View Full Version : Description of gals and lack of talent

October 20th, 2011, 06:44 AM
SG and I are both sick bastards. However, SG is much sicker then I, lol. We both ask ourselves, why do we continue to visit parlors? we both have multiple women (friends with benefits) on the side, and we continue to receive our benefits free of charge. The answer? We are both sick bastards, lol. Actually, we are trying to add to our harem of freebies AND it's always nice to check out a new gal. Which brings me to my topic.

Description of girls? I know beauty is in the eye of the beholder. But common? I've read a few reviews (a few too many) stating very cute, pretty, etc. I visit the shop looking for this cute, pretty gal and she isn't cute or pretty. Does anyone notice this ? Is it just me? I've seen a few uglies out there, with reviews stating they were above average in looks. Maybe it's just me.

Lack of talent? Terrible talent at the MP's. I enjoy visiting a new store or a new gal. However, haven't met/seen any gems out there lately. For the most part, it's boring out there. I monger about twice a month. Down from 4-8 times a month. Just boring.

I have 8-10 reviews that should post in the next few days. If any of you want to know the juicy details send me an email. I won't talk about the juicy details in my reviews.

sua gua
October 20th, 2011, 09:01 AM
I doubt you will get more then a couple of emails if any.
Many don/wont share like we have in the past. A few Buddys, yes. But very few.

I dont get it. I was gonna start an email only info back channel kind of thing for the guys we know and trust, but fuck it now. Guys complain about the girls and the spas closing, and who can they go see etc, That would be a perfect way to get easy truthful info from guys me, you and our good friends could share daily, or at the very least weekly. We could all be careful with our info to each other and if someone wanted some info we could ask each other if we can trust that guy. A very good exclusive club I guess. But again Fuck It!

October 26th, 2011, 08:56 AM
sg, there's no way I can keep up with you on info. I don't think I'm likely to go anywhere you haven't already been. Nonetheless, I'm going to pm you on this issue. I assume when you say "Fuck it," you mean it literally -- we're all going to fuck it. To which I say, COUNT ME IN!

October 26th, 2011, 02:04 PM
I echo tsita....would love to openly share info and have. However, I doubt that I could provide something that Sua hasn't already experienced. I used to get out about 2x a month, now like every other month. Bottom line, I cannot get busted and so I am sticking to the underground as best I can. L at Harm being one of them... I am happy to share, consult whatever....

November 2nd, 2011, 07:23 AM
I'ld be open to sharing info just as well. Nothing better than first hand info, and referrals.