take your stuff. You lose. Or worse yet. They take you alive, get your family, rape, torture and kill them in front of you. Then they do the same to you just for fun. RIP Legend. So what did all your prep work accomplish?

If the shit goes down things are going to be so bad that the people who die at the start of it are going to be the lucky ones. So just pray that does not happen. So far it has not. If It can just wait another 20 or 30 years I think I won't have to deal with it. The apoclypse will be overwhelming and one guy with some guns not stand a chance. You would only need one gun with one round to shoot your self in the head before the Golden Horde got you. IMHO.

Another point of view. Good post, Ichi.

It's worth considering that creating your own "castle" to protect you and your stuff can be counter-productive, as illustrated so well by Brother Ichi. Once word gets out that at such-and-such a location there's a guy (or a family, group, etc.) with food, water, shelter and GUNS, you're going to get a lot of visitors. Chances are, they will have weapons too. Maybe not as good as yours, but likely good enough. I mean, how good do they have to be? A well-tossed Molotov Cocktail or IED will make short work of a non-military bunker, to say nothing of a standard residence.

Maybe you should watch that old Ray Milland movie, "Panic in the Year Zero." Probably a better strategy. Save your ass, not your stuff.

September 28th, 2013, 01:45 PM
You mentioned having your passport up to date in case you have to leave the US. You realize you may have to leave your arsenal behind if you choose that route.

September 28th, 2013, 02:16 PM
I vote for hundreds of organized bad guys! Let all the other guys prep and we roll up and survive...

ichi the killer
September 28th, 2013, 03:37 PM
They have lot's of stuff about this on the internet. You can look up what the gun people think you would need to survive post apocalypse. They are very specific, assault rifle, pistol, shotgun, sniper type rifle. They sell all that stuff at gun shows. I am curious guy. I look at some devious websites. You can get tazers, stun guns whatever you want or think you need. All kinds of weird boot knives, and killing knives. Tutorials on how to kill a person quick with a knife. Tutorials on the best tactics for a knife fight. It is all out there. Big Brother is probably watching so I don't go on those websites on my computer. I use the work computer. I did not make that stuff up about the “Golden Horde" either. Google it.

Here is why I don't think the apocalypse is going to happen like that. This world is run by "the all seeing eye" "e pluribus Unum" The New World Order. What is the New World Order all about? Money, my sons, money. Having every one go batshit crazy and kill everyone else is bad for business. Iphones stock prices would crash. The New World Order would lose money. I think they are not going to let it happen. So go out and buy an iPhone 5s. It is all part of the plan. The world will keep on turning. Just keep on consuming. Don’t sweat the “government shutdown” That is all just bullshit anyway.

September 28th, 2013, 04:25 PM
They have lot's of stuff about this on the internet. You can look up what the gun people think you would need to survive post apocalypse. They are very specific, assault rifle, pistol, shotgun, sniper type rifle. They sell all that stuff at gun shows. I am curious guy. I look at some devious websites. You can get tazers, stun guns whatever you want or think you need. All kinds of weird boot knives, and killing knives. Tutorials on how to kill a person quick with a knife. Tutorials on the best tactics for a knife fight. It is all out there. Big Brother is probably watching so I don't go on those websites on my computer. I use the work computer. I did not make that stuff up about the “Golden Horde" either. Google it.

Here is why I don't think the apocalypse is going to happen like that. This world is run by "the all seeing eye" "e pluribus Unum" The New World Order. What is the New World Order all about? Money, my sons, money. Having every one go batshit crazy and kill everyone else is bad for business. Iphones stock prices would crash. The New World Order would lose money. I think they are not going to let it happen. So go out and buy an iPhone 5s. It is all part of the plan. The world will keep on turning. Just keep on consuming. Don’t sweat the “government shutdown” That is all just bullshit anyway.

The other point of view is: "They" want the economy to collapse in the US because "they" the super rich won't be affected as the rest of us and then they can usher in the 1 world government and truly rule the world. I'll bet in our lifetime we will see the "Amero" north American currency like the Euro. From there the next step will be to unite the rest of the world to a world currency and the rest will be history. Also Asia has been talking about doing the same thing since 2006 http://www.nytimes.com/2006/05/05/business/worldbusiness/05currency.html?_r=2&oref=slogin& once we have the Amero and the Asian currency in place "THEY" will want to unite them into a world currency. Maybe this can be done peacefully or maybe it will require the total collapse of the dollar to get the American people on board with it. To me it looks like we are headed towards the collapse route...but what do I know...I fuck whores and type on a message board. All I hope is that I have enough Dollars, Euros, Ameros, or Chinkos to pay for some pussy as the Golden Hordes are coming because I would hate to have to grab my guns, join the horde and rape the girls.... Not my style...I'm a lover not a fighter! LOL

September 28th, 2013, 09:01 PM
I have a 9mm.
I will get a Ar-15 today.
I am doing Crossfit and my passport is if to date if I need to leave the U.S.
I will start storing food around Nov and Dec.

i just wanna know are there any preppers on the board.



All the autos I had before were unregistered. When I came back to Cali I left them there. I currently have a single action 357 mag and a three round remington, but have seriously considered getting even a 22 semi auto because you can always score a larger clip. What I would really love to have again is a sawed off. Damn those are fun. We used to set up targets and roll around action style blasting away. I had a 9mm before but it was a piece of junk always jamming up. A 45 would nice again too, but my current hobby prohibits too much spending lol!

In regard to the end, if it happens, then it happens; and no amount of this or that is going to help. It would be every person and family for themselves. The gov against the people. People against people. Gold, pussy, whatever....it could happen and if it does, none of us will be prepared. Now, a 9.0 shaker....that would be a mess.

September 28th, 2013, 10:50 PM
The other point of view is: "They" want the economy to collapse in the US because "they" the super rich won't be affected as the rest of us and then they can usher in the 1 world government and truly rule the world. I'll bet in our lifetime we will see the "Amero" north American currency like the Euro. From there the next step will be to unite the rest of the world to a world currency and the rest will be history. Also Asia has been talking about doing the same thing since 2006 http://www.nytimes.com/2006/05/05/business/worldbusiness/05currency.html?_r=2&oref=slogin& once we have the Amero and the Asian currency in place "THEY" will want to unite them into a world currency. Maybe this can be done peacefully or maybe it will require the total collapse of the dollar to get the American people on board with it. To me it looks like we are headed towards the collapse route...but what do I know...I fuck whores and type on a message board. All I hope is that I have enough Dollars, Euros, Ameros, or Chinkos to pay for some pussy as the Golden Hordes are coming because I would hate to have to grab my guns, join the horde and rape the girls.... Not my style...I'm a lover not a fighter! LOL

I disagree bro. You are fighter, though I think you may be quite a lover as well... :) My take on this is simple: Those of us that live in metro areas are completely fucked if everything falls apart; or even if things just began to crumble. We are entirely reliant on power and water. And sewer. And trash pick up. And the police and fire departments and other things that we take for granted: The government in general. Many, many years ago, when my body was hard and my dick was stiff, I lived off power and water. I know what it takes to make it work and it ain't easy, but it can be done. Preppers are good people IMHO. They want to be ready for what is inevitable for every nation. Historically, the life cycle for a nation appears to be about two hundred years or so: http://www.flhef.org/pdf/The%20Cycle%20of%20Nations.pdf. The Medes, the Greeks, the Romans...The English Empire (upon which the sun never sets)....Every nation falls and historically,the big nations fall slowly...like an old man. You know, it's strange when I hear people talk of Armageddon. The word in Hebrew is Har Megeddon. It literally means Mount Megiddo. There is a valley below Mt. Megiddo where numerous battles have been fought. Even Napolean lost there: But to quote a fellow MP'er, "what do I know, I fuck whores and type on a message board". And to quote a bumper sticker, "I'll keep my guns and freedom and you can keep the change". It's a brave new world.

September 29th, 2013, 09:38 AM
You mentioned having your passport up to date in case you have to leave the US. You realize you may have to leave your arsenal behind if you choose that route.

Of course guns are not legal is must countries.
I am aware of that.
I believe being physically fit is more important.

ichi the killer
September 29th, 2013, 09:53 AM
True, the ones who would do the best in a total meltdown Zombie apocalypse are the people out in the country far from the city. If the shit went down the cities would be instant bedlam with outlaw gang people going bat shit crazy killing and looting. Gridlock on the roads out with armed bandits at every turn preying on everyone else. The military and police would disband and they to would become "outlaw predators" just trying to survive. If you had some guns you may survive a fire fight or two. In the end though the odds are a billion to one that you would last even a year after the melt down. Maybe if you lived in a tent in Alaska you could survive if no one found you. Once they found you would have a war on your hands though.

Don’t get me wrong I like guns. I used to own guns before my bitch first wife got me in trouble. The guns websites talk about deals where you could buy old eastern block bolt action mauser rifles for $99 dollars each in bulk so you could arm your militia in the boonies of Alabama or where every you want to hole up in the apocalypse. There is lots of info on this stuff out there.

September 29th, 2013, 02:46 PM
True, the ones who would do the best in a total meltdown Zombie apocalypse are the people out in the country far from the city. If the shit went down the cities would be instant bedlam with outlaw gang people going bat shit crazy killing and looting. Gridlock on the roads out with armed bandits at every turn preying on everyone else. The military and police would disband and they to would become "outlaw predators" just trying to survive. If you had some guns you may survive a fire fight or two. In the end though the odds are a billion to one that you would last even a year after the melt down. Maybe if you lived in a tent in Alaska you could survive if no one found you. Once they found you would have a war on your hands though.

Don’t get me wrong I like guns. I used to own guns before my bitch first wife got me in trouble. The guns websites talk about deals where you could buy old eastern block bolt action mauser rifles for $99 dollars each in bulk so you could arm your militia in the boonies of Alabama or where every you want to hole up in the apocalypse. There is lots of info on this stuff out there.

When and if it gets to that point we're all fucked...that much we can agree on. BUT when things first start to go bad if you are an armed looter going through the local neighborhoods and you kick down a door and are met with a shotgun blast to the face you and your hommies are more likely to leave and kick down the next door looking for Mr and Mrs Unarmed Victim. Why have a fire fight when the other 10 houses on the block most likely are unarmed? Maybe this will give you enough time to get out of the populated areas and possibly to somewhere temporarily safer before complete anarchy erupts?? The problem with that is...that is what everyone in a populated area is thinking and places like Big Bear etc are going to be flooded with rats trying to leave the sinking ship and there will be no place that will be safe for very long! But like I said when it get to the point where you are having to start shooting people we're all already fucked. Maybe steal a boat and go to Catalina and just shoot everyone else that tries to land there too! LOL

September 29th, 2013, 06:24 PM
The thing is, if people did turn into zombies the naturally occuring bacteria in their intestine and stomach will eat the body from the inside out in no time. And... rotting flesh tends to rot away.

Then after the first freeze, forget about it.

All this prepping is for naught really. Just an industry created to cater to the scared and perpetuated by Faux News channel.

With that said I am considering buying a Mossberg 12 gauge. The Marinecote finish is superb.

ichi the killer
September 30th, 2013, 09:03 AM
The reason "zombie apocalypse" is called that is: After the catastrophe struck, be it economic, natural disaster, pandemic, war or what ever, the people, as in general population will be walking around transient out of the cities because the cities are too densely populated and with no water and electricity will not be able to sustain life. These transient people will be desperate to get what they need to survive and they will do unimaginable acts of violence and mayhem to take what they need to survive. The reason they are "zombies" is because they are walking dead and they don't know it. They just are dying a kind of protracted death while they struggle to survive.

Same with the "Golden Horde" the golden horde is going to be the masses of city people as they flee the city and go to the country to try to take what they need to survive. it will be up to the country people to defend their stuff against the "zombie/Golden Horde."

While I hate Fox news and the likes of them I am not so sure I don’t believe in “zombie apocalypse” When the bubonic plague did its thing back in the Middle Ages it killed 30% of Europe’s population. If something like that happened today with some weird bird/pig influenza and 30% of America died there would be bodies lined up in the street. Water would not come out of faucets, there would be no electricity, you would not be able to buy a loaf of bread with a basket of money. Zombie apocalypse.

ichi the killer
September 30th, 2013, 09:28 AM
I would like to own guns; my wife is against it though. I personally like the Beretta pistol though it is a little pricey. A Glock is a better buy. I like old school revolvers to like Smith and Wesson 357. I like the Colt 45 pistol 'pricey' because it is cool. Rifle I would get of course an ar 15 or an AK 47. I prefer the AK 47 because they look cooler/ wicked. Those lever action style rifles like Winchester 30/30 are cool also. Shotgun would be 12 gauge Mossberg. I would have a Remington 10 round capacity 22 riffle to. Those are cheap $150 and deadly at close range.

22's are under rated. I have seen alot of gunshot wounds at my job. A 45 will just smack you down with a slap of death and make a big hole. A 22 will cut in and make a little insignificant looking hole. It does not have that "smack down power." Inside though the bullet will do weird things skives off in tangents doing a lot of internal damage. I saw a guy shot in the lower abdomen near his groin with a 22. The bullet travelled up and got his heart. We were very surprised when he died on the operating room table. The bleeding heart pericardium was tamponaded by pressure. When the surgeon explored the wound and found it went up through the diaphragm into the heart the pressure was released and he bled to death very fast. From a 22.

The weird thing about that case that I remember was the guy was a schizophrenic and he seemed to know he was going to die. He did not seem upset about it. He just seemed to know and accept it. This guy had been shot before. So when they saw the bullet up in his chest on x ray they thought it was from the previous shooting years ago. Anyway when we brought the guy into the operating room I was talking with him. Looking back I think was talking metaphorical to me about his impending death. We thought he was pretty stable and would not die.

He said to me "What is for dinner tonight?" I said to him 'How about turkey and potatoes?" He said "OK.' then when he moved over to the operating room table [he was so stable looking I had him move over himself from the gurney to the operating table] He said to me "When are you all going to turn out the lights?" I said "Lights out in 2 hours." He died about an hour and a half later.

Looking back on it the guy was asking for his last meal and what time tonight is he going to die? Sometimes people on some level know. If my patient tells me "I think I am going to die today" I take it seriously. I tell the surgeon what the patient said. Sometimes the patient is right.

I have seen the horrendous wounds of the police round that they use for their 40 cal Glocks. "Black tallon" those babies go in like a cylinder and spread out like a sheriffs badge star shape when they come out leaving a huge hole in the exit wound. Very effective for "incapapicitating" read killing, a perpetrator. Those bullets will take down a 260 pound giant of a man, not problem. I have seen it.

October 2nd, 2013, 07:35 AM
I dont know about you guys, but my internet went down for a half a day, and I was immobilized. I cant imagine the anxiety if there were no simple services like water or food or communication. What quality of life would there be?

October 2nd, 2013, 11:27 AM
The thing is, if people did turn into zombies the naturally occuring bacteria in their intestine and stomach will eat the body from the inside out in no time. And... rotting flesh tends to rot away.

Then after the first freeze, forget about it.

All this prepping is for naught really. Just an industry created to cater to the scared and perpetuated by Faux News channel.

With that said I am considering buying a Mossberg 12 gauge. The Marinecote finish is superb.

The Mossberg was going to be my 3rd buy.

I am working in San Diego right now and I amd thinking about going wild boar or feral pig hunting. SD is having abig problem with them in the south part of SD.

October 2nd, 2013, 02:44 PM
Maybe we should discuss how to save and preserve some Asian Pussy in case some bad shit goes down. Hoard some gold and escape to Asia? That sounds like a plan. It would be hard to trust anyone if it got gnarly much less a sexy women.

This is the best "shit hits the fan" plan yet. I'm thinking underground bunkers....

October 6th, 2013, 04:26 PM
Man, I have mixed feelings about this stuff. I think a lot of people worrying about an apocalypse actually hope for one.

I don't see anything on the horizon that could possibly preciptiate the need to keep an arsenal in the house. For the most part, those guns are more likely to do you harm than anyone else.

Having said that, I was on the West side of LA the day the Rodney King beating verdict came down, and I saw all the nice upscale white people jump in their cars, race through red lights and generally run wild in the face of a distant threat that never came within 10 miles. So I'm well aware of the 'thin veneer of civility' that holds us in check.

ichi the killer
October 7th, 2013, 08:28 AM
If you want to see some really weird but real "thin Veneer of civility" stuff look at "liveleaks.com" They show the war in aphganistan, syria all the ragheads going buck wild beheading each other. I just skimmed it. Too much for me. it shows snipers doing head shots. taliban torture the shit out of this guy for having a cellphone. Humans are really not very civilized when it comes down to it. Rich people are isolated from it. They just have others do the killing for them. :)

ichi the killer
October 7th, 2013, 08:42 AM
I was looking at facebook kind of checking on one of my Philippine girls that I had to let go because it was getting to expensive. She is the one that I told you guys she was a very high IQ girl. Smarter than me, just born in a poor country. I could tell she was very smart just by the way she expressed herself and also another girl told me that Queene was very gifted. [She also is pretty hot]. Anyways this girl is 22 years old has bachelors in mathematics and is majoring in engineering. I saw that she and a team of other college girls won some kind of scholastic decathalon type thing. She is very intelligent. She also is very religious and God fearing. Many references to God and Jesus in her writings. To me religion is a lot like ...mysticism. Not much difference between hard core Christians and those fellas I see on "liveleaks" shouting "Alahu akbar!" while they cut some suckers head off with a knife as a crowd of the faithful shoot their Ak47's in the air.. Intelligence maybe does not save people from being barbaric and primitive

October 7th, 2013, 06:53 PM
I was looking at facebook kind of checking on one of my Philippine girls that I had to let go because it was getting to expensive. She is the one that I told you guys she was a very high IQ girl. Smarter than me, just born in a poor country. I could tell she was very smart just by the way she expressed herself and also another girl told me that Queene was very gifted. [She also is pretty hot]. Anyways this girl is 22 years old has bachelors in mathematics and is majoring in engineering. I saw that she and a team of other college girls won some kind of scholastic decathalon type thing. She is very intelligent. She also is very religious and God fearing. Many references to God and Jesus in her writings. To me religion is a lot like ...mysticism. Not much difference between hard core Christians and those fellas I see on "liveleaks" shouting "Alahu akbar!" while they cut some suckers head off with a knife as a crowd of the faithful shoot their Ak47's in the air.. Intelligence maybe does not save people from being barbaric and primitive

Yeah bro, I agree with the "religious" thing. But religion is binding: the word is akin to the Greek word for ligament - to be bound. I'm not anti Muslim anymore than I am anti Christian or Jew, or whatever. I am, however, very concerned about what I see from the world of Islam: More so than from what I see from "orthodox" this or that. The word Islam simply means submission; and Islam is "one who submits". So, if you are "religious", what are you bound to? I completely agree that "hard core" Christians and Jews are not helping people understand who YHWH or Jesus are, but how many Hassid with the black hats and curls walk onto a plane or into a crowded market place and blow themselves to bits: BTW Alahu Akbar means literally Allah is Greater; not great, but greater. I've actually read the Quran. funny thing is...they have a King James old English translation. It's bizarre. I will tell you, I've been to the middle east and Israel, and as whacked as the Jews are, I trust them far more than the countries that surround. Again, I am not anti Arab or Egyptian or Aryan (that's Iran, and that's where we get the word Arian and Caucasian - from the Caucasus mountains in that area). BTW: When I have been in the ME I have looked for some pussy, but it's scary...more than Tijuana scary. Seriously, the Arab women are GEORGEOUS. Almond eyes (sometimes just peeking out from behind the hijab)...big breasts....figure 8 bodies...and the smell of the women. You know, they don't shower like we do everyday. But their bodies and hair. When you stand next to them you can smell it. I think they may be the new Asians....If only I could get me some. Oh, sorry, back to reality and the preppers....

Hugh G. Rexion
October 8th, 2013, 11:57 AM
Mongering in the middle east....you would have to be bat shit crazy to do that not to mention the cost. Maybe UAE? I remember a news clip like 10 years ago that said that things like lingerie and perfume were BIG business over there and that once the door to the home/apt closed the women were quite modern and open to sex/sexuality.

October 8th, 2013, 02:06 PM
Yeah bro, I agree with the "religious" thing. But religion is binding: the word is akin to the Greek word for ligament - to be bound. I'm not anti Muslim anymore than I am anti Christian or Jew, or whatever. I am, however, very concerned about what I see from the world of Islam: More so than from what I see from "orthodox" this or that. The word Islam simply means submission; and Islam is "one who submits". So, if you are "religious", what are you bound to? I completely agree that "hard core" Christians and Jews are not helping people understand who YHWH or Jesus are, but how many Hassid with the black hats and curls walk onto a plane or into a crowded market place and blow themselves to bits: BTW Alahu Akbar means literally Allah is Greater; not great, but greater. I've actually read the Quran. funny thing is...they have a King James old English translation. It's bizarre. I will tell you, I've been to the middle east and Israel, and as whacked as the Jews are, I trust them far more than the countries that surround. Again, I am not anti Arab or Egyptian or Aryan (that's Iran, and that's where we get the word Arian and Caucasian - from the Caucasus mountains in that area). BTW: When I have been in the ME I have looked for some pussy, but it's scary...more than Tijuana scary. Seriously, the Arab women are GEORGEOUS. Almond eyes (sometimes just peeking out from behind the hijab)...big breasts....figure 8 bodies...and the smell of the women. You know, they don't shower like we do everyday. But their bodies and hair. When you stand next to them you can smell it. I think they may be the new Asians....If only I could get me some. Oh, sorry, back to reality and the preppers....

Funny how so many have forgotten how the Christians and Catholics killed millions of people during the "Dark Ages". Why isn't that ever brought up anymore? Just like nobody ever likes to talk about how they slaughtered millions of native Americans and rounding up the rest and imprisoning them on "reservations" while stealing this country. But they can't stop talking about 6 million Jews or a handful of radical Muslims.

ichi the killer
October 8th, 2013, 03:29 PM
Yeah bro, I agree with the "religious" thing. But religion is binding: the word is akin to the Greek word for ligament - to be bound. I'm not anti Muslim anymore than I am anti Christian or Jew, or whatever. I am, however, very concerned about what I see from the world of Islam: More so than from what I see from "orthodox" this or that. The word Islam simply means submission; and Islam is "one who submits". So, if you are "religious", what are you bound to? I completely agree that "hard core" Christians and Jews are not helping people understand who YHWH or Jesus are, but how many Hassid with the black hats and curls walk onto a plane or into a crowded market place and blow themselves to bits: BTW Alahu Akbar means literally Allah is Greater; not great, but greater. I've actually read the Quran. funny thing is...they have a King James old English translation. It's bizarre. I will tell you, I've been to the middle east and Israel, and as whacked as the Jews are, I trust them far more than the countries that surround. Again, I am not anti Arab or Egyptian or Aryan (that's Iran, and that's where we get the word Arian and Caucasian - from the Caucasus mountains in that area). BTW: When I have been in the ME I have looked for some pussy, but it's scary...more than Tijuana scary. Seriously, the Arab women are GEORGEOUS. Almond eyes (sometimes just peeking out from behind the hijab)...big breasts....figure 8 bodies...and the smell of the women. You know, they don't shower like we do everyday. But their bodies and hair. When you stand next to them you can smell it. I think they may be the new Asians....If only I could get me some. Oh, sorry, back to reality and the preppers....
I would be scared to death to mess around with a Muslum woman in a ME country like Saudi. You could end up getting some medievel capital punnishment done to you for infidelity. that said, my porno site has some movies the put out every now and then "Arab Street Hookers" and those girls are pretty hot. they do anal.

October 8th, 2013, 06:49 PM
Funny how so many have forgotten how the Christians and Catholics killed millions of people during the "Dark Ages". Why isn't that ever brought up anymore? Just like nobody ever likes to talk about how they slaughtered millions of native Americans and rounding up the rest and imprisoning them on "reservations" while stealing this country. But they can't stop talking about 6 million Jews or a handful of radical Muslims.

It's not brought up anymore because it's ancient history. The Inquisition, Crusades, Thirty Years War (Catholic vs. Protestant jihad that wiped out millions of Europeans) and even the conquests of North and South America are well in the past. However, there are still people alive today who lived through the Holocaust, and the current "Muslim Peril" is fairly recent.

People have short memories and don't read. That's why you don't hear about the past much, unless it's fairly recent and made into something that's on TV.

The oppressors of the past are the victims of today, and vice versa. And who knows who will be on top in the future. I don't get all bent out of shape over it. Every group of people has had or will have their day in the sun, and none have been shown to be any kinder than those who came before or who followed.

Allahu Akbar, everyone! Lol

ichi the killer
October 8th, 2013, 10:53 PM
Funny how so many have forgotten how the Christians and Catholics killed millions of people during the "Dark Ages". Why isn't that ever brought up anymore? Just like nobody ever likes to talk about how they slaughtered millions of native Americans and rounding up the rest and imprisoning them on "reservations" while stealing this country. But they can't stop talking about 6 million Jews or a handful of radical Muslims.
I read a theory that the older a religion the more "mellow" it becomes. Christianity is a few hundred years older than Islam. Those radical muslims just still have the fire in their belly that is part of a "young" religion, or so I read. Christianity was still relatively young when the Catholics did the Crusades and the "Dark Ages" Spanish inquisition and all that.

If the radical Muslim fundementals don't get hold of a nuke and blow us all to hell maybe in a few centuries they will mellow out to.

ichi the killer
October 8th, 2013, 11:10 PM
It's not brought up anymore because it's ancient history. The Inquisition, Crusades, Thirty Years War (Catholic vs. Protestant jihad that wiped out millions of Europeans) and even the conquests of North and South America are well in the past. However, there are still people alive today who lived through the Holocaust, and the current "Muslim Peril" is fairly recent.

People have short memories and don't read. That's why you don't hear about the past much, unless it's fairly recent and made into something that's on TV.

The oppressors of the past are the victims of today, and vice versa. And who knows who will be on top in the future. I don't get all bent out of shape over it. Every group of people has had or will have their day in the sun, and none have been shown to be any kinder than those who came before or who followed.

Allahu Akbar, everyone! Lol

Its not just Christianity. We the Americans have done many evil deeds in our history. Genocide the Native Americans, nuke the Japanese, invade countries under false pretenses, Shock and Awe on civillion populations, We fire bombed Dresdon Germany in WWII. The air got so hot from all the white phosphorus incindiary ordinance that it caught on fire. More people died there than in Hiroshima. Dresdon was not a military target. It was civilian. We did the same thing to Tokyo, we firebambed the hell out of Tokyo. Did Tokyo have any military value? Well, Japanese people lived there. It was revenge on Japan for Pearl Harbor and all those "island hopping" battles where american soldiers payed dearly against Japanese soldiers to get territory that probably in the long run did not matter for the outcome of the war. Japanese civillians. Fair game I guess.

Same as in Bagdad. Did Bagdad have any military value? I doubt it. It did make for good television though. Shock and awe...kaboom! Besides, there were definately Iraq people there. After 911 Iraq was are sworn enemy so they deserved what they got. Wait a minute. I forgot, there were no iraq people involved in 911. Oh well, they wore turbins.Thats a good enough reason to bomb them and invade their country I guess. The list goes on and on.

We really are not the white hat cowboy good guys that they taught me about in History books so long a go. We have our agenda. We pardoned many of the Nazi doctors who did live vivisection and experients on prisoners of war so we could pick their brains of what they learned. Same with the Japanese. Those axis countries were ruthless to conquered populations. We took their research which was done on POWs to put to our own uses after WWII.

Like what do you think happens if you inject someone with a dose of anthrax? Duh, they die. Well Adolph, lets just take 100 jews and inject them all with antrax. Let see if they all die at the same time. Really valuable experiments.

If you look at the messersmit ME 262 jet fighter of WWII the early America jets is basically copies of Me 262, Same with the early Apollo rockets. Copies of the German V2 rocket which were used to terrorize civillian populations in WWII.

Maybe I am wrong but it seems of questionable ethics to take data that was acquired by such horrible ways as live vivsection on humans, much less animals and use it. We are largely not the good guys in this world. We are just as bad as anyone else historically speaking.

October 14th, 2013, 06:09 PM
I have a 9mm.
I will get a Ar-15 today.
I am doing Crossfit and my passport is if to date if I need to leave the U.S.
I will start storing food around Nov and Dec.

i just wanna know are there any preppers on the board.



I have a wind generator and some rice.

October 14th, 2013, 07:15 PM
I have a wind generator and some rice.

Ouch, baby! That would sting if the rice is uncooked! You must be into S&M...