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alanthick November 6th, 2016 06:56 PM

Hillary's America
So this Punjabi guy writes a book about the Democratic party, relating it directly to the slavery and racism of the 1800's following it through the 20th century to the progressive re-animation of the KKK, linking it to forced sterilization of blacks and other undesirables, and finally tying it to the re-invented Democratic party of LBJ's Great Society - and Hillary - and no one bats an eye. No one bats an eye.

No doubt the Republican party is a mess, but historically who stood against racism? The Democrats? The north/south divide is an easy blame - blame those backwoods southerners - who were Democrat - The KKK was Democrat.

For fifty fuckin years we've had a welfare state for blacks - all in the name of reparation - and what do we have? Inner city turmoil. Generational dependence on government. Cop killer mentality. And all this is leaching into the society to all the youth.

When are we going to wake up? This is the very definition of insanity.


asiansam November 6th, 2016 07:20 PM

Ancient history. The Evil Empire used to be the British, remember? Now we're best buds. And who thought we'd ever be friends with the Germans? Times change, so do politics. Does it really matter what they USED TO be?

And I have to say, anyone who thinks black people are all (or mostly) on welfare, shooting up the Hood, high on drugs, cranking out fatherless crack babies while demanding more and more freebies from the working white man they hate and envy so much, doesn't know any/many black people and gets their information and point of view from the race-baiting media, the media who plays everyone, black, white and in between like a fiddle. There are of course some black people who fit the stereotype to a T. But not most of them. The same can be said for white people and others. Most people just try to get along, and do a pretty good job, in spite of their prejudices.

Libertine November 6th, 2016 08:31 PM

You Wanted Trump - You Got Trump
Republicans, you own Donald Trump

Donald Trump is the Republican's just deserts

Now go grab a spoon and eat up

asiansam November 6th, 2016 11:14 PM


Originally Posted by Libertine (Post 88253)
Republicans, you own Donald Trump

Donald Trump is the Republican's just deserts

Now go grab a spoon and eat up

Trump may be everyone's just desserts, if he wins. Just think, the Democrats could have nominated someone who could actually beat a normal opponent, but the one they picked can barely keep up with a loudmouth jerk like Trump. It's neck and neck, when it should be a landslide in their favor. If the election is like the polls, it will be a close one.

Grab your spoon, boy! :eek:

marsean November 7th, 2016 09:02 AM


Originally Posted by Libertine (Post 88253)
Republicans, you own Donald Trump

Donald Trump is the Republican's just deserts

Now go grab a spoon and eat up

My long time're not getting off that easy...I detect a slight bit of sarcasm, no? Well if I am wrong, then I apologize. Simple as that, after all, the people will speak and then it is done.

marsean November 7th, 2016 09:06 AM


Originally Posted by alanthick (Post 88249)
So this Punjabi guy writes a book about the Democratic party, relating it directly to the slavery and racism of the 1800's following it through the 20th century to the progressive re-animation of the KKK, linking it to forced sterilization of blacks and other undesirables, and finally tying it to the re-invented Democratic party of LBJ's Great Society - and Hillary - and no one bats an eye. No one bats an eye.

No doubt the Republican party is a mess, but historically who stood against racism? The Democrats? The north/south divide is an easy blame - blame those backwoods southerners - who were Democrat - The KKK was Democrat.

For fifty fuckin years we've had a welfare state for blacks - all in the name of reparation - and what do we have? Inner city turmoil. Generational dependence on government. Cop killer mentality. And all this is leaching into the society to all the youth.

When are we going to wake up? This is the very definition of insanity.


Thick you are a man of integrity. Keep shoveling. Obama promised shovel ready jobs. Hillary gets in by promising we will be done listening to Trump.

alanthick November 7th, 2016 09:18 AM


Originally Posted by asiansam (Post 88252)
Ancient history. The Evil Empire used to be the British, remember? Now we're best buds. And who thought we'd ever be friends with the Germans? Times change, so do politics. Does it really matter what they USED TO be?

And I have to say, anyone who thinks black people are all (or mostly) on welfare, shooting up the Hood, high on drugs, cranking out fatherless crack babies while demanding more and more freebies from the working white man they hate and envy so much, doesn't know any/many black people and gets their information and point of view from the race-baiting media, the media who plays everyone, black, white and in between like a fiddle. There are of course some black people who fit the stereotype to a T. But not most of them. The same can be said for white people and others. Most people just try to get along, and do a pretty good job, in spite of their prejudices.

I think you completely missed the point, kind sir. It's not who they USED to be, it's who they still are. The party has morphed, but it is still the same party.
I agree with you on the media - both sides - that's why it's time to do our homework and take a look at what's really going on.

I never said that blacks are all or mostly anything, amigo. I grew up in So Cal with plenty of black friends, peers, and co-workers. I've never known any black gang bangers, but I've known plenty of vato bangers. And some real winner speed freak tweaker whitees.

To argue that we don't have a welfare state that caters to the black/minority vote is blindness. It's not rhetoric, it's real.

Here is a question: Why do blacks/minorities continue to vote Democrat when for fifty years they get the same empty promises every four years and are no better off now. At least in the 70's when the auto industry was booming there were jobs. I think that's why Trump is posing the question, "what do you have to lose?"

But I could be wrong.....

DD44DD November 7th, 2016 10:44 AM

guys walks up to a buddhist hotdog cart and says" Make me one with everything...."
only cost 3 bucks, SO he hands the monk a 20 and asks for change, monk says, change must come from within.....

marsean November 7th, 2016 01:16 PM


Originally Posted by DD44DD (Post 88270)
guys walks up to a buddhist hotdog cart and says" Make me one with everything...."
only cost 3 bucks, SO he hands the monk a 20 and asks for change, monk says, change must come from within.....

So DD,

that must be why I approach the cart saying "Aummmm" and hold out the 3 ones and ask for my hotdog with access to the condiments, onions, relish, ketchup and LEE KUM KEE Sriracha MAYO and put a goodly batch on it, knowing that it might not be cooked too well and might even be a faux hotdog that might need the extra heat. I thank him for being part of the workforce and a self-supporting entrepreneur in a sea of faces, conversely to many of the faces who would rather rail at the government for not cutting them a larger welfare check, and take a powder to their squeezes pad for a quickie between casing the neighborhood and going to the crackhouse for danger and blow. The Monk still believes change comes from within but knows who can afford to lose some change, and you got your hotdog and a lesson from a shrewd capitalist, who finds a sucker every day. When you get to Smart and Final and the black cashier's girlfriend bugs him about taking a break so she can get some action, and he notices you see his action, he holds up a one you gave him in the bills proffered for your measly merchandise and tells you "Looks like this one needs to be replaced!", as if he won't accept it. And you tell him "Yeah Man, the Federal Reserve will take care of that, no worries." And his girlfriend says "Glad to hear you say that bro" Hint you're not checking her bags, but you must be a believer in the system, and are glad that she and her BF get to leave the checkstand and do whatever they must in the breakroom, on Their breaktime. Who gives a shit, everyone gotta get some somewhere somehow, just like me, gotta find your fun times and get rid of some stress. Oh, and outside I see the Monk with his next suckka and I get in the car thinking just how wonderful it is that everything finds it's own level and keeps the unemployment down, as I think deeper about a certain little girl who is just waiting for me to fill in the gaps as soon as I can get there. The big bosses can avoid the taxes, the poor don't get bothered and all the middle class dupes are hauling the load...same as it ever was...same as it ever was...same as it ever was...

Letting the days go by, let the water hold me down, Letting the days go by, water flowing underground, into the blue again, after the moneys gone. Once in a lifetime, water flowing underground.
And you may find yourself living in a shotgun shack. And you may find yourself in another part of the world.
And you may find yourself behind the wheel of a large automobile. And you may find yourself in a beautiful house With a beautiful wife, and you may ask Yourself, well how did I get here?
Letting the days go by, let the water hold me down. Letting the days go by, water flowing underground. Into the blue again,
after the money's gone, Once in a lifetime, water flowing underground.

And you may ask yourself, how do I work this? And you may ask yourself, where is that large automobile? And you may tell yourself, this is not my beautiful house, and you may tell yourself, this is not my beautiful wife.

Letting the days go by, water flowing underground. Into the blue again, after the money's gone,
Once in a lifetime, water flowing underground.

Same as it ever was...

You may ask yourself Am I right? Am I wrong?

Time to Vote, yes I did.

You may say to yourself "My God! What have I done?"

Letting the days go by (same as it ever was)

Once in a lifetime, letting the days go by.

asiansam November 7th, 2016 02:53 PM


Originally Posted by alanthick (Post 88265)
I think you completely missed the point, kind sir. It's not who they USED to be, it's who they still are. The party has morphed, but it is still the same party.

I don't think I missed the point at all. The British are still the British, but they're no longer marching up Bunker Hill or burning the White House. The Germans are no longer trying to conquer the world, but they're still the Germans. They are our allies now, while some of our former allies, like the Russians, are no longer on our side. The Democrats were once full of cross-burning racists. Now they are full of bleeding heart liberals. Republicans are also no longer the radicals they once were either. The names are the same, but the realities have changed.


Originally Posted by alanthick
To argue that we don't have a welfare state that caters to the black/minority vote is blindness. It's not rhetoric, it's real.

Are you saying that welfare is doled out on the basis of race? It might appear that way, since blacks represent a higher percentage of welfare stats than their percentage of the population as a whole. On the other hand, their position on the economic scale is generally on the low end as well. Could that also have some bearing? Considering that there are also more welfare recipients who are non-black than black, it's fair to say blacks don't have a lock or monopoly on the system.

Do politicians, especially Democrats, cynically cater ["pander" is a better word] to racial minorities just to get their votes? Of course they do. Every four years. Then they forget about them. Does that mean the working white man is carrying the rest of the nation on his back? I don't think so. In any case, the much-maligned 1% bears a much greater tax burden than everyone else put together, in spite of their loopholes.


Originally Posted by alanthick
Here is a question: Why do blacks/minorities continue to vote Democrat when for fifty years they get the same empty promises every four years and are no better off now. At least in the 70's when the auto industry was booming there were jobs. I think that's why Trump is posing the question, "what do you have to lose?"

But I could be wrong.....

Those are very good questions. The short answer to the first one is, they have short memories just like everyone else. The same is true on the other side. Republicans still vote for the party that promises them the world and then doesn't follow through. Politicians and the media pull our strings like we were puppets, and we dance to the same tunes over and over.

Trump's question was valid, in so far as how the Democrats try to entice black and minority voters with promises of change that never happen. He is criticized for characterizing blacks and other minorities as poor people living in squalor and crime-infested neighborhoods, while Democrats use those same images to show how much they "care" and will work to make things better. Since things don't get better after the Democrats win an election, it's fair to ask what minorities have to lose by voting for the other guy.

No matter who wins tomorrow, we all lose.

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